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The banner reads: "Chairman Xi sent this warship to take everyone home"
A few days ago think-tankies were gloating about how China wasn't evacuating its citizens from Sudan. This is the situation right now

A video of the sudan evac. Looks like a type52 and a replenishment ship. Wonder where they are taking them too? Kinda surprise they don't have a type-71 station at Djibouti.

This clip shows a little more details about the evacuation:

Exactly. Indians have a shameless double-standard when it comes to racism. They can publish news articles calling the Chinese Han race as inferior for warfare and cold weather endurance. Indians gloated about the 'glory days' when there were Indian Sepoy soldiers, serving under the British to fight their colonial wars. Indians have published opinion pieces, calling Covid-19 a 'Chinese Virus'. Indians laugh and taunt the Chinese who were on the receiving end of racism instigated by the West. Yet when a German paper writes something remotely racist about India, they are up in arms about it. That is why they deserved to be laughed at.

Indians think that if all things were 'equal', India would be ahead of China by now. But the reality is actually much worse. History since 1947 had not been equal for India and China. After WW2, China had the much shorter end of the stick compared to India

From its independence in 1947, India, with a similar population size to China was left with a functioning Westminster political system. It inherited various industries from the British like the automobile industry, aeronautics industry, shipbuilding industry, and others. Only Australia, and Canada had comparable levels of inheritance. The CPC inherited a China that was reeling from a century of wars, societal troubles, fractured territorial integrity, economic mess, and national humiliation. Worse still, there was still an ongoing civil-war and a coming major war in neighboring Korea. It was the worse possible start. The early years for India was not pleasant too, but it was nothing compared to a newly liberated China in 1949. If there was a PC game where you choose your poor Asian country to manage. India would be the 'Easy' challenge, while China is the 'Insane' challenge.

India throughout its history suffered only minor sanctions at worse. When India suffered food shortages, it can call for generous food aid from the US. China had none of that benefit, when its population starved. Hence, when India made policy mistakes, it paid a relatively small cost. While when the CPC made policy errors, China paid a massive price. Mistakes were far more unforgiving in China's case of nation building than India. India had practically full access to all technologies offered by both the West and the Russians till today. While China had its access cut-off by both sides at various times in its history. In its history, India fought against smaller nations except with China, which it lost. While China had to fight both Superpowers of the Cold War, hostile neighbours, and the ROC. The Cold War was much kinder to India than China. India had over 70 years to beat China. Yet, with all the advantages that India had, its economy today is roughly similar in size to the Chinese economy in 2007.

All this talk about the Indian 'Demographic Dividend' vs China is copium by the West and Indians. If the Demographic Dividend was so powerful, then Indonesia, with its massive Demographic Dividend vs Japan and SK combined should be racing ahead to no.4 in the world economy size ranking. The Demographic Dividend is indeed very beneficial for economic growth, but its how you use it that brings results. India had all the ingredients to become a powerful economy for many decades already. Yet India had wasted it time after time. Today, the West is no longer as keen on globalization. They are much more careful now about technology transfers. China is ushering in their 4th industrial revolution. Hence it appears that India's window of opportunity to catch that gravy train of globalization is rapidly closing. There is only so much that good fortune can help, once that is exhausted, don't blame it on misfortune.
The problem with India:

The problem with the US:


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US-S.Korea agreements add new danger; ‘extended deterrence’ could trigger ‘another nuclear crisis’ in peninsula

US President Joe Biden and visiting South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol reached a series of strategic agreements on "extended deterrence" against North Korea, as well as the Taiwan question and the South China Sea issue, drawing firm opposition and strong criticism from
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Chinese experts warned that if Washington deploys nuclear weapons, including a nuclear-armed submarine, according to US media reports, in South Korea, it could trigger another nuclear crisis in the Korean Peninsula, and Washington and Seoul should take full responsibility for the consequences.
Lü said based on Pyongyang's principle of "might for might, frontal match," North Korea could take some unprecedented action in response to the US' act, such as carrying out an atmospheric nuclear test.

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China summoned South Korean ambassador on 27th night in protest of recent actions by President Yoon.

The other communist state leaders all have visited General Secretary Xi in Beijing since the 20th Party Congress, a visit by General Kim is overdue.
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Moderator - World Affairs
That must be the stupidest that I have ever heard. Retarded politicians looking for votes and pretending to care.
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I've noticed politicians propose bills all the time but most never get passed or get heavily watered down in the process. I remember one bill was Americans can sue China for loss/damages due to climate change or coronavirus pandemic... That never went anywhere though. American politicians are starting to rival Jai Hinds in their fanatical extremism.


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George Koo at AsiaTimes explains
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For India truly to overtake China and become a new emerging world leader, it would need to learn two essential lessons from China.

One lesson, relatively easy to do, is to greatly improve the quality of education and boost the quantity of the workforce. The government then would have to eliminate corruption at every level and bureaucratic red tape to make foreign direct investment easy and attractive. FDI creates jobs and raises GDP.

The second lesson, much more challenging, is to launch a
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on a scale that surpasses even the one in China, but with a constructive end-point rather than a destructive one. The objective of an Indian revolution is to truly eliminate caste, liberate women, and give all the opportunity to realize their potential.
He wasn't optimistic.


I've noticed politicians propose bills all the time but most never get passed or get heavily watered down in the process. I remember one bill was Americans can sue China for loss/damages due to climate change or coronavirus pandemic... That never went anywhere though. American politicians are starting to rival Jai Hinds in their fanatical extremism.
I wouldn't put it past them for passing moronic bills. We have witnessed a fair shares of such bills lately in State legislature and even some in the Congress. It is just that the US is powerless to enforce such bill which is the only reason they aren't doing it.


Registered Member
I think you got some facts mixed up. The Marines were not kicked off at all prior to and after the Incheon landing. During the initial phases of the Korean War, the KPA routed all US and ROK forces to the southern tip of the peninsula, and the remaining US and ROK forces formed the Pusan perimeter. At that point the Marines started to reinforce the perimeter. At the same time, the Incheon landing was planned by MacArthur and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (if I remember correctly) and executed with Marines. This landing was predicted by Mao and I believe Zhou Enlai who warned Kim Il Sung and advised him to mine the area numerous times. However Kim Il Sung ignored their advice. Later on, after China officially entered the conflict, the Marines were defeated, but not crushed , and retreated back to the 38th Parallel. The units who were crushed were the ones from the UN task force, ROK units, and the US Army. Interestingly enough, the Marines became famous due to the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir.

Yeah, you're right, now I start to remember more details.

Thanks. That is what Chairman Mao meant. Prevent that Incheon landing and annihilate the Americans for good in Korea.

Anyways, it is all ancient history now.



Registered Member
In the last 30 years South Korea, Australia and Taiwan outperformed other developed economies because of China. They enjoyed great export success. That won't be true going forward. China won't be funding hostile countries like Canada, Australia, Taiwan, SK, etc going forward.

Yup. :D

What else can we say, you know?