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Senior Member
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Exactly. Indians have a shameless double-standard when it comes to racism. They can publish news articles calling the Chinese Han race as inferior for warfare and cold weather endurance. Indians gloated about the 'glory days' when there were Indian Sepoy soldiers, serving under the British to fight their colonial wars. Indians have published opinion pieces, calling Covid-19 a 'Chinese Virus'. Indians laugh and taunt the Chinese who were on the receiving end of racism instigated by the West. Yet when a German paper writes something remotely racist about India, they are up in arms about it. That is why they deserved to be laughed at.

Indians think that if all things were 'equal', India would be ahead of China by now. But the reality is actually much worse. History since 1947 had not been equal for India and China. After WW2, China had the much shorter end of the stick compared to India

From its independence in 1947, India, with a similar population size to China was left with a functioning Westminster political system. It inherited various industries from the British like the automobile industry, aeronautics industry, shipbuilding industry, and others. Only Australia, and Canada had comparable levels of inheritance. The CPC inherited a China that was reeling from a century of wars, societal troubles, fractured territorial integrity, economic mess, and national humiliation. Worse still, there was still an ongoing civil-war and a coming major war in neighboring Korea. It was the worse possible start. The early years for India was not pleasant too, but it was nothing compared to a newly liberated China in 1949. If there was a PC game where you choose your poor Asian country to manage. India would be the 'Easy' challenge, while China is the 'Insane' challenge.

India throughout its history suffered only minor sanctions at worse. When India suffered food shortages, it can call for generous food aid from the US. China had none of that benefit, when its population starved. Hence, when India made policy mistakes, it paid a relatively small cost. While when the CPC made policy errors, China paid a massive price. Mistakes were far more unforgiving in China's case of nation building than India. India had practically full access to all technologies offered by both the West and the Russians till today. While China had its access cut-off by both sides at various times in its history. In its history, India fought against smaller nations except with China, which it lost. While China had to fight both Superpowers of the Cold War, hostile neighbours, and the ROC. The Cold War was much kinder to India than China. India had over 70 years to beat China. Yet, with all the advantages that India had, its economy today is roughly similar in size to the Chinese economy in 2007.

All this talk about the Indian 'Demographic Dividend' vs China is copium by the West and Indians. If the Demographic Dividend was so powerful, then Indonesia, with its massive Demographic Dividend vs Japan and SK combined should be racing ahead to no.4 in the world economy size ranking. The Demographic Dividend is indeed very beneficial for economic growth, but its how you use it that brings results. India had all the ingredients to become a powerful economy for many decades already. Yet India had wasted it time after time. Today, the West is no longer as keen on globalization. They are much more careful now about technology transfers. China is ushering in their 4th industrial revolution. Hence it appears that India's window of opportunity to catch that gravy train of globalization is rapidly closing. There is only so much that good fortune can help, once that is exhausted, don't blame it on misfortune.
Saying the Indian economy is roughly similar in size to the Chinese economy in 2007 is massively misleading since it implies Indian growth will mirror Chinese growth of the 00s. In 2007 China experienced a staggering 14.2% GDP growth. India this year won't even do half of that. China throughout the 00s had multiple years of consistent >10% growth. That's how it's a 18 trillion dollar economy today. Chinese leaders made a series of intelligent, logical decisions in the reform and opening up period that set the economy up for sustained high quality growth in the years ahead. While Chinese leaders were busy opening SEZs, reforming its pricing system, attracting FDI, Indian leaders were worshipping cows. China is interested in doing. India is interested in saying. With India's current institutions, ethnic issues and culture, India is more like 30 years behind China economically.


Lieutenant General
That must be the stupidest that I have ever heard. Retarded politicians looking for votes and pretending to care.
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These entitled morons are still stuck mentally at an age where American military might can conquer any lands and peoples it wants, so professional parasites like themselves can dream up a million and one ways to ‘legally’ steal and carve up that stolen wealth for themselves.


Lieutenant General
It’s funny how literally everyone else is evacuating their civilians except for the US who is acting like it is the “survival of the fittest.”

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Land of the brave! I guess being sent in during a ceasefire to rescue their own trapped civilians is just too stressful and emotionally damaging work for the now Woke US military.


With India's current institutions, ethnic issues and culture, India is more like 30 years behind China economically.

I think thirty years is about as reasonable as any single figure could hope to be, so let's go with that. The implication is that India by mid-century will be roughly where China is today. If that were to happen, it would be a fantastic achievement for India and for all who dream of a world that is unshackled from western hegemony and its attendant mythologies. A linear twenty, thirty, even fifty-year gap is not particularly troubling from this perspective. Rather, the risks to the emergence of India as a major contributor to a post-western world are systemic: rampant corruption, cultural infiltration and civil conflict, hard resource limits amidst climate change, robotics and AI as profound disruptors of paths to economic development.


Junior Member
Registered Member
It’s funny how literally everyone else is evacuating their civilians except for the US who is acting like it is the “survival of the fittest.”

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LOL and Taiwanese independence fighters expect US to come save them if China took over? Sundan rebels armies are just teletubbies compare to Chinese armies.


Registered Member
Saying the Indian economy is roughly similar in size to the Chinese economy in 2007 is massively misleading since it implies Indian growth will mirror Chinese growth of the 00s. In 2007 China experienced a staggering 14.2% GDP growth. India this year won't even do half of that. China throughout the 00s had multiple years of consistent >10% growth. That's how it's a 18 trillion dollar economy today. Chinese leaders made a series of intelligent, logical decisions in the reform and opening up period that set the economy up for sustained high quality growth in the years ahead. While Chinese leaders were busy opening SEZs, reforming its pricing system, attracting FDI, Indian leaders were worshipping cows. China is interested in doing. India is interested in saying. With India's current institutions, ethnic issues and culture, India is more like 30 years behind China economically.
5 trillion USD equivalent in 2007 also isn't 5 trillion USD equivalent 2022. There's 15 years of general inflation and particularly energy inflation in between. But GDP doesn't tell the whole story between China and India. Social indicators are better and in that India is...