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Thought Gordon Chang is out of the MSM. But here we have Fox quotes Gordon Chang as the primary source of information. The article itself is contradictory. First, it says China is militarized AI and space and didn't take precaution like the US did for a pause for AI development. Then it tried to explain this technology isn't that great and not that advanced and not much of a threat that the US can master in no time.
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Don't see any outreach but it is more like G7 elites come together to tell the world and global south what they can not do. Last time G7 expanded to include Russia and you know the rest. The sole purpose of G7 is to rule not to be inclusive and accommodated.
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10 years ago they could use Japanese infrastructure skill as some sort of bait. But If I'm not mistaken Japanese infrastructure projects in the global south are also going over budget and time. The only real player are chinese infrastructure companies.
Don't see any outreach but it is more like G7 elites come together to tell the world and global south what they can not do. Last time G7 expanded to include Russia and you know the rest. The sole purpose of G7 is to rule not to be inclusive and accommodated.
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Despite what the headline saying this is an outreach to the global south to build consensus, I do not see the point of the other countries invitied to G7 Summit after the G7 communique have already been issued. It is more like the G7 countries dictating to the global south and they were just invited as stage props.



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China to boycott G20 meeting hosted by India in Kashmir​

Kashmiri activists have been subjected to mass killings, forced disappearances, torture, rape and sexual abuse to suppression of freedom of speech and bans on religious gatherings. Over 355 people were recorded killed in 2021. Over 41,000 have died since 2009.

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“China is firmly opposed to holding any kind of
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in disputed territory, and will not attend such meetings,” Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Friday.

The meeting will be the first significant international event in Kashmir since New Delhi stripped the Muslim-majority region of semi-autonomy in 2019.

On Friday, India said peace and tranquillity on its border are essential for normal ties with China.

Scrutiny has been beefed up in Kashmir in the wake of the event, with commandos patrolling the streets. Police have increased security even further, placing a massive security cordon around the meeting site.
It is almost as if India want to humiliate itself by showing off its worst places.


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Lower GDP per capita and lower average wages than the US. You need data for this basic knowledge too? Google it.

Most of this conversation can be summed up by you being an idiot by:
lower GDP per capita does not tell any thing about standard of living. capita is income what about expenses?
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1. Attempting to assert that Mexico and the US have roughly the same average standard of living. It's wrong and if it were not for your other comments, it would be the stupidest thing anyone has posted on this thread.

These aren't exact or without bias, but literally no one except you has ever put Mexico's living standard on par with America's:
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you can throw all the links but unless the Mexico population flee to America for 9 to 5 office Jobs. there is no practical difference in standard of living. US-Mexico is world busiest land border.

This is your definition only. Cite me a source where anyone other than you defines national competency by the abiilty to handle air traffic.
It means Mexico can hire air controllers that are competent and paid enough that can deal with peak season without strikes. It is the diversity of skill set in Mexico population. Also it shows the strength of Mexico Soft Power that despite rising costs American still want to visit.
What??? Construction worker's labor rates in the US are well about software engineers outside?? How is that relevent?

Doesn't matter. They came for the money. That's the point.
Every country has mismatch of labor and Skills. do you have data they are the best for those jobs or just American employers can find easy to bring them here due to such large hispanic heritage.
despite Mexico becoming US largest trade partner. They need all those construction workers to built factories there. It show the strength of demographics. GM Mexican plant workers got 26% raise in past 10 months. Which can be record for Manufacturing when you consider strength of Mexican Peso.
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However, local purchasing power — meaning, what you can buy with what you can earn locally — is also quite a bit lower than in the U.S. (nearly 165% lower, in fact). So the expats who will fare best are those with incomes from outside of Mexico. These might be U.S. or European retirement pensions, investment returns, passive income from royalties, or remote-work salaries."

LOLOL That's exactly what you do.

Mexican GDP per capita is lower. US pay is higher. That's all there is to it for why Mexicans come here.
US pay is higher but expenses are also higher. there is no way to attract the brightest Mexicans to US.
Mexico debt to GDP stay the same post Covid while US took alot more debt. i wonder how many millions of Americans will flee to Mexico if US did not took so much debt. you are making assumptions that only retired American want to stay in Mexico..
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5% emigration is enormous, you imbecile.
unless we see decrease in Mexico population. 5% is nothing to talk about over 15 years. You simply not appreciating Mexico demographics. Every country has skill mismatch.
It's Mexican culture, values and soft power, which is why Americans need armed guards 24/7 by the border to prevent immigrant hordes charging through?
hispanic americans are now such large population that they are bound to attract people for there private business and families. It does not mean they are the best for the jobs. they just easy to know. Best and brightest Mexican stay in Mexico thats why there manufacturing wages has risen so fast. Those German understand the skills of the best.
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Mexico is poised to overtake Japan and become the world's third-largest auto part manufacturer, thanks to a boost in regional content requirements mandated by the USMCA and the country's ongoing nearshoring trend amid the global supply chain reorganization.

That's not a reply to a survey that said exactly what you wanted to pretend wasn't true. They literally surveryed Mexicans why they want to enter the US. The top answer by far was economic reasons. And you still pretend that Mexico has a better economy than the US and they are moving for American soft power? You really can't shut your mouth and be graceful about being wrong, can you?
you still cannot answer why Mexico software engineers not coming to US. It is a sign of wealthy country.
Because there is no demonstrable difference. No difference = soft power means soft power is useless. The way you argue, everybody can always say they're gaining soft power everyday but it has absolutely no meaning. And Airport expansion is money, hard power again.

This is diarrhea. The entire paragraph literally means nothing. I asked how you figure, or by what measure you term Kuwait's soft power as lower than Qatar's and your answer is that Kuwait is not Qatar. You're an idiot.
you associate money with soft power. I give two countries with similar royal families example that greater money does not translate into soft power.
No, do you? Or you just guess soft power everything?

You can say soft power everything but you connect nothing. You can't even define soft power but you say it is responsible for everything like a Christian says God controls all. This is just more diarrhea.

So the German president "warned" US president about climate change and he did what? Fire up all coal plants and "unleash US energy" which is all fossil fuels. German soft power = nothing. US hard power dictates what happens.
Look around its all German soft power. Its German Soft Power that dictates every thing including US policies and German benefiting in Mexico and Canada.
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You have never provided any evidence for soft power; just show that an event happened, and say soft power caused it. None of your arguments are ever supported.

Not different. All people who side with their own country and people do it from natural instinct.

LOLOL No, you don't know hard power. Your words are valued by your hard power. You can say the same thing but if you are weak, you are ignored. If you are strong, people follow. Words are soft power but they are carried and given meaning only by hard power.
only who lacks Soft Power brings hard power in every discussion.
The only evidence here is that you got dropped on your head as a baby. All the Russians who died in battle, all the heros who sacrificed their lives, needn't do so if Russia had only built up and unleashed its full hard power from the very start. And now you are making "soft power" excuses for why a nation known as the "combat race" has retreated almost as much as it advanced against a country a third its own size.
first you have no data. No other country can occupy so much area with such force level. That i can assure. Arabs know this thing well as they both funded modern wars in prior decades and are also at receiving end.. They know limitation of each piece of engineering and its maintainability after long term use. you just need to read between the lines.
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“With our traditional partners, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt. Many things have already been done. And we expect that there will be even more,” Bogdanov added.


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It's Qualcomm that should be banned.
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G7 is getting less and less relevant, contrary to the hubris of their leaders.

Crazy Chinese infrastructure:
At least this person is honest about America's true intentions in Taiwan and for that matter China.



At least this person is honest about America's true intentions in Taiwan and for that matter China.

This person disgusts me. He is essentially saying that the will of the Taiwanese people should be disregarded to accommodate America's desire for absolute control. I truly don't understand people like Michael Kao. His American masters look down on him and his own people despise him. To think that he graduated from the school I currently attend...


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The post did not say what kind of machine is in question, what application it is. The "not made in China" is also questionable as "No Chinese supplier available for the specification?" or "Chinese product available but rejected". The post made it sounds the later, but nothing in the post can prove the later.

One example that everybody here can agree is that, if the discussion is about buying semiconductor lithography machine at 5nm, then the Chinese client will demand nothing from China because China don't produce it yet. But if the requirement is 20nm, but the client still reject Chinese machine would be another issue.

This is the key issue that I have against this kind of posts. It provide absolutly nothing for readers to conduct independent thinking and judgement. The only thing the post is doing is to force feed its conclusion. This is the typical propaganda, fake news and missinformation. It is another "trust me" BS.