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Well, disband it then? $850 billion a year and all that extra money spend through other agencies. Yet they can't produce as many arty shells as the supposedly irrelevant economy Russia. That weapons industry needs a makeover.

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Might as well forms JV between Huntington Ingalls or Bath Iron Works and Jiangnan or Dalian shipyard.
Modularized DDG(X) and Type 055 let's goooo


Registered Member
Might as well forms JV between Huntington Ingalls or Bath Iron Works and Jiangnan or Dalian shipyard.
Modularized DDG(X) and Type 055 let's goooo
Plus Bohai and Wuchang as well, IMO.

As of now, Bohai being the only shipyard in China that is capable of building nuclear-powered submarines could risk becoming the single-point failure for China's SSN and SSBN procurement, especially considering the distances from the Bohai Shipyard to enemy bases in South Korea and Japan.


Registered Member
Actually, some of them want to start a race war.
Some of the racist policymakers in the U.S. want to start a race war against China? I'm shocked!
The United States is distinct from other european states in that it champions White Supremacy as its national guiding ideology (and even then, there are grades of 'whiteness' eg italian southern europeans inhabiting a lower caste to white nordics). It was inevitable that the USG would want a war against China since China's very existence obviates the myth of White Supremacy.
What will the future look like when Five Eyes proponents crow on their dunghill of late 20th century tech when China is colonising Luna and Mars?


Registered Member
Well, disband it then? $850 billion a year and all that extra money spend through other agencies. Yet they can't produce as many arty shells as the supposedly irrelevant economy Russia. That weapons industry needs a makeover.

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The US military is massively bloated. They operate 800+ foreign military bases abroad which are very expensive. They are run like mini American colonies, with some having Walmarts and KFCs to help stationed troops feel at home. They do nothing to help the US military in peacetime, it's just bloat that countries like Russia and China don't have to deal with.

Then you can look at the fact the US military has spent the last 20 years "fighting" the war on terror, which is basically a glorified police state role in the middle east. Weapons development and production has been geared towards that, not fighting Russia, let alone China.

Once you take PPP into account (another massive difference) I don't think the Russians are too far behind the Americans, and China are ahead, despite the nominal differences in military budgets.


Registered Member

I know I shouldn’t watch crap like this, but it does surprise me on how many channels as of late that I once found informative have devolved into madness and paranoia over time from how things are working out in the world right now. It is funny how certain channels can get so much wrong, that they believe that China and Russia to being in the losing end of things when it is the west that is completely losing it in every sense of the word, for evidence of this , simply watch Davos 2023 and you would easily see just how mad they have all become, I mean look as how crazy the elites are in how they behave, more weapons will solve the problem when such things need training for months to use. For them, diplomacy is dead and more of the same is the only solution and this is supposed to be a conference that is supposed to guided by reason and humanity, not some old fool that believes he can use economic sanctions and out right bullshit (microchips in brains and meta verse) to rule the world despite the companies responsible for such are now in economic free fall (simply looking at the number of layoffs from the tech companies recently in thousands demonstrates my point). To own nothing and being happy should never be in the same sentence and until this idiot understands how stupid this sentence is, his dream of a new world order will never come to be and the channel attached above shows just how disjointed the west world has finally become, a lot of what ifs and not enough reality, no attempts to understand the true cause and trying to insist that they are right without a single regard that maybe the side they cheer for are the sole and direct cause for all the misfortune happening right now and even worse, no amount of reasons being present are being considered until these peoples heads are slowly lowered onto the chopping block
The Infographic Show? That channel promotes nuclear genocide on Russia and China. They have no info, just more heroin for those American jingoistic losers.

The only positive thing that I can think about that channel is that maybe, it could add into the chorus calling for China to get more nukes.