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Lieutenant General
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Native americans must be turning in their graves watching what their land has become
Yeah it's a blight. It's pretty bad up in the SF Bay Area also. Everywhere you see homeless living along the freeways. I don't think I've been in SF in two years because driving the streets smells like urine and weed. What really started it is for years I've been hearing cities and towns throughout the Western half of the US have been giving one-way bus tickets to San Francisco and Los Angeles to homeless people they find in their areas. I live near a reservoir. The other side of the reservoir is a city that's pretty rich. Supposedly the police there when they find homeless in their city give them a nearly ten mile ride past the reservoir and dump the homeless in our town. The main street in town you see them up and down the street but they haven't set up tent cities that people can see like in other areas.


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Pretext to war?
Yesterday the US suddenly ordered Nimitz carrier group to stay.
Next, Iran seized South Korean vessel. Today, SK sent military unit there.

The 33rd contingent of the 300-strong Cheonghae Unit on the 4,400-ton destroyer Choi Young has been in waters off Somalia since late last year to conduct anti-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden and the Hormuz Strait.
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Not sure if this fits as breaking news, but certainly this phenomena will not happen everyday.

I would normally quickly disregard this as photoshopped image if it's not coming from NASA's website.

Explanation: All of the other aurora watchers had gone home. By 3:30 am in
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, on a quiet September night, much of that night's auroras had died down. Suddenly, unexpectedly, a new burst of particles streamed down from space, lighting up the
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once again.
This time, surprisingly,
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cally, the night lit up with an
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reminiscent of a giant
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Pretext to war?
Yesterday the US suddenly ordered Nimitz carrier group to stay.
Next, Iran seized South Korean vessel. Today, SK sent military unit there.

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I work for an oil company in US, sit close to security director, today overheard him say they are blocking "all the China stuff" and in one conversation puts WeChat, and Alipay in the same category of threats or bad sites/apps/services as "Onlyfans" and "Ashley Madison"... and they are treating the China branch office like a bastard step child, including revoking the Chinese office branch users/employees from all corporate file share access/network access and basically put them all on locked down mode like quarantine or dmz

From the gist of things this is high level directive from government to criticial infrastructure companies... Biden presidency wont change much, if Huawei is betting on that its naive