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From its independence in 1947, India, with a similar population size to China was left with a functioning Westminster political system. It inherited various industries from the British like the automobile industry, aeronautics industry, shipbuilding industry, and others. Only Australia, and Canada had comparable levels of inheritance. The CPC inherited a China that was reeling from a century of wars, societal troubles, fractured territorial integrity, economic mess, and national humiliation. Worse still, there was still an ongoing civil-war and a coming major war in neighboring Korea. It was the worse possible start. The early years for India was not pleasant too, but it was nothing compared to a newly liberated China in 1949. If there was a PC game where you choose your poor Asian country to manage. India would be the 'Easy' challenge, while China is the 'Insane' challenge.

India throughout its history suffered only minor sanctions at worse. When India suffered food shortages, it can call for generous food aid from the US. China had none of that benefit, when its population starved. Hence, when India made policy mistakes, it paid a relatively small cost. While when the CPC made policy errors, China paid a massive price. Mistakes were far more unforgiving in China's case of nation building than India. India had practically full access to all technologies offered by both the West and the Russians till today. While China had its access cut-off by both sides at various times in its history. In its history, India fought against smaller nations except with China, which it lost. While China had to fight both Superpowers of the Cold War, hostile neighbours, and the ROC. The Cold War was much kinder to India than China. India had over 70 years to beat China. Yet, with all the advantages that India had, its economy today is roughly similar in size to the Chinese economy in 2007.
China's amazing and historic economic growth almost didn't happen as documented in How China Escaped Shock Therapy: The Market Reform Debate by Isabella M. Weber in the Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy. Surprisingly it's an exciting page-turner with excellent end-notes and bibliography. The author conducted interviews with the Chinese reform economists and others involved in the process. Highly recommended.


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Carl Zha is factually wrong.

The PVA kicked the US Marines right off the peninsula, handing them their worst retreat in US Marines history.

Mao later said he regretted he did not have the equipment to stop a landing, when the Americans came back at Incheon with an amphibious landing.

If China at that time actually had more weapons to prevent a landing, all Korea would be ruled by the Kim dynasty till now.


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Carl Zha is factually wrong.

The PVA kicked the US Marines right off the peninsula, handing them their worst retreat in US Marines history.

Mao later said he regretted he did not have the equipment to stop a landing, when the Americans came back at Incheon with an amphibious landing.

If China at that time actually had more weapons to prevent a landing, all Korea would be ruled by the Kim dynasty till now.
I think you got some facts mixed up. The Marines were not kicked off at all prior to and after the Incheon landing. During the initial phases of the Korean War, the KPA routed all US and ROK forces to the southern tip of the peninsula, and the remaining US and ROK forces formed the Pusan perimeter. At that point the Marines started to reinforce the perimeter. At the same time, the Incheon landing was planned by MacArthur and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (if I remember correctly) and executed with Marines. This landing was predicted by Mao and I believe Zhou Enlai who warned Kim Il Sung and advised him to mine the area numerous times. However Kim Il Sung ignored their advice. Later on, after China officially entered the conflict, the Marines were defeated, but not crushed , and retreated back to the 38th Parallel. The units who were crushed were the ones from the UN task force, ROK units, and the US Army. Interestingly enough, the Marines became famous due to the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir.


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For over an hour, Zelenskyy the elf has been complaining to Xi about the bad orc Putin:

President of Ukraine had a phone call with the President of the People’s Republic of China

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy had a phone call with the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping.

During a productive hour-long conversation, the heads of state discussed a full range of topical issues of bilateral relations. Special attention was paid to the ways of possible cooperation to establish a just and sustainable peace for Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy reaffirmed Ukraine's unwavering position on adherence to the "One China" policy and thanked the President of the People’s Republic of China for China's support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The President expressed gratitude to the Chinese side for the humanitarian assistance and noted that Ukraine properly cares about the safety of Chinese citizens in our country.

The parties discussed ways to strengthen the Ukrainian-Chinese partnership.

"Before the full-scale Russian invasion, China was Ukraine's number one trading partner. I believe that our conversation today will give a powerful impetus to the return, preservation and development of this dynamic at all levels," the President of Ukraine emphasized. This should be facilitated by the resumption of the work of the bilateral intergovernmental commission and the appointment of the Ambassador of Ukraine to China.

The President of Ukraine emphasized that today Ukraine honors the memory of the victims of the Chornobyl accident - the largest man-made disaster in the history of mankind. He emphasized that the ongoing Russian occupation of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and the use of the plant as a cover for military strikes at our cities and villages demonstrate that Moscow does not respect the fair interest of all people of the world to live in guaranteed safety from any nuclear or radiation threats.

In this regard, the Head of State called on China to play an effective role in the settlement of the security issue around the ZNPP.

"This will be in line with the essence of the Budapest Memorandum," he emphasized.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy briefed the Chinese leader on the situation at the front: "The situation at the front is difficult, but we are standing. And we will continue to liberate our land. We did not start this war, but we have to restore the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. Within the internationally recognized borders of 1991. Including Crimea. This is fully consistent with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter."

The Head of State specifically focused on the devastating consequences of the Russian invasion, emphasizing the abduction of twenty thousand Ukrainian children by Russia.

The President of Ukraine outlined the content of the Ukrainian Peace Formula and informed about the ongoing diplomatic work on the organization of the Global Peace Summit.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed hope for China's active participation in efforts to restore peace.

"Nobody wants peace more than the Ukrainian people. We are on our land and fighting for our future, exercising our inalienable right to self-defense. Peace must be just and sustainable, based on the principles of international law and respect for the UN Charter. There can be no peace at the expense of territorial compromises. The territorial integrity of Ukraine must be restored within the 1991 borders," the President of Ukraine said.

The parties emphasized the importance of efforts to establish peace.

The Head of State separately emphasized the importance of all states refraining from supporting Russia in the war. This should apply to military-technical cooperation, including the supply of weapons.

"Russia converts any support - even partial - into the continuation of its aggression, into its further rejection of peace. The less support Russia receives, the sooner the war will end and serenity will return to international relations," Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized.

The President of Ukraine emphasized the readiness of our country to remain a guarantor of global food security. Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that Ukrainian ports are currently hostage to Russian aggression and are blocked by the aggressor state, and our export routes are blocked with them.

In this context, the parties expressed joint support for the need for proper implementation and continuation of the Black Sea Grain Initiative. Volodymyr Zelenskyy informed about the implementation of the Grain from Ukraine global humanitarian program.

The leaders of Ukraine and China agreed to maintain a regular dialogue.

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