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Can anyone verify if this is true? If this is true this means China produces almost as much electricity as USA, India & Russia combined together. And hydropower in China alone produces more electricity than the entire national grid of Japan. Quite hard to believe numb
It is accurate.

This article
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from 广东省水力发电工程学会, (Guangdong Engineering Society of Hydro Power Generation) in 2018 says,


By the end of 2017, the (yearly) hydro-electrical power generated has reached 1.19 万亿千瓦时, which is 1.19k terra watt-hours.


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Bill Gates probably paid by the CCP since he's poor and needs that cash

On a serious note, it's a pity electricity generation doesn't correlate 1 to 1 with GDP. Otherwise China would be by far by the biggest economy. Unfortunately a large portion of electricity goes towards low value manufacturing. That's why the move up the value chain is ever important.
Huge portion of electricity goes to subway lines, and electrified railways. Can you imagine how much energy the HSR consumes? Public benefit is not countable in commodity measuring scales like GDP. Many people mock the former eastern bloc countries about the lack of individual means of transport, for trabants and ladas but if you go deeper to this you can find, for example that Bucharest (roughly 2 million inhabitants ) tramways coverage is about 5fold compared to Paris (a metropolis of 12 million inhabitants) one, 330km to 65km and stuff like these. USSR's railway network was about 80% electrified compared to US 20 %. It's all about strategy


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UK gets extra taste of brexit. 81000 websites and related email address stopped working.
On Friday, as Brits awoke from the least celebratory New Year’s Eve of modern times, 50,000 of them discovered that their 81,000 .eu websites, and related email addresses, had stopped working.
It’s part of a rule change
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on the company that runs the .eu registry, EURid, by the European Commission after the European Commission decided that ownership of a .eu domain name is reliant on the domain holder’s membership of the European Union.
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I work for an oil company in US, sit close to security director, today overheard him say they are blocking "all the China stuff" and in one conversation puts WeChat, and Alipay in the same category of threats or bad sites/apps/services as "Onlyfans" and "Ashley Madison"... and they are treating the China branch office like a bastard step child, including revoking the Chinese office branch users/employees from all corporate file share access/network access and basically put them all on locked down mode like quarantine or dmz

From the gist of things this is high level directive from government to criticial infrastructure companies... Biden presidency wont change much, if Huawei is betting on that its naive
The hypocrisy of it all, now they talking about blocking mx records for yandex etc even though they do business with Russia, but dont want to allow "the Russian versions of Gmail" because communications will be read by Russian government.... (apparently some smaller clients dont have their own custom domain and use generic Russian version of Gmail email addresses)

I still remember back in 2008 when Google made a big fuss about Chinese goverment spying on gmail account of Chinese dissenters in China, then Gmail forced Https for the whole thing for gmail users in mainland China rather than just the login page ( back when most the web still using http) yet through the Snowden leaks we found out google joined NSA Prism in 2007.... so Google doesnt want Chinese government reading emails of Chinese citizens (or CIA spies) inside China, but yet more than happy to secretly share all of it with US government....


"the engineer"
The hypocrisy of it all, now they talking about blocking mx records for yandex etc even though they do business with Russia, but dont want to allow "the Russian versions of Gmail" because communications will be read by Russian government.... (apparently some smaller clients dont have their own custom domain and use generic Russian version of Gmail email addresses)

I still remember back in 2008 when Google made a big fuss about Chinese goverment spying on gmail account of Chinese dissenters in China, then Gmail forced Https for the whole thing for gmail users in mainland China rather than just the login page ( back when most the web still using http) yet through the Snowden leaks we found out google joined NSA Prism in 2007.... so Google doesnt want Chinese government reading emails of Chinese citizens (or CIA spies) inside China, but yet more than happy to secretly share all of it with US government....
Which oil company you work for? I'll make a mental note to not work with them.


Registered Member
Is China poking fun at U.S.? Lol.

My, how things have changed, riots in Hong Kong, (beautiful sights by Nancy) then Covid in Wuhan (China uncivilized bat eating yellow perils). And people in the west secretly wishing for China's "Chernobyl moment".

And then came Trump's handling of Covid, (drink disinfectant and shine ultraviolet lights up where the sun don't shine). Then came the U.S. riots and Trump's infamous two minutes walk to church. And now Trump's destroying democracy itself!

The old Chinese proverbs is true after all.
May you live in interesting times!



Is China poking fun at U.S.? Lol.

My, how things have changed, riots in Hong Kong, (beautiful sights by Nancy) then Covid in Wuhan (China uncivilized bat eating yellow perils). And people in the west secretly wishing for China's "Chernobyl moment".

And then came Trump's handling of Covid, (drink disinfectant and shine ultraviolet lights up where the sun don't shine). Then came the U.S. riots and Trump's infamous two minutes walk to church. And now Trump's destroying democracy itself!

The old Chinese proverbs is true after all.
May you live in interesting times!

That photo could have come straight out of a cyberpunk movie.