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Senior Member
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Absolutely, also the West can no longer lecture China on Free Speech. All China can say is that you banned your own President. Just like you have your laws and restrictions , so do we. Case closed.
On Twitter conservatives and liberals already fighting whether Twitter become "Chinese" like or not

Ultimately I must say that the Chinese model of Internet already won and I'll expect other government will warily look at how Twitter can drop the ban hammers against Trump.
Seems the Chinese government really do see far ahead of its time.


Registered Member
On Twitter conservatives and liberals already fighting whether Twitter become "Chinese" like or not

Ultimately I must say that the Chinese model of Internet already won and I'll expect other government will warily look at how Twitter can drop the ban hammers against Trump.
Seems the Chinese government really do see far ahead of its time.

What China does is far superior, China promotes science and social progress. US promotes fear mongering and polarization.


Lieutenant General
I've heard pundits argue how followers of Trump should not be vilified for following Trump. "It's not their fault." Funny how Trump followers would never entertain the same for anyone who doesn't follow them blindly. If you're not following their policies on China, you're as good as being a communist yourself. That's how Americans think in general. You're either with them or you're against them and you should be treated as such. I don't start stuff. I keep to myself when it comes to politics. I know plenty of Trump supporters and those that dare to start something with me and usually because I'm not white. They don't dare to do it again after that. I will throw everything at them to make them look stupid or whatever they try to do to me. That's how you make them think twice. That's why MAGA followers thought they can invade the capitol building because no one dared to vilify them and they were nurtured even by the media and even the Democrats to believe they were different where they thought the had the right to vandalize and plot crimes to capture and hold trial for US congress people. All because they were the exception and were special. That's why you notice the change in language in describing them today because they crossed the line. The police treated these domestic terrorists differently hence why they went as far as they did. All because people didn't want to hurt their fragile little feelings. They hate identity politics but they'll be the first to identify you first by your race. They don't like it when they're portrayed as dumb. The term "libtard" has been around for 20-30 years at least yet somehow when they're portrayed as being dumb it hurts their little feelings...? I don't give a crap if they commit suicide as they cry because society is making them not feel like a man. That's who most of those protestors are made of. Angry little incels that can't find a woman... Proud Boys that have to find comradery because society is shaming men. They've been vilifying men of other races since the first time they ever encountered any. They get their hands on an Asian woman and they think they conquered Asian men. But some how everyone has to treat them with kid gloves because they're supersensitive and not the men they think they are?

Vilify away I say. They would never give you the same consideration.


Registered Member
All of this social media (THE platform these days) banning of Trump only goes to prove what many of us (here and likeminded) have long knew. That western "exceptionalism" often isn't derived from superior morality or politics but from superior positions. They've never needed to do those things in the past because their positions were favourable and there was no reason to show how depraved they could be. Even the playing field and the set of conditions, then everything unravels.

The US elites, media, gov etc never had to so overtly censor people in the past because there was no need for it. It's similar with economic conditions and down to every facet of a culture and society. These morons just never understood it because they were blinded by their "privileged" positions in the order of things. As soon as some troubles start, then it becomes clear they are like anyone else, possibly much worse lol.
On Twitter conservatives and liberals already fighting whether Twitter become "Chinese" like or not

Ultimately I must say that the Chinese model of Internet already won and I'll expect other government will warily look at how Twitter can drop the ban hammers against Trump.
Seems the Chinese government really do see far ahead of its time.

LOL. Jack Dorsey silenced the President of the United States.
"Capitalist Über Alles" still owns the US.



Staff member
Super Moderator
I read the two tweets from Trump following his 12 hour suspension period:

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To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.

The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!

They are actually pretty tame by Trump standards. Saying that Trump supporters shouldn't be disrespected or that Trump won't attend the inauguration is a pretty far stretch from inciting violence. Although I am no fan of Trump, I do think now that the permanent ban is premeditated and not really based on any violations.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I read the two tweets from Trump following his 12 hour suspension period:

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They are actually pretty tame by Trump standards. Saying that Trump supporters shouldn't be disrespected or that Trump won't attend the inauguration is a pretty far stretch from inciting violence. Although I am no fan of Trump, I do think now that the permanent ban is premeditated and not really based on any violations.
Read a speculation is because Giuliani already suggested for Trump to declassify everything. Won't be good if Twitter become a ground zero for Top Secret materials dissemination.