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The Infographics Show is one of the worst offenders in terms of jingoism and misinformation these days. The channel all but blatantly supports genocidal repression of America's geopolitical rivals and its audience mindlessly laps it up. Even when it covered other topics the show regularly didn't perform due diligence in its research and often got facts wrong.
Yeah, nowadays I listen more to Jackson Hinkle which despite the fact he can be quite vulgar, I honestly find what he says to be far more understandable and informative then any other news anchor in the USA which is embarrassing because for someone that young to be far more objective and reasonable with his taking points then the average woke nut job on fox and cnn shows just how far the USA has fallen and all I can conclude with this is that the collapse of the USA and the destruction of the elite cannot happen soon enough. That being send, I don't listen only to him and I am still very skeptical of these people in general but credit where it is due, but still I rather listen to this then full spectrum survival and whatever the crap that is, I swear none of these places seem to ever take into account protection against nukes and how migrating to SE Asia would be a far better solution then becoming trapped in a irradiated hell hole assuming they are ever correct about there forecast but since when is Gordon Chang ever correct about anything. Also has anyone seen Serpenza lately since his bloody channel hasn't even grown at all for the last year and any video he post now is simply beyond ridiculous that just looking at his channel page makes me laugh (cant be bothered to watching his videos lol). I guess the water in the USA must have poisoned his brain


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>But the protracted conflict has also exposed the strategic peril facing the U.S. as weapons inventories fall to a low level and defense companies aren’t equipped to replenish them rapidly, according to the study, written by Seth Jones, a senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank.

>Mr. Jones recommends that the U.S. reassess its total munition requirements, urging Congress to hold hearings on the matter.

Wow, what a shocking recommendation coming from this Raytheon funded think tank. I wonder why this honest & free media outlet reported this so uncritically...

Least dystopian westoid moment


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I'm reading Republican comments on the Monterey Park shooting. They say how can it be investigated as a hate crime when it's Asian on Asian. Like I mentioned earlier Republicans were quick to accuse the San Diego Taiwanese church shooting as a hate crime inspired by anti-Taiwanese hate and propaganda from China. That was Asian on Asian... Hypocrites.

If the guy was motivated by hatred of Chinese, you can blame it on Republicans. Who cares if it's true? They don't. Spin is what they do. They enjoy exploiting Asian nationalism like they did in the last election for the House seat where the shooter lives. Michelle Steele, trying to get re-elected in that district, who's Korean accused her opponent who's Chinese-American of being an agent of China just for being Chinese. Anybody remember Suri Kim? She was a Korean woman who ran for office in Texas running on that she wanted to ban all Chinese immigration. Because she was Korean, Michelle Steele supported her from the start of her running but then withdrew it when Kim ran on that platform. They seem to have similar views so why withdraw? It's because it was the Republican Party that told her what do or she wouldn't get help from Republicans. The Republicans love the anti-Chinese Vietnamese in Orange Country and they've been stoking that flame. Republicans tell blacks it's Asian's fault they're poor. How easy it is for them.
How can Hitler be racist if Jews and Germans are white?:)


The 2023FY budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs alone is $350B.
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US military spending is so large that even the spending for a "minor" omitted item like the VA is more than the combined defense spending of China and Russia.

And how much is VA budget in China? and whether VA is part of defense budget in China?


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China, Russia and their allies should conduct naval exercises in the Gulf of Mexico or in the Northern Atlantic (perferably close to New York City or Washington DC) just to give an up-yours to the USA who absolutely loves to bury their face deep into the buttocks of every single god-damn country across the entire world.



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The position paper recognizes the new role of the People's Republic as a geopolitical actor, "without whose cooperation global challenges such as climate change, the fight against pandemics and food crises as well as arms control and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons cannot be solved".
Or put it commonly: "I wish I could quit you".

I suppose the ball is now in Green Party's court, what are they going to do now? Split the government?