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Registered Member
View attachment 66138

My man Zhao Lijian looking very handsome in there.
Jesus Christ, isn’t this a little bit long ago? They must be really grasping at the straws just come up with a decent response. The brit’s must be trying there hardest to distract themselves from the shut they just implemented along with the qanon anti shut riots happening right now


Junior Member
Registered Member
Australia is not alone. It is supported by all Anglo Saxon countries. As for other white countries, they may not be the brothers of Australia, but they will support Australia if the conflict between China and Australia begins.

This diplomatic conflict could be avoided, if China kept quiet and pretended he didn't know everything. Extreme pragmatism is the key to China defeating the West. Skip the little things to look at the bigger picture


Senior Member
Registered Member
Australia is not alone. It is supported by all Anglo Saxon countries. As for other white countries, they may not be the brothers of Australia, but they will support Australia if the conflict between China and Australia begins.
White anglo solidarity doesn't seem to be worth much these days, judging by how eager white anglo americans are eager to steal australia's share in the Chinese market, and only offer platitudes rather than concrete commitments. Commitments like saving australia
s wine industry at the expense of their own?

Are we led to believe that for all their flowery words about white anglo solidarity, that no-one actually gives a shit?


Registered Member
Australia is not alone. It is supported by all Anglo Saxon countries. As for other white countries, they may not be the brothers of Australia, but they will support Australia if the conflict between China and Australia begins.

This diplomatic conflict could be avoided, if China kept quiet and pretended he didn't know everything. Extreme pragmatism is the key to China defeating the West. Skip the little things to look at the bigger picture

A clip from sky news. Watch this guy blatantly calling on support from the white countries.



Registered Member
White anglo solidarity doesn't seem to be worth much these days, judging by how eager white anglo americans are eager to steal australia's share in the Chinese market, and only offer platitudes rather than concrete commitments. Commitments like saving australia
s wine industry at the expense of their own?

Are we led to believe that for all their flowery words about white anglo solidarity, that no-one actually gives a shit?
I am pretty sure that when the USA goes out of commission and there markets are gone that most of the wealthy Australian farmers and wine sellers will use that chance to get that Chinese market back once Scomo and his idiot friends are out of office, preferably when Australia has suffered enough from there collective stupidity and have a choice between being China’s goods supplier or future Muslim/Russian target (I mean come on neither of them have forgotten the fact that where ever the USA goes, australia follow blindly). The one thing that is now clear is that the USA doesn’t really help there other compatriots very much, heck what did the uk get in regards to there Huawei ban and general antagonising of China or did Canada get anything from the whole meng situation except restricted access of a booming market and an ungrateful neighbour next door that bullies them all the time and honestly australia and NZ hasn’t receive anything from what I could recall. To be honest everything is all talk but nothing in relation to trade or a cohesive attack strategy against China has been used at this point because due to there current economic situation, they are all broke and a war would cripple them for decades. And China isn’t stupid enough to start a fight given there patience in regards to HK (hmmm foreshadowing). Hence the alliance is a big paper tiger and if the Middle East was to suddenly light up, most of the 5eyes will have limit access to oil which means oh shit. There are simply too many red flags for the 5eyes in the coming decade that they are going to be in a world of hurt and if there pillar of hope goes (USA and given that amount of red flags there and how silent the USA in regards to Australia’s war crimes (someone is getting thrown under the bus again)) well all of the remainder of the 5eyes better watch out. The Anglo saxons are going to taste 100 years of retribution for the crimes against China and rest of the world. Let’s see what there chances are without there big brother there to help them like they always do and it isn’t going to be pleasant.


Registered Member
View attachment 66138

My man Zhao Lijian looking very handsome in there.

Just one more quick post before going off to work. This is so typical of the west. They can't actually argue with the topic in question (ie; Australian killing innocent people, thus violating their human rights that they always preach to the rest of the world). So they wheeled out a 30 year old photo and bingo. Claimed got your.

At the same time conveniently forgot about the blood in their hands in place like Syria, Libya, Iraq. Vietnam, Cambodia, Kenya, South Africa, India. Native Americans, Native Australians. Shall I go on?


Lieutenant General
Australia is absolutely in the wrong here, and has no leg to stand on. They themselves kept harping on about ‘freedom of speech’ when they wanted to shit on China for made up imaginary ‘crimes’, yet cannot handle a pretty mild mocking tweet of actually crimes they have committed themselves.

They started the trade dispute with China with their non-stop sniping and actual moves that damages Chinese national interests.

They are also incompatibly weaker in terms of raw power in every measurable field, with zero leverage to speak of and an economy heavily dependent on Chinese money.

The Australians massively miscalculated in that they chose to pick fights with China expecting China to turn the other cheek so they can score cheap political points at home and with Trump for no cost, but are now just being retarded for doubling down when China pushed back unexpectedly.

Well i say got for it. Keep digging your heels in and making the situation worse all you like. It’s like a boneheaded idiot having a fist fight with a mountain. You go punch it all you want.

China has all the cards and ultimate escalation dominance. No matter what Australia does, China can outdo them.

At this point, I don’t think China is any mood to settle for anything less than Scomo’s head on a silver platter (metaphorically, probably). If Australians cannot see how shit of a leader he is and instead support him more, well then fuck Australia and enjoy the prolonged economic pain. Go make it physical if you have the balls, see how well your military fairs against an opponent who can actually fight back rather than unarmed civilians and children.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Short-term conflict aggravates everything and cannot fully solve all problems. China should avoid brief clashes with Australia and prepare for the decisive blow, which will paralyze Australia for at least 50 years.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Short-term conflict aggravates everything and cannot fully solve all problems. China should avoid brief clashes with Australia and prepare for the decisive blow, which will paralyze Australia for at least 50 years.
Nah, this fight was a long time in coming; it was only when trump lost the election that morrison pussed out and tried to make peace and amends with China.
Too bad words don't mean shit, not after all the shit Australia put China through these past few years.

Either Morrison gets booted out-and there is precedence of australian party leaders being deposed by their party backers- or australia has a few lost years in time out.