Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
The night is still young folks

Trump regrets committing to peaceful transition and aids say he has gone "ballistic"

Ties in with my earlier theory that Trump wasn’t the mastermind behind the capital storming, but rather was the target and victim of it.

I must say the democrats are behaving most rash and impatiently, almost to the point of being drunk on power in their premature moves against Trump.

Firstly, they risk snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Because if they get caught red handed in an actual conspiracy to undermine the sitting US president, well that firstly gives Trump actual grounds to enact emergency powers, and also gives all his other conspiracy theories far more credibility.

Secondly, Trump must be thinking to himself, if they dare to come after me so directly, brazenly and hard now that he is still president, how much worse will it get when he is out of office? That risks stripping away any hope/trust he might have to make a comeback in 2024, and if he is convinced he is going to get Epstein’d as soon as he leaves office, well really, what has he got to loose from just calling for full on civil war 2.0 and hopes he wins?


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On Twitter conservatives and liberals already fighting whether Twitter become "Chinese" like or not

Ultimately I must say that the Chinese model of Internet already won and I'll expect other government will warily look at how Twitter can drop the ban hammers against Trump.
Seems the Chinese government really do see far ahead of its time.
Speaking of the "great ban", I've seen some Hindutva twitterati start clamoring for information and Internet sovereignty. The great Internet segmentation has been accelerated. Will we see a Westphalia model for Internet and information sovereignty?


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Why am I enjoying this so much? Am I evil? I almost want to take out my popcorn.
I honestly do enjoy a bit.
But this thing is getting bigger, the don with his hardcore fans don't seem to be over yet.
They know it that's why they suspended his account so that he couldn't communicate with his fans and directing them to do whatever shit that wouldn't be good to average American.

In short, shit hits the fan moment has come! It could be all at once in masses, or sporadic here and there.

Guys and gals, all of you in the US,take good care of yourself. Stock your food for weeks. Enforce your door, windows etc..


Registered Member
Speaking of the "great ban", I've seen some Hindutva twitterati start clamoring for information and Internet sovereignty. The great Internet segmentation has been accelerated. Will we see a Westphalia model for Internet and information sovereignty?

US has been trying to enforce the internet equivalent of the open seas policy on the world.

They have now shown they're willing to completely violate that policy themselves while using it to disrupt other countries.

Obviously puts countries on the fence about internet freedom.


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POTUS has original classification authority, he can still declassify and announce it by sending everyone in the US a Presidential Alert via SMS.... But if Trump really was close to declassifying something the shadow govenrment doesn't want him to, they would take care of the issue... so I don't think he ever had anything to declassify.... In fact I think this whole thing is a show, and in a way the US gov is managing its down decline by intentionally making these mistakes
I think by now potus has been stripped from all his powers. No one will follow his order anymore. He has less than 2 weeks left, none will take any chance to follow his order especially orders that need top security clearance.


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Ok, his accounts blocked, but his juniors still can communicate.

So the ayatollah, and numerous other dictatorial regimes can have Twitter accounts with no issue despite threatening genocide to entire countries and killing homosexuals etc... but The President of the United States should be permanently suspended. Mao would be proud.


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So, there was a delay of 90 minutes getting national guards to Capitol when it was stormed by protesters. Biden wants full investigation.
President-Elect Joe Biden says he wants a full investigation as to why there was a 90-minute delay getting Maryland National Guard troops deployed to the U.S. Capitol during Wednesday's siege by supporters of President Trump.

Can't help but this sounds like a conspiracy. It will get more interesting if it turns out national guard is siding with Trump.


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If there are national guard units who purposefully obstructed normal procedures in favour of trump, they may as well mutiny and declare for trump now rather than facing the gruelling torture from the FBI