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I would argue this move was pivotal of middle east shifting toward China's camp. These oil lords cannot tolerate this random asset seizing. Now all their wealth is at risk because American cannot be trusted even if you offer them ransom.
More than that. I see the thing as a struggle of dominating the oil market and price setting. Oil exporters can not tolerate US becoming the only one to determine the global oil price after Russia (the only nuclear armed oil exporter) is defeated. No matter their differences, the gulf countries and Russia are on the same boat. Their only choice when Russia is weakened is to find another counterweight/backer, that is China.


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They are justifying their potential operation against Iran. It is time for Iran to get nukes. They really need nukes this time. Kim Jong Un is being proven right yet again.

Note: I believe NPT is null and void as of 2023. NPT also included a pledge from recognized nuclear powers to reduce and strive to eliminate their arsenals. That's not happening. So non-nuclear powers have no obligation to avoid obtaining nuclear weapons.



Registered Member
They are justifying their potential operation against Iran. It is time for Iran to get nukes. They really need nukes this time. Kim Jong Un is being proven right yet again.

Note: I believe NPT is null and void as of 2023. NPT also included a pledge from recognized nuclear powers to reduce and strive to eliminate their arsenals. That's not happening. So non-nuclear powers have no obligation to avoid obtaining nuclear weapons.

That article is wrong, 84% already is weapons grade uranium. Whether they have enough material for a bomb is another matter.

The inhabitants of Tel Aviv better start stocking up on factor 1,000,000 sunscreen.


Registered Member
They are justifying their potential operation against Iran. It is time for Iran to get nukes. They really need nukes this time. Kim Jong Un is being proven right yet again.

Note: I believe NPT is null and void as of 2023. NPT also included a pledge from recognized nuclear powers to reduce and strive to eliminate their arsenals. That's not happening. So non-nuclear powers have no obligation to avoid obtaining nuclear weapons.

NPT was always a useless instrument, what really matters is raw power. If the P5 is against a country having nukes, the P5 can definitely put an end to that.
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Registered Member
Oh yes, another mighty own-goal.
Rather than own goal, it is likely just the plotting of Putin in conjunction with his benefactors in China.

There are many signs that US didn't plan jack shit regarding actual kinetic war in Ukraine and that they've been ad libbing it since day 1. They tried to discourage Russia for several weeks by flooding state controlled outlets with "leaks" of Russian attack once they realized it was inevitable, in the hopes that Russia would change course after thinking US had them all figured out in advance. US forces were not ready to provide strong military supply to Ukraine that could prevent the Donbass and the land bridge from being lost, despite a small initial Russian wave.

The purge against Russian capitalists also showed shocking shortsightedness or perhaps frustration. Russian capitalists have always been America's greatest ally inside China's bloc and the most detrimental faction towards Russian freedom, not to mention the long term aftershocks on the oil markets due to non-respect for private property, something all the sheiks deeply care about. These sanctions hurt US control and potential in exchange for momentary domestic frustration relief, which is never a good recipe.

America's plan was always to gradually take Ukraine into NATO after the Euromaidan coup, eventually culminating in armed reunification of the Donbass under the auspices of NATO, using Minsk 2 to buy time until Ukraine gained the capability. This would then open up the route to Crimea at a later date. US essentially thought that Europe can be put on the back burner and they can slowly work their way to "cleansing" the Donbass using Ukrainian proxies.

As with any plan, the enemy always gets a vote and Russia struck preemptively.

They are justifying their potential operation against Iran. It is time for Iran to get nukes. They really need nukes this time. Kim Jong Un is being proven right yet again.

Note: I believe NPT is null and void as of 2023. NPT also included a pledge from recognized nuclear powers to reduce and strive to eliminate their arsenals. That's not happening. So non-nuclear powers have no obligation to avoid obtaining nuclear weapons.

It is not in anyone's interest to have more nuclear powers. NK could only get theirs because they're a dependency. Iran isn't.

China should give them conventional weapons and discourage nuclear acquisition.

US justifying an operation on Iran is playing China's hands. Another Vietnam where communist aid can keep America pinned down and demilitarize them.

Would US survive another general draft? That is probably what will be needed for Iran war.


Registered Member
They are justifying their potential operation against Iran. It is time for Iran to get nukes. They really need nukes this time. Kim Jong Un is being proven right yet again.

After forming NATO with so many nazis in charge, you'd think they'd have learnt from them not to open more fronts than what you can handle.

Increasing the provocations against China, the Ukranian war is far from wraping up and has all the potential to go sideways and now they want to go hot on Iran as well...


Registered Member
China should give them conventional weapons and discourage nuclear acquisition.

US justifying an operation on Iran is playing China's hands. Another Vietnam where communist aid can keep America pinned down and demilitarize them.
Chinese offering conventional weapons will not solve the problem in short term to medium term.
It could also raise the price of energy by accelerating conflict. for any kind of normalization of Israel and Saudi. Israel has to prove its competence. and that is the shortest way doing it. i am sure Arabs dont like Iran to have too much energy exports. The higher energy prices Arabs can spend more on Western weopons. that can even divert production away from Ukraine.
Israel also diverting attention of Ukraine.
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They are justifying their potential operation against Iran. It is time for Iran to get nukes. They really need nukes this time. Kim Jong Un is being proven right yet again.

Note: I believe NPT is null and void as of 2023. NPT also included a pledge from recognized nuclear powers to reduce and strive to eliminate their arsenals. That's not happening. So non-nuclear powers have no obligation to avoid obtaining nuclear weapons.

I wonder if it is a gambit to get the oil lords on their side again.