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Brussels plans sanctions on Chinese companies aiding Russia’s war machine

Brussels has proposed sanctions on Chinese companies for supporting Russia’s war machine for the first time since the war in Ukraine began, a development that is likely to increase tensions with Beijing.

Seven Chinese businesses accused of selling equipment that could be used in weapons have been listed in a new package of sanctions to be discussed by EU member states this week, which has been seen by the Financial Times.

Some of the companies have already been placed under sanctions by the US. The EU’s move is likely to rankle with Beijing, which is anxious to keep Brussels from siding with Washington in their battle for global influence.

Brussels has until now avoided targeting China, arguing that no evidence showed it was directly providing weapons to Moscow.

The sanctions list needs unanimous approval from the 27 member states before it can be enforced.

Two mainland Chinese companies on the list, 3HC Semiconductors and King-Pai Technology, have already been placed under sanctions by the US. Two companies based in Hong Kong that are on the EU list are already on the US Treasury list: Sinno Electronics and Sigma Technology.

The sanctions proposal from the European Commission said: “In view of the key enabling role of electronic components for use by Russia’s military and industrial complex for supporting the war of aggression against Ukraine, it is also appropriate to include certain other entities in third countries involved in the circumvention of trade restrictions as well as certain Russian entities involved in the development, production and supply of electronic components for Russia’s military and industrial complex.”

King-Pai provides microelectronics to Russia that “have defence applications that include cruise missile guidance systems”, the US Treasury has previously said.

Brussels is also proposing sanctions on some Iranian companies involved in the manufacture and supply of drones to Russia.

The EU is seeking to tackle the circumvention of sanctions more generally. The draft includes measures that would allow the EU to restrict sales of certain products to third countries if diplomatic pressure did not change their behaviour. Member states would have to approve individual measures against companies or countries.

There are also powers to ban oil tankers that conceal their location without good cause from EU ports. The FT has reported that ships have been circumventing an embargo on Russian seaborne oil imports by pretending their loads are from elsewhere.

The commission has also proposed widening the range of banned exports to Russia.

It is also loosening restrictions on asset transfers to sanctions-hit entities to allow western companies in joint ventures with them to sell up.

The commission declined to comment.


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Fake Elon Musk at event enrages Chinese attendees hoping to meet the real one

  • Gary Kong, an entrepreneur hosting the event to launch his magazine, says that he was expecting Musk to attend but that he never guaranteed his presence
  • Reports on Chinese social media describe the crowd becoming embarrassed and outraged after a celebrity impersonator appears and then leaves.

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Fake Elon looks like a WAY more interesting person than real Elon and his snake oil hype.


Was this the man that showed up?


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Your wishes don't change reality. As per IR, Philippines will balance China with the US. Even if Philippines wasn't a US vassal, it would still balance China by bringing US help.
Its basic geopolitics, no country wants a powerful neighbour.

Mexico relations with the US is also easily explainable. US has such an overwhelmingly stronger military that Mexico really has no choice than to accept the US status as a well deserved regional (and global) hegemon

For China to break out of the ASEAN balancing games, it needs a similar overwhelming military power that would make ASEAN shake on their boots by just hearing the word "PLA". That's the degree of terror Mexico feels towards the US military and that's the military development that China is undergoing now (even with such a low military spending per gdp)

AMLO slaps the US on a daily basis hard nowadays though to be honest.

The only reason you don't see AMLO doing exercises or keeping Chinese bases there like you have the US in the Philippines is that China doesn't have that capability yet. If China had it, it would happen, no question.

Also, it is true that the US has the strongest global military force in the world, but its weakness is also that its "global".

Mexico probably doesn't fear them so hard, because they know that the US isn't stupid to waste any time or resources on them when they have to keep Iran, China, and Russia, which are way more important for their hegemony, hence two and a half other continents effectively in check.

You are, therefore, overestimating how much Mexico fears the US.

Yes, they fear them, but not like they did 30 years for example.

Nowadays more and more US forces and focus are on Russia, China, Iran, etc...


MSM keeps claiming that China is ready to join the debt relief effort. However, every indication from China is that it doesn't agree with World Bank, Paris Club or IMF's way of restructured debt.

From the look of it, even though China is only represented 22% of the loan but 75% of Zambia's debt that needed to restructure is owed to China. That means many Western institutional and private debts are off limit for restructuring. No wonder China isn't interested in the deal.
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More than 70 low-income nations face a collective $326 billion debt burden, with more than half of them already in or near debt distress, including Zambia, Ethiopia and Ghana. In many cases, China is the largest creditor. For instance, 75% of Zambia’s debt that has to be restructured is owed to China, according to the IMF.

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Of Zambia’s external debt, 46% is owed to private lenders, 22% to China, 8% to other governments and 18% to multilateral institutions. China is among the government lenders to agree a longer debt repayment schedule that private lenders, including banks, have so far resisted, Debt Justice said.
In reality, the Asian-American community as a whole is extremely fragmented and laced with self-hate and trauma. Their various ethnic groups hate each other more than they hate non-Asian supremacists. The younger generation is significantly better than the older ones, who will make any self-respecting people cringe, but still have traces of the self-hate and trauma.
Not sure if this is true. I live in a urban community and while there are tendency to mingle within one's ethnic community. However, hate is a strong word and I do not see much animosity among the East Asian community. Sure there are some fragment of the community specially with some HK Chinese towards Mainland Chinese. But I think it is more because of their ingrained view of an outdated colonial world order.

However, I also hope this is quickly changing as I see less of such blatant animosity more recently. I have relatives in HK and I can see some behaviorial changes recently.

Otherwise, the trend seems to be less tension among the Asian community.