Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Seems like Australia doesn’t understand what sanctions means. :rolleyes:

Also absolute retarded move trying to call China out like this, like China is doing something underhanded sneakily.

If Australia really wants to press the issue, then all that will do is push China to formalise its current unofficial sanctions, thereby making them much harder to remove without a much more public climb down and Kow-Tow by Australia, whereas with sanctions as they are, China can quietly lift them without too much fanfare if it wanted to. Not so with official sanctions.

Basically this entire strategy seems to be based on racism, as there seems to be a general perception with racist Caucasians who think that Chinese people will meekly back down if you make a huge scene and fuss.

That might work with Chinatown take-away owners who are dodging tax and/or using illegals, but it has and will never work with the Chinese government, who has nothing to hide or be ashamed of.

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basically foreign students cant find jobs or other sources of money to pay for stuff and got no subsidies despite spending billions on tuition a year and injecting foreign funds into Australia.
Only last week the ABC ran a bit piece with much fanfare over 'returning asian students' disembarking in Darwin to commence a 14 day quarantine (at their own expense, no less).

FT said these students bring in $37bln a year; that is a criminal waste of money that could and should be better spent on more deserving nations.
That might work with Chinatown take-away owners who are dodging tax and/or using illegals, but it has and will never work with the Chinese government, who has nothing to hide or be ashamed of.
Bingo, you hit the nail on the head of the "karen"-ning that white propagandists and Morrison are carrying on.

White anglo racists and supremacists are too used to bullying Asian migrants who have to work hard for every dollar they can get and don't want to deal with any BS that white karens tend to bring because white karens believe they are THE customer of choice.


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China Set to Bail Out Iraq With Multibillion-Dollar Oil Deal

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Iraq is poised to sign a multibillion-dollar contract with China ZhenHua Oil Co., a bailout from Beijing for the cash-strapped government which will receive money upfront in exchange for long-term oil supplies.

The deal is the latest example of China, via state-controlled trading companies and banks, lending to struggling oil producers such as Angola, Venezuela and Ecuador, with repayment in the form of oil barrels rather than cash.

Just kick out the Americans already. Getting oil without having to bomb the country. Hopefully they do a currency deal too for future trades. Also recently China offered to build road and other infrastructure for Afghanistan in an investment deal with the country. Definitely much preferable than the bomb and occupy method that is lose-lose


Registered Member
Seems like Australia doesn’t understand what sanctions means. :rolleyes:

Also absolute retarded move trying to call China out like this, like China is doing something underhanded sneakily.

If Australia really wants to press the issue, then all that will do is push China to formalise its current unofficial sanctions, thereby making them much harder to remove without a much more public climb down and Kow-Tow by Australia, whereas with sanctions as they are, China can quietly lift them without too much fanfare if it wanted to. Not so with official sanctions.

Basically this entire strategy seems to be based on racism, as there seems to be a general perception with racist Caucasians who think that Chinese people will meekly back down if you make a huge scene and fuss.

That might work with Chinatown take-away owners who are dodging tax and/or using illegals, but it has and will never work with the Chinese government, who has nothing to hide or be ashamed of.

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What's the difference of official or unofficial sanctions?

The OZ is taking China to WTO regardless, so let's make it official. Just to what Trump did and got away with. Use National security ground!

Cheap OZ wine destroy local wine making capacity. In times of war, China would have trouble boosting moral if OZ withhold wine supplies.

Iron ore and coal supplies from OZ could lead to China's ore and coal mining facilities compromised leading to difficulties in times of war to aid the war effort!

Lol, isn't these Trump's excuses?


Lieutenant General
What's the difference of official or unofficial sanctions?

The OZ is taking China to WTO regardless, so let's make it official. Just to what Trump did and got away with. Use National security ground!

Cheap OZ wine destroy local wine making capacity. In times of war, China would have trouble boosting moral if OZ withhold wine supplies.

Iron ore and coal supplies from OZ could lead to China's ore and coal mining facilities compromised leading to difficulties in times of war to aid the war effort!

Lol, isn't these Trump's excuses?

The current unofficial sanctions in place actually works to the benefit of both China and Australia.

Being unofficial, individuals and companies do not have to follow them, even though in practice almost all companies do follow the ‘guidelines’ issued.

Practically, this benefits China as it can pick and choose which contracts to honour and which ones to sanction, depending on its own needs. The contrasting treatment of Australian iron ore compared to targeted areas is a good illustration.

For Australia, it’s beneficial since the unofficial sanctions are only limiting trade rather than cutting it off completely.

Politically speaking, this is all just still warning shot territory and not actual full blown punishment mode. That means all existing measures could be quickly and quietly lifted if Australia can prove contrition and course changes to Chinese satisfaction behind the scenes.

It would be much harder to help the Australians safe face after a total capitulation if formal sanctions were in place, and need to be formally lifted.

The only meaningful difference between unofficial and official sanctions is WTO disputes.

Basically formal sanctions are like a get-out-of-jail-free card when it comes to WTO dispute resolution.

Invoke the in-built security clause as cover for your sanctions and you are essentially bullet proof against WTO cases against you.

Below is a good article with some of the basics.

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Registered Member
The current unofficial sanctions in place actually works to the benefit of both China and Australia.

Being unofficial, individuals and companies do not have to follow them, even though in practice almost all companies do follow the ‘guidelines’ issued.

Practically, this benefits China as it can pick and choose which contracts to honour and which ones to sanction, depending on its own needs. The contrasting treatment of Australian iron ore compared to targeted areas is a good illustration.

For Australia, it’s beneficial since the unofficial sanctions are only limiting trade rather than cutting it off completely.

Politically speaking, this is all just still warning shot territory and not actual full blown punishment mode. That means all existing measures could be quickly and quietly lifted if Australia can prove contrition and course changes to Chinese satisfaction behind the scenes.

It would be much harder to help the Australians safe face after a total capitulation if formal sanctions were in place, and need to be formally lifted.

The only meaningful difference between unofficial and official sanctions is WTO disputes.

Basically formal sanctions are like a get-out-of-jail-free card when it comes to WTO dispute resolution.

Invoke the in-built security clause as cover for your sanctions and you are essentially bullet proof against WTO cases against you.

Below is a good article with some of the basics.

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So China basically trying to leave a back door for the OZ to save face, and therefore remains "entente cordial". But the way that buffon Morrison has acted, by throwing the toys out of the pram. It's going to be difficult for China not to make this official, and therefore nullify any attempt OZ has taking to the WTO.

No wonder, the world is watching and think OZ is a pussycat plaything.



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So China basically trying to leave a back door for the OZ to save face, and therefore remains "entente cordial". But the way that buffon Morrison has acted, by throwing the toys out of the pram. It's going to be difficult for China not to make this official, and therefore nullify any attempt OZ has taking to the WTO.

No wonder, the world is watching and think OZ is a pussycat plaything.

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