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Vo Van Thuong elected President of Vietnam

Anybody know if he is in the pro-China or pro-US faction?
Not matter. Read his profile. He just another yes man of VCP. As long as General Sec of VCP still alive nothing change. Heck the common people here dont even talk about this because nothing big impact, yet. And about Vietnam lean towards US or China. I say both neither or either. We have joke that Viet gov is master of dancing on the fence.


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Not matter. Read his profile. He just another yes man of VCP. As long as General Sec of VCP still alive nothing change. Heck the common people here dont even talk about this because nothing big impact, yet. And about Vietnam lean towards US or China. I say both neither or either. We have joke that Viet gov is master of dancing on the fence.
Vietnam's government knows that it must keep a balance between US and China, On the civilian side, pro-US is increasing very fast and anti-China is always the majority, if the government does not find a way to reduce corruption and make a healthy economy, I think maybe in the future, VN will be next battleground for US and China. In my thought, I think it will happen in the next economy crisis in VN.


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Article about an interview given by former Israeli PM, Naftali Bennet. Basically confirms that the war could have ended after the second weeks as Russia and Ukraine had agreed to a peace deal where Russia would return to its pre-February 24 borders and Ukraine would stop seeking NATO membership.

The tentative agreement was sabotaged by the West, mainly Boris Johnson, who told Zelensky the west woldn't recognize any peace agreement he signed with Putin and that he should push for a military victory.

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This is insane. US sends weapons to Taiwan to confront China and proudly announces it without suffering any retaliation.

Now they are publicly threatening China for simply not joining the boycott against Russia. If given the order, all vassals will follow the US even if they suffer from it.

This type of bullying must end now. China should guarantee whatever kind of help Russia needs and limit US abuses in the world. US is a threat to any sovereign country.

China should starts giving sanctions to the US right away. When the US even threatens about sanctions in the future, China should threaten the US too. And they should do it every time. Threat for threat, sanctions for sanctions.


Lieutenant General
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Sanctions are slow burning. RU is literally running down financial reserves to keep stuff afloat.
View attachment 108168
Most of the UK, Irish, and Swiss "investments" are actually Russian money which was parked abroad flowing back into Russia. Those which aren't like Russian stocks in the London Stock Exchange could likely be replaced with listing in either Hong Kong or Shanghai.

The US is basically not allowing Russian nuclear inspections since they don't allow any Russian flights to fly into the US. The Russian nuclear inspectors cannot physically go into the country. So the Russians basically countered this by not allowing US inspections either.


Honestly such a suggestion seems borderline subversive against the legacy of Mao. Placing a statue of him next to one of a direct supporter of American aggression, in a country where there are no just laws, is an insult against what the late Chairman stood for.

If Mao was alive, he would not have wanted that statue placed. Hell, when he was alive, he did not even want to place statue of himself in China. Almost if not all Mao memorials/statues were built decades after he passed.

Should someone truly care about the cause of Maoism, they would have donated the money directly to an organization that helps the working class, or an organization that helps the oppressed peoples around the world. Get something for the Palestinians, buy a few DJI drones for the LDPR.

I'm pretty sure all this is just the typical bullshit for bashing China.


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Chinese donors who funded Trudeau Foundation wanted statue of Mao in Montreal​

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Trudeau Foundation returning $200K to Beijing-linked donor​

Pretty sure repudiating Trudeau Sr's relationship with China is the exact opposite of 创造条件. Besides ignoring Canada, does China have anymore cards to play?

They should build a statue of Mao next to a statue of Fidel Castro instead.


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Zelenskiy and his allies have become increasingly outspoken about the shortages of ammunition and Scholz has been trying to secure supplies in countries, including Brazil and Qatar, but with little success. Ukraine is seeking more shells particularly for the tanks supplied by Germany and air defense weapons.

Berlin is exploring joint procurement within the European Union, but the Brussels bureaucracy could slow the process, a German official said. One potential solution would involve moving some of the production to the US where there is more capacity.

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