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Registered Member
What happens when Trump’s 100k loyal followers stop being so restrained and peaceful and actually whip out all their assault rifles and other quasi-military gear almost all of them have? And what happens when US police melts away or outright joins them?

Deployment of the national guard, especially out of state national guard, to D.C. and having them get involved in large scale firefights with tens of thousands of American citizens in the American capital. That’s the kind of thing that could genuinely kick off an actual civil war.
All I can say is from your lips to God's ears.
The Democrats need to be less ideologically blind and a hell of a lot more practical and less emotional or else they risk forcing Trump into a corner from where he has nothing to loose and everything to gain.
We're long past the point where 2 cent advice is going to change anything. The whole thing is going to burn, if not now, then later. The shining inferno on the hill.
To be the honest me, I think the police has no choice but to restrain from using deadly force or even any force at all when they are totally outnumbered by a crazy mob even unarmed. This does not need any high-ups. If you hit one guy with a baton you got ten punch you down and one kick to the head or neck may kill you. If you shoot one person, the other 10 or 100 may rip you in pieces before anybody can help you. Number is always the king.

On the social media, lots of sentimental mocking of "not shooting the trumpsters, but police not hesitate to kill if they are black". But I think the police will restraint even when the rioters are black WHEN outnumbered by 100 times, without automatic rifles and armored vehicles. The bottom line is everybody is emboldened when there is no consequence.
What you say is true once it came to the point that police are outnumbered in the immediate vicinity, however the course of action by rioters was neither unanticipated nor under cover and had the authorities wanted it there could have been sufficient security forces either already in place or mobilized in time to intervene long before.


Registered Member
I just realized one more thing. None of the Trump supporters wore facial mask when they barged into the Capitol building. They better fumigate the place before officials can get back to work.
They're all vaccinated. They don't have to wait in line with the plebs (at least those plebs with enough brain to accept a vaccine... eventually).
LMAAAOOOOOOOOOO I was starting to get triggered by that post, but then I read to the end and lol'd.