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No. In this position,
But so many dollars have already been used to build China. China could not be where it is if it rejected the USD from the beginning. Every day, China is getting richer trading in the dollar. And China is keenly aware of the dangers and risks so it is diversifying its dollar holdings and encouraging internationalization of the yuan. These are all facts and strategies developed by mature and experienced men; while the following is your childish imagination for why China needs to just dump all USD:
China will be sanctioned and blocked with printed and worthless dollars in return.
But the US doesn't dare do it, does it? American power relies on the USD being the global currency. If you can't use it to trade with the largest trading nation, the USD is not so attractive anymore.
The end of the CR929 was a sight. The Russians want independence from the West, while the Chinese insist on depending on Western components thinking that the Americans would not have the courage yo sanction.
Well, China has its assessment of what would constitute a viable commercial project. China didn't join the PAK FA but created the J-20 on its own. It assessed that it would have a better result going alone in the 929 as well. China has no desire to be dependent on the west for anything, but it is also sober about what needs to be done and how to mitigate the risks. It's a complicated approach, but it pays off, hence China's growth using the West whilst never actually being their ally. I can't think of any recent example of a Russian effort being more successful than a Chinese one.
In the end, Americans will do anything to stay on top, including going to nukes and poverty itself.
The end hasn't come and this is your imagination. As long as China can inflict MAD, Americans will sit like good little boys.


Registered Member
No. In this position, China will be sanctioned and blocked with printed and worthless dollars in return.

The end of the CR929 was a sight. The Russians want independence from the West, while the Chinese insist on depending on Western components thinking that the Americans would not have the courage yo sanction. In the end, Americans will do anything to stay on top, including going to nukes and poverty itself.

You guys over there beyond the Himalayas really need a revolution to eradicate your old thinking and replace it with something more modern.

As far as I can tell, these arguments that China will succumb to America is based on two pillars, 1) white supremacy, and 2) we still are in the 19th century.

None of the facts presented are even remotely true.

It may be true in the sense the fact is cherry picked for the purpose of making an argument, but not true in actual reality. In short, weak arguments.

My question is, how can these weak arguments sustain themselves indefinitely? It is like total illusion. Comrade Chang living the life of total illusion.

The only way that can happen, is that this are ideologically forced arguments, because that is what ideology does. It gives people blind faith.


Registered Member
No. In this position, China will be sanctioned and blocked with printed and worthless dollars in return.

The end of the CR929 was a sight. The Russians want independence from the West, while the Chinese insist on depending on Western components thinking that the Americans would not have the courage yo sanction. In the end, Americans will do anything to stay on top, including going to nukes and poverty itself.
When shit hits the fan, would you rather be the one with currency or the one with goods?

There's a reason US doesn't do what you think is good for them, because its really not good for them, it'll get them fucked.

Uncle Sam is a king that has spent the last 5 decades overpaying his general because the general is the only one that can solve his problems, and now the general not only has used the money to buy more land than the king has, but he has all of the soldiers (industries) which the king used to extort money from his subjects to begin with.

What do you think happens when the king now wants to sanction his only major backer and call for his arrest? Will he go quietly and say "you have bested me, I will send all the soldiers in my army back to your castle". Or will he just take the soldiers and the land and then make himself the new king?

Dollar authority is de jure only. De jure can always be overturned by force, hence Washington must be very careful of using too much force.


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Registered Member
But so many dollars have already been used to build China. China could not be where it is if it rejected the USD from the beginning. Every day, China is getting richer trading in the dollar. And China is keenly aware of the dangers and risks so it is diversifying its dollar holdings and encouraging internationalization of the yuan. These are all facts and strategies developed by mature and experienced men; while the following is your childish imagination for why China needs to just dump all USD:

But the US doesn't dare do it, does it? American power relies on the USD being the global currency. If you can't use it to trade with the largest trading nation, the USD is not so attractive anymore.

Well, China has its assessment of what would constitute a viable commercial project. China didn't join the PAK FA but created the J-20 on its own. It assessed that it would have a better result going alone in the 929 as well. China has no desire to be dependent on the west for anything, but it is also sober about what needs to be done and how to mitigate the risks. It's a complicated approach, but it pays off, hence China's growth using the West whilst never actually being their ally. I can't think of any recent example of a Russian effort being more successful than a Chinese one.

The end hasn't come and this is your imagination. As long as China can inflict MAD, Americans will sit like good little boys.
When shit hits the fan, would you rather be the one with currency or the one with goods?

There's a reason US doesn't do what you think is good for them, because its really not good for them, it'll get them fucked.

Uncle Sam is a king that has spent the last 5 decades overpaying his general because the general is the only one that can solve his problems, and now the general not only has used the money to buy more land than the king has, but he has all of the soldiers (industries) which the king used to extort money from his subjects to begin with.

What do you think happens when the king now wants to sanction his only major backer and call for his arrest? Will he go quietly and say "you have bested me, I will send all the soldiers in my army back to your castle". Or will he just take the soldiers and the land and then make himself the new king?

Dollar authority is de jure only. De jure can always be overturned by force, hence Washington must be very careful of using too much force.
With such mindset, Chinese companies are more likely to overthrow the Communist Party than to abandon the excellent position of having dollars and serving American masters.

Japan fell like that. Taiwan had the same ancient Chinese culture, but depending on the US, it became what it became. The logic exposed by you leads to this result. The contrary is still unprecedented and has no evidence.


Registered Member
Yes, exports and FDI are good, but only with foreign trade. Growth in ASEAN countries largely still depends on Western trade redirections.
Yeah but China is ASEAN's largest trade partner. They've also signed the RCEP, with no America and EU in it. While America's TTP project to separate ASEAN from China was a colossal failure. Brought about by non-other than America itself.

At the current level, between American and Chinese brands, in a war with sanctions and embargoes, the world would clearly prefer American brands made in India even with low quality.
Let the market decide the fate of those American brands. Let's see how long Apple, and Nike can keep their luster after several rounds of controversies and product recalls due to 'Make in India' quality. Sooner or later, they'll be pressured to return their production to China, or suffer the consequence of rapidly rising Chinese competition. Chinese brands don't sell you might say? Well what about brands like: DJI, BYD, Geely, Midea, Hisense, Anta, Huawei, and Xiaomi?

If even China prefers to continue investing in hostile companies, when war breaks out, no country will want to invest in China at this pace and attitude shown.
When war breaks out. The Motherland always comes 1st. China won't give 2 cents about what any foreign company thinks. Behave, and stay out of the China's way. If any of them wanna be hostile to China, then sorry, its gonna be forced nationalization. Its war.

No country at all will wanna invest in China when China is at war? Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure? Well think again.

And the US will launch war and sanctions before China develops its own projects. China should cut all investments and purchases of critical western products now, and investing in allies and in preparation for war.
I actually think that now is the best time to buy all the best stuff that the US is still offering up for sale. Don't wait until there's sanctions and war to then regret for not having bought that last American toy that was still available on the market. Vacuum up as much technology and knowledge from the US that China can get still its hands on.

If and when the time comes, then China can just do what it has proven to be extremely good at. Reverse-engineer and obtain stuff that has been denied by the someone else.

We must not make the mistake of equating China to either India, or any typical 3rd world nation. It is neither any of them. If China wants something, it'll eventually get it. Even if it has to do so all by itself. China already has an exceptional track record for technological progress:
1) The Soviet Union cut-short its nuclear weapons technology sharing with China. China still got its nukes.
2) The US deports a Chinese scientist. China gets its ballistic missile and a space program.
3) The US places an arms embargo on China. China builds one of the most modern militaries in Asia.
4) The US denies the ISS to China, China builds its own Tiangong space station.


With such mindset, Chinese companies are more likely to overthrow the Communist Party than to abandon the excellent position of having dollars and serving American masters.
And yet, they haven't and aren't showing any pattern of doing so. Quite to the contrary, the CCP reigns them in with new rules all the time and in response, they follow them, grow, and bring innovation and money to China. And when the US sanctions them, they innovate some more to make it themselves. Isn't it wonderful how the real world and your imagination just don't converge?
Japan fell like that.
No it didn't. First Rome, now Japan? Where did you learn your history from? Japan fell once to the A-bomb, then again to the Plaza Accords. Japanese corporations didn't overthrow their government for USDs.
Taiwan had the same ancient Chinese culture, but depending on the US, it became what it became.
They. Lost. A. War. Then they retreated and got holed up onto a little island. What false parallels could you possibly be drawing here and what could you possibly be expecting from them to achieve?
The logic exposed by you leads to this result.
Yes, the result of China outgrowing and outperforming everyone.
The contrary is still unprecedented and has no evidence.
Yes, the contrary to my logic and real world observations is your imagination, which is indeed unprecedented and without evidence.


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Registered Member
Russians had to be done dirty with the USSR collapse because the Khrushchevite path was just too shit and would have dragged China down with them.

But now, 30 years after the USSR fall, China has finally reeled in Russia completely, even as America, despite being China's partner in crime at bringing down the USSR, did not realize or were not able to compete on what it really was about. That is, it was a scramble for Russia and its immense potential in resources and educated population.

With Russian foreign policy and Russian resources I.e. eventually productive forces completely aligned, China can work on its own leisurely timeline for the eventual democratization and return of socialism in Russia.