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You should never push enemy or friend into a corner. Leave room to negotiate. Besides, Australians will never back down like this.

HA! Pushed into a corner? Morrison dived in head first all by himself.

Really now, you can't really blame China for Morrison's stupidity. He could have left it to his diplomatic corps to come up with a suitable reply.
Or better yet, he could have told his government not to fall for any provocations, keep the matter strictly internal and ignore the tweet all together! Zhao was clearly trolling. Why even deign him a response?

Instead he held a press conference and blew the whole thing up to an international level. Now Russia's chiming in too. They clearly smell blood in the water. At this point this is no longer just about Australia.

After all if the Australian SAS was in Afghanistan killing kids for shits and giggles, why didn't the Americans or Brits stop them? I'm sure there's so many questions to be asked.
Looking forward to a recommendation by the UNHRC to involve themselves in the investigation. Perhaps we'll see Chinese and Russian delegations to Afghanistan to look into potential war crimes committed by other relevant parties?

I wonder what else they'll uncover?


Senior Member
Australia is unlikely to backdown. They can’t. Not like this.

But ultimately it’s in both countries’ interest to stabilize relations. China should leave a door or two open for Australia to normalize ties.
the us and allies especially australia are forming an alliance to gang up on China and is actively recruiting members, an example needs to be made of what happens to those who takes side against China


Senior Member
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the us and allies especially australia are forming an alliance to gang up on China and is actively recruiting members, an example needs to be made of what happens to those who takes side against China

Australia went out of its way to be a cunt to China from the HK protests to now, interrogating and searching Chinese journalist's homes, and banning Huawei and trying to get other countries to gang up on China on COVID.

Australia's displays for "friendship" are insincere without Australia addressing the 14 points.


The karma runs way deeper than this ship as of late. America first cheered the Hong Kong riots calling them "a beautiful sight"; then the US became engulfed in riots throughout the nation. Then they had schadenfreude over Wuhan... before the US became the hardest hit nation in the world by COVID. That an 075 suffered a styrofoam box fire that was basically washed clear in hours before the US lost Bonnie Dick to a 4 day bonfire right at the end of a 2 year, $250M upgrade is barely a cherry on top of a sundae that fills a 300 gallon drum.

All of these events is making me believe in a literal Mandate of Heaven. Maybe our ancestors were right about omens...


You should never push enemy or friend into a corner. Leave room to negotiate. Besides, Australians will never back down like this.

Sometimes, you need to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, and Australia, with its heavy export dependence on China and relatively replaceable commodities, is the perfect target to make an example of.

I noticed that Germany was talking about banning Huawei a few weeks earlier, and now they've gone ahead and approved it instead. Just a few days after Australia started to sue for peace.

Myself, I don't think that's a coincidence. I only hope our Little Potato is paying attention and drawing the right conclusions.


Anti-China CNN hit-piece strikes again:

Leaked documents reveal China's mishandling of the early stages of Covid-19
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Meanwhile China has opened up already with nearly 0 new cases while America is still hopelessly stuck in lockdown and suffering a record number of deaths every day.

There was an influenza spike all over the world last winter.


Registered Member
the us and allies especially australia are forming an alliance to gang up on China and is actively recruiting members, an example needs to be made of what happens to those who takes side against China
The aussies have signed a treaty with the Japanese in which the aussies will exclusively replenish the Japanese with supplies during war times. These crooks are bunching up to harm the Chinese, and these aussies are untrustworthy.


To be fair and for the sake of not being as lowly as those inclined to think and talk like this, I think we should mention that Australia was never intended by the English to be a permanent penal colony. Convicts of that era were plentiful with understandable and trivial crimes, treated and sentenced unjustly.

The English only wanted convicts to set up the foundations of the new colony and do most of the hard and dirty work. Proper immigrants came quickly after and skilled tradespeople settled in Australia while convicts were still being sent.

New Zealanders and Australians have a close friendship. Neither truly consider the other culturally inferior! That's ridiculous. Their governments are all five eyes team and their people like to insult each other occasionally but all in fun.

By all means point out actual hypocrisy and dirty tricks by them but going delusional and self-deceiving does one no good. It's what they're experts at and the results show.
well said


Australia is unlikely to backdown. They can’t. Not like this.

Well a lot of Australians get influenced by newspaper opinion pieces like this

Australia is the country that's supposed to be feeling the pressure. But a look at the evidence reveals that the supposedly mighty regime of strongman Xi Jinping is the one feeling the strain. We now have three clear points of proof.

When China's ambassador to Australia openly threatened trade boycotts against Australian products in April, he revealed how worried the regime was. It was the moment that Xi removed the mask. For years his regime had been undermining Australia – through cyberattacks, political interference, demands that Chinese Australians support Beijing's political agenda – but always kept the smiling mask of friendship in place. Remember that Xi told Australia's Parliament in 2014 that the two countries should "be harmonious neighbours who stick together in both good times and bad times".

The Chinese Communist Party's functionaries always delivered their threats and pressure tactics in private. Xi imposed a freeze on top-level contacts with Australia two years ago. He ordered a go-slow on Australian thermal coal imports last year. But coercion had never been declared openly.
When the ambassador, Cheng Jingye, went public to issue his threats against Australian beef, wine, tourism and university revenues, we all saw the truth – there is no goodwill, only gangsterism.

It was a foolish tactic. Why blow the cover story and antagonise the Australian people? Because Xi was feeling the heat. He'd bungled the coronavirus, exposed China to global criticism and pitched the whole world into recession. Keep in mind that the party was deeply anxious about its grip on power even when the economy was booming. Harvard sinologist Ross Terrill has described it as "the irreducible problem of legitimation of a government that has never been elected". "It is a state that is oppressive, yet also afraid of its own people."
And because, despite China's size and might, Xi was feeling threatened by Australia's declarations of independence. Australia's Huawei ban was a world first. A score of other countries have followed. Australia's foreign interference legislation was another first. Other democracies are looking to it as a model.