Miscellaneous News


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While I don't feel sorry for Trump one bit, it does seem like a massive coordination effort to deplatform all at the same time....

Could be:

1) Trump threatened to declassify everything, would may entail stuff like UFO, JFK, 911, even ASF/COVID etc etc and so 'deep state' had to put the brakes on that

2) The tech/internet companies which all upstream to the NSA per PRISM and other fusion programs, know that Trump and crew are planning a massive event nationwide soon, perhaps a second much larger coup attempt, and have forewarning and therefore are preemptively shutting them down

3) Its all a horse and pony show, Trump and the other side are in on it together, there is gonna be a massive reset/ false flag in the coming days that would cause mass roiting within all of USA and they are using this fake Trump incident as pretext to shutdown communications so that when "the event" occurs, there will be communications blackout just like how on the morning of 911 cell phones weren't working


Registered Member

China’s crackdown on a corrupt judiciary has a long way to run. Zhang Jiahui is Exhibit A​

  • Case of ‘the richest judge in China’, who was sentenced to 18 years in jail after taking massive bribes, may be shocking but should not be surprising
  • Corruption in Chinese courts is systemic. A widespread lack of accountability and transparency means anti-graft investigators face an uphill battle
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Systemic corruption in Chinese courts is an open secret. This is particularly so in commercial litigation cases in which judges are known to rule in favour of the plaintiff or the defendant, largely based on whoever can offer the bigger bribe.

But the evidence of such rampant corruption has been scarce as the authorities tend to shield details of misconduct by corrupt judiciary personnel from public view, acutely aware of the danger of eroding public trust in judicial fairness and integrity.

This started to change last year when anti-graft investigators intensified a crackdown on the judiciary and law enforcement agencies. As a result, a slew of cases involving law-breaking senior judges have been allowed to emerge publicly.


Lieutenant General
It's funny because now we're hearing the plots of some of these people who participated in the siege of the capitol who identified themselves as breaking into the capitol building where they were planning to hold hostage members of Congress and try them. There are pictures of some of these MAGA followers carrying zip ties to restrain people. Then there was a woman crying like a Hong Konger outraged that she had teargas sprayed on her face and the reporter asked her why she was there and she said she was here to start a revolution in the US but somehow it's wrong to spray teargas in her face...


Registered Member
Anybody want to guess who did it?

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