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Registered Member
I think trump has really set a precedent, in the future neither republicans nor democrats would accept the results of unsuccessful election bids going forward.
The divisions is too deep, its fatal wound in my view

I beg to differ, on the contrary the political establishment (both democrats and republican) will close ranks cause Trump action is harming their institution. American politician are learned men and mostly lawyers, they may played politics and push it to the edge, but are not stupid to destroy it cause it might happen to them. Trump is an anomaly, he is not part of the establishment and they will never accept him, that's why he want to destroy it.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
I am not going to talk about collusion or not. Just about what has happened on site (int the first video).

I have watched the first video for couple of times. I have also watch another video from another angle. These are the conclusions.
  1. Police behind the door (from video vantage point) are not uniformed, they wear suit. They are likely security details of congressmen and staff. They are part of Capitol police, but their mission is make sure safety of VIPs. Like the bodyguards of the president, I think they are authorized to shoot without warning even if it turned out to be a mistake afterwards. Their rule is a sense of real danger and a red line on the ground (the door). The woman was shot immediately when she attempted to cross the door.
  2. The uniformed police with badges and helmet outside of the door are ones who were supposed to keep protesters enter, they act according to rules similar or same to if this happens out on the street. They don't just shoot without warning. In the video they apparently have failed their duty to keep the protesters away from the building, and last away from that door.
  3. The door is at a higher floor. The uniformed police arrived from a lower floor through the stairs. The protesters are all in the corridor on the same floor to the door. This means that protesters probably entered the building from a point that the outer layer police could not have blocked.
  4. You can see that after the woman was shot, one uniformed officer momentarily pointed his rifle to the door, then signaled "ok" with whoever behind the door, then lowered his rifle.

I just want to simplify into this Lord Farquad moment.some-of-you-62vynw.jpg



I beg to differ, on the contrary the political establishment (both democrats and republican) will close ranks cause Trump action is harming their institution. American politician are learned men and mostly lawyers, they may played politics and push it to the edge, but are not stupid to destroy it cause it might happen to them. Trump is an anomaly, he is not part of the establishment and they will never accept him, that's why he want to destroy it.

I think, this is a hard lesson for the US and surely there would be some changes like (not limited to)
* No close family members of the POTUS can have roles in the Whitehouse
* The president can not pardon himself and his family members
* No pardon and award can be given by the president from 1 November in the election year
* Tax return in the last 10 years and must be declared and annually updated


Senior Member

I beg to differ, on the contrary the political establishment (both democrats and republican) will close ranks cause Trump action is harming their institution. American politician are learned men and mostly lawyers, they may played politics and push it to the edge, but are not stupid to destroy it cause it might happen to them. Trump is an anomaly, he is not part of the establishment and they will never accept him, that's why he want to destroy it.
Hi ansy1968,

Do you think biden is capable of pacifying trump supporters and be a uniter?
Or will he be dragged to far left ideologies further? Things like pro choice, pro lgbt, pro immigration that maga people hates
Trump might be gone but trumpism is here to stay, trump got more votes than 2016, so its still a force to be reckoned
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Registered Member

good day bro and happy new year,

correct and the 25th amendment is the quick way of doing it, they're looking ahead 2024 and they don't want a repeat of Trump. Right now they want to hold Trump accountable and this event is a mana made in heaven for them to cripple Trump forever. Regarding his children none of them hold Trump charisma except for Ivanka. (I'm a fan what a beauty)
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