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But you can criticize the government in a democracy!
They're undermining Modi (India) IMHO which is tangentially related to that country's continuing support of Russia. But thus effort to blemish Modi will backfire against Britain and the West aims to bring the leadership to heel and will maybe inflame intra ethnic tensions between Indo-Brits and Pakistani-Brits both within the UK government and the general society since they do bring their geopolitical issues within the UK itself.

Here's Hindustan times reporting that a UK MP is critical of the BBC doc suggesting that it may have the work of PAKISTANI STAFFERS

Followed up by their proud son and Bhakt candidate PM Ritchie Sunak vs a Pakistani-UK MP having a polite row regarding the documentarys depiction of Modi.

Soon enough, America too will have this Indian blessings
The UK ruling class are using the unpopular face of their Indian servant Prime Minister to ram through draconian laws that they will be able to use in the future, such as laws against general strikes, even as UK public servants are striking in protest over cost of living and France is afire with a million man strike

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Why aren't Asian Americans arming themselves? They keep getting targeted. Every Chinese American should carry a gun when inside the country
Because every Asian American who would arm themselves or form 'Black Panther' style movements is either in prison, exile, or assassinated.
The American ruling class is happy for pogroms and hate crimes to happen to other races willy nilly, so long as the existing power structure remains intact.

The fact is, Asians in America- and any other State that practice pogroms against Asians- are better off forming their own seperate state or protectorate of the PRC. The United States champions such Balkanisation in the form of Kosovo and South Sudan, citing genocide. Well, what else is the treatment of Asians in America but cultural and ethnic genocide?
They're undermining Modi (India) IMHO which is tangentially related to that country's continuing support of Russia. But thus effort to blemish Modi will backfire against Britain and the West aims to bring the leadership to heel and will maybe inflame intra ethnic tensions between Indo-Brits and Pakistani-Brits both within the UK government and the general society since they do bring their geopolitical issues within the UK itself.

Here's Hindustan times reporting that a UK MP is critical of the BBC doc suggesting that it may have the work of PAKISTANI STAFFERS

Followed up by their proud son and Bhakt candidate PM Ritchie Sunak vs a Pakistani-UK MP having a polite row regarding the documentarys depiction of Modi.

Soon enough, America too will have this Indian blessings
From the halls of power in Westminster to the hiring departments of Oracle and Microsoft, these individuals brings their petty tribal conflicts and shameless nepotism akin to the barbarisation of the Roman Legion leading to the fall of the Western Roman Empire, or how the TuJue/ Sogdian/ 'turkic' An Lushan replaced loyal Tang Generals with his own people, thereby instigating the An Lushan Rebellion and the demise of a Golden Age of China.
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But you can criticize the government in a democracy!
They call him "The butcher of Gujarat" for his role in the deadly riots. Look up Haren Pandya, a BJP MLA and home minister of Modi's cabinet back then. He was murdered by Modi's henchmen coz he was apparently gonna testify against Modi or had incriminating evidence against him. Guy's a religious zealot and a fascist guided by the fascist organization RSS.


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I thought it was a racial hate crime for sure, but then there is a chinese wechat floating around saying the shooter was Chinese.
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This is why Asian Americans are on the bottom of the totem pole. Instead of fighting against anti-Asian racism it is always Japanese Americans against Korean Americans, Taiwanese Americans against Mainland Chinese Americans, or even worse when it is Chinese on Chinese. How could you expect others to respect you when you don't even respect yourself?


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This is why Asian Americans are on the bottom of the totem pole. Instead of fighting against anti-Asian racism it is always Japanese Americans against Korean Americans, Taiwanese Americans against Mainland Chinese Americans, or even worse when it is Chinese on Chinese. How could you expect others to respect you when you don't even respect yourself?

There are MANY Asian-Americans advocating for anti-Chinese hate including lots of Korean and Vietnamese-Americans who supposedly hate communism but in reality demonize anyone or thing related to China or Chinese.

But the worst advocates for hate come from new generation Taiwanese, new generation Hong Kongers and Falun Gongers. Those people are rabid in their hate.

My family came from Hong Kong and many of my friends growing up were Taiwanese. We all thought of ourselves as Chinese-Americans. Recently, these new youngsters from Taiwan and Hong Kong hated everything about China and panders to the hate. Many of them say they are not Chinese. They would try to prove the point by heaping hate on anything Chinese.

So I would say just keep yourself and family safe, it is too late to counteract and too many anti-Chinese haters even inside Asian community. Monterey Park is majority Chinese and still this happened.


Registered Member
This is why Asian Americans are on the bottom of the totem pole. Instead of fighting against anti-Asian racism it is always Japanese Americans against Korean Americans, Taiwanese Americans against Mainland Chinese Americans, or even worse when it is Chinese on Chinese. How could you expect others to respect you when you don't even respect yourself?
America or rather, the Anglosphere has always had an animus against China and Chinese in particular; Kiron Skinner merely voiced what was essentially America's guiding principle: to ensure only a white anglo nation would dominate the world. Even more significant was that this was coming from a black woman which goes to show that as Putin said, the Anglo led West have no principles, and will condition all other races to serve the white anglo power structure. You pretty much have to go back to 1600s to see anything written with any sort of respect for China and Chinese culture. Everything else since then has been through a racist lens of Anglo Chauvinism, expressed in Jack London's fanfic about genociding Chinese people with bioweapons.

It's the sort of sentiment which has modern Jack London types mooting the use of nukes in a losing war against Chinese forces. because China surpassing or besting a God ordained, pristine, white race in combat, is bound to create an extinction response in the psyche of a fanatical ruling class whose only religion is their own genetic narcissism.
US MIC wins, Germany getting dunked again. Natural circle of life
Divide and Rule, as the British Empire did.
There are MANY Asian-Americans advocating for anti-Chinese hate including lots of Korean and Vietnamese-Americans who supposedly hate communism but in reality demonize anyone or thing related to China or Chinese.

But the worst advocates for hate come from new generation Taiwanese, new generation Hong Kongers and Falun Gongers. Those people are rabid in their hate.

My family came from Hong Kong and many of my friends growing up were Taiwanese. We all thought of ourselves as Chinese-Americans. Recently, these new youngsters from Taiwan and Hong Kong hated everything about China and panders to the hate. Many of them say they are not Chinese. They would try to prove the point by heaping hate on anything Chinese.

So I would say just keep yourself and family safe, it is too late to counteract and too many anti-Chinese haters even inside Asian community. Monterey Park is majority Chinese and still this happened.
These youngsters response the way they do because American/Anglo society rewards them when they do and punishes and persecutes those brave enough to speak out against the Anti-Chinese pogroms against Chinese.

The USG desperately needs a war against China, they're sure as hell not going to stop these pogroms or massacres against Chinese, even if it kills the odd Filipino or Vietnamese or the Koreans.
The only surefire path forward to stopping these attacks is, and i am not advocating this, but simply stating facts: the threat of violence against the bodies and peoples connected to the perpetrators.
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Registered Member
There are MANY Asian-Americans advocating for anti-Chinese hate including lots of Korean and Vietnamese-Americans who supposedly hate communism but in reality demonize anyone or thing related to China or Chinese.

But the worst advocates for hate come from new generation Taiwanese, new generation Hong Kongers and Falun Gongers. Those people are rabid in their hate.

My family came from Hong Kong and many of my friends growing up were Taiwanese. We all thought of ourselves as Chinese-Americans. Recently, these new youngsters from Taiwan and Hong Kong hated everything about China and panders to the hate. Many of them say they are not Chinese. They would try to prove the point by heaping hate on anything Chinese.

So I would say just keep yourself and family safe, it is too late to counteract and too many anti-Chinese haters even inside Asian community. Monterey Park is majority Chinese and still this happened.
Another shooting at a ballroom nearby.
Too early to speculate if shooter is chinese. Random wechat convo screenshot is evidence.
One final note i will say that is particularly striking about the Asian community in America and to some extent Canada, is just how...weak and pathetic it is. During the height of COVID, when racist attacks were being perpetrated against Asian communities, the response from the Asian communities, predominantly boba liberals, was to pathetically beg their oppressors to "Stop Asian Hate". The USG culls any Asian leaders who could form a Black Panther style paramilitary force, despite allowing white and controlled negro paramilitaries, so the remainder are pathetic, mealy mouthed homosexuals who are promoted by the USG to be their leaders. It's easy to see how, based on the Asian communities in America, why Trump and the USG thought China would just roll over when the trade wars started.