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Registered Member
Doubly so because Vladivostok is rightful Chinese clay.

Which is why China must not hesitate to screw over Russia whenever and wherever doing so would present a benefit to itself. Russia is to be viewed as useful cannon fodder, not an equal partner let alone friend.
That's going too far, no need to be imperialistic. Current arrangement is beneficial to both parties as it should be.

It's a special customs zone not a concession.


Senior Member
Registered Member
That's going too far, no need to be imperialistic. Current arrangement is beneficial to both parties as it should be.
Imperialistic would be China annexing St Petersburg. Which isn't going to happen ever because nukes exist.

I am just stating the very obvious fact that it is best to view Russia as a chess piece that must be sacrificed if and when necessary for China's benefit. No hard feelings, if the positions were switched Russia would do the same (as they have many times in the past).

Also, let me remind you that Russia is the only participant in the century of humiliation that still holds rightful Chinese clay to this day.


Registered Member
I find this particularly sinister.

Same old crap as always.

Even Jiang Zemin said China wanted to buy more high tech goods from the Americans. Goods that in the end were never sold for one reason or another, while the trade deficit with China, for the Americans it kept going up,

As of today, China has moved on.

The Americans and Europeans? Same old crap as always.



Junior Member
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Imperialistic would be China annexing St Petersburg. Which isn't going to happen ever because nukes exist.

I am just stating the very obvious fact that it is best to view Russia as a chess piece that must be sacrificed if and when necessary for China's benefit. No hard feelings, if the positions were switched Russia would do the same (as they have many times in the past).

Also, let me remind you that Russia is the only participant in the century of humiliation that still holds rightful Chinese clay to this day.
We Chinese are not a bunch of teenagers.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Doubly so because Vladivostok is rightful Chinese clay.

Which is why China must not hesitate to screw over Russia whenever and wherever doing so would present a benefit to itself. Russia is to be viewed as useful cannon fodder, not an equal partner let alone friend.
Over half of the people who say this are blatant liberal agitator trolls trying to provoke people into saying/doing the wrong thing. I know you are not, but if you are smart, you wouldn't be saying it out loud. Even Poland is not stupid enough to bitch about stolen "rightful Polish clay" to Ukraine right now.

Btw, I don't agree with your supposed course of action, it is stupidest thing one can do, having good international partners is more important the outer northeast(the US have no interest in being maintaining good relations, nothing is lost by confronting the angloids). In doing so there would just add another attack anglo attack dog while gaining very little.


you should read the links with thinking.
I am. I'm always thinking why you're so stupid and wrong all the time.
when you look that content clause in that labor agreement it says that to avoid import tarrifs things will need to be manufactured at minimum $16hr. things are moving in that direction fast.
This requirement has nothing to do with Mexican "soft power" or any Mexican request at all. It was an American-mandated clause to protect the American labor force from being out-competed by lower Mexican labor rates.

1. $14.44 is under $16.
2. "To avoid tariffs" means that they can either be manufacturer at that rate or they will simply be subject to tariffs, which many many things are. It will depend on whether it's more cost-effective to manufacture them at $16/hour labor cost or to just pay tariffs.
3. After this is reached, the impact on Mexican exports is yet to be seen.
thats good that you admitted that Mexico is doing well.
There's nothing to admit. I never said Mexico isn't growing; I said its living conditions and quality are far below the US.
but you need to add qualification to it.
Yeah, exactly. It's still way behind the US and there is a huge economic hard power disparity. That's the context and qualification.
Mexico is doing good despite not sending there best to US.
That's an illogical sentence. It's not "despite;" it's that the less of their best go abroad, the better they should do. But also, as is customary for you, you got that facts wrong. Mexico is indeed suffering brain drain.
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"Mexico has more than 30,000 nationals holding Ph.D. degrees—one-third of this high skilled population currently lives in the United States."
That is the Soft Power you not understanding.
No, you are the person who least understands soft power of any person on this forum. I have never heard anyone claim that Mexico has more soft power than the US and Canada before. Your claim is not even stable; you started out saying that Mexicans emigrate to the US attracted by American soft power and now you say that Mexico has enormous soft power, over the US and over Canada. You're an imbecile, fully certified.
Mexico does not have that power disparity like some of the other countries who lack Soft Power.
Power disparity with what? How do you show/demonstrate who lacks soft power and who has it? Because no one other than you has ever said that Mexico has a great deal of soft power. But that's probably because in every post, you have to dodge the question of what soft power is as you've given up after defining it in a wildly incorrect way at least 3 times.
Trump is for Vote. once in power he cannot implement rather send more business Mexico way.
So this is another instance where you tried to speak for someone or some country but they said the opposite. You said Trump is a fan of Mexico, I show you he's making war plans against Mexico, and then you make up some nonsense garbage to pretend you were not directly contradicted by the facts and the news.
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LOL So? You defined soft power as high birth rate and now it's high FDI? Are you sure about that? Because if you're sure, I'm going to start supplying exampled to tear you apart again.
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It amazes me to no end how you Chinese can be so forgiving towards Russian imperialism yet so vengeful towards Japanese and British imperialism.
Don't be amazed; it's very simple. People can't be mad at things that happened a century ago. Russia is an ally today while Japan and the UK are antagonists to China. Fire does not burn without a continuous fuel supply, which the Japanese and British never fail to supply. Vengeance over the past is just an excuse.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Over half of the people who say this are blatant liberal agitator trolls trying to provoke people into saying/doing the wrong thing. I know you are not, but if you are smart, you wouldn't be saying it out loud. Even Poland is not stupid enough to bitch about stolen "rightful Polish clay" to Ukraine right now.

Btw, I don't agree with your supposed course of action, it is stupidest thing one can do, having good international partners is more important the outer northeast(the US have no interest in being maintaining good relations, nothing is lost by confronting the angloids). In doing so there would just add another attack anglo attack dog while gaining very little.
Nothing about my approach contradicts what you advocate. The current approach of good relations with Russia has generated significant benefits for China, so it should be sustained. Should the circumstances change, China's approach and relationship should necessarily change.