Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
I just realized one more thing. None of the Trump supporters wore facial mask when they barged into the Capitol building. They better fumigate the place before officials can get back to work.
Well all the senators and stuff spoke right after without masks one after the other.


Registered Member
This was actually really serious. Wow.
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Back in the Capitol, police began a room-by-room search to find senators, staff and reporters who had been left behind. One senior GOP aide, who has an office not far from the Senate floor, said he took a steel rod and barricaded his door when the pro-Trump mob approached. For what seemed like 20 minutes, he said, rioters banged on his door, trying to break in.
Others huddled in silence in small rooms with doors locked and cellphones turned off while the rioters walked past.
Just before 5 p.m., Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) led a contingent of GOP objectors into a separate room to discuss whether to go forward with their challenge in light of the mob violence.
Around 6 p.m., more senators began talking about returning to the Senate floor in a show of democratic force — an idea that echoed a decision by many members to return to the Capitol’s East Front steps the night of the 2001 terrorist attacks. On that night, in a show bipartisan support, Republicans and Democrats stood together and sang “God Bless America.”

In the most dramatic moments of the siege, with armed officers in every corner of the Senate, police began barking out instructions. They marched us all — a phalanx of senators, staff and press — through multiple office buildings in search of the safest grounds to shelter on the Capitol complex.
We didn’t know it at the time, but a similar scene was playing out on the other side of the Capitol, where the House Chamber was evacuated and lawmakers ran for cover in a secure location on their side of the building.
WASHINGTON, D.C.- JAN 6- Congressional staff members are evacuated after protestors breached the U.S. Capitol interrupting a joint congressional session to certify the Electoral College vote in Washington, D.C on Wednesday, January 6, 2021. (Amanda Voisard/for The Washington Post)

WASHINGTON, D.C.- JAN 6- Congressional staff members are evacuated after protestors breached the U.S. Capitol interrupting a joint congressional session to certify the Electoral College vote in Washington, D.C on Wednesday, January 6, 2021. (Amanda Voisard/for The Washington Post)
We were not allowed to take the stairs, because the mob was on the floors below. So into the elevators and down to the basement we went, racing toward the Capitol Visitor Center. The CVC is a vast underground bunker of a structure that finally got built after 9/11. It cost roughly $700 million and has multiple secure rooms and blast-resistant doors.
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