Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
China won't deal with this mess until both parties are really looking to peace out. Russia currently wants to push for more. Ukraine also thinks that it can win in the long term.

So when both parties think that they can win, there is really no way for China to mediate for peace unless it uses its leverage against Russia to force it in peace(obv. a bad idea)

Best course of action, let them fight for another year, and when both parties are really worn out and their delusions have been dispelled, then China can maybe do something
As long as Russia isn’t weakened too much and that they is some money to be made while Chinas image can be enhanced, that would be all good. Plus the longer the conflict in Ukraine, the longer it would take for the USA to run away to try and annoy China and the more likely Biden might have a heart attack when the economic statistics shows the USA going down a hole, not to mention the longer the USA stares at Putins face, the less time they will have to fix all his problems by hiding them like they want. But then again, Zelensky isn’t trustworthy (due to Azov helping out at the HK riots) so it’s better to wait until the fight is completely over and Zelensky is gone to see What to do then
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Registered Member
Anglo american white female acknowledges the superiority of a Confucian culture over whatever the hell the US Society is in atm:
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However, in typical white anglo fashion, the desire to narcissistically take chauvinistic potshots proved irresistible:

But coming home to the Anglo american heartland with its many Freedom and absence of propaganda meant being able to indulge in classic american culture such as live fire drills

Rather than acknowledging an actual incontrovertible fact- the superiority of Chinese culture and society to Anglo American excess- this privileged white female clings close to her anglo american beliefs because they underpin her privilege. I have such an animus against these individuals, having come across far too many of these expat bubble types in Asia. These women are no different to the Sexpats who prey upon the young in south east Asia. They only came to China to profit and exploit chinese culture, cuisine and society and the goodwill of the Chinese people. In return, she slandered the entire culture and civilisation that sheltered her and her family and whose governance had kept her and her family safe.
The sheer ungratefulness is typical of the western atlanticist, especially amongst Anglos who consider themselves primes et pares in the West.
How is this a breaking news.


Registered Member
Jacinda Ardern will not seek another term

I think that's bad news. The next NZ PM will probably be a US-backed warmongerer

With the Anglo-Saxon Five Eyes now united with Ardern gone, Washington DC would have an even greater free hand in confronting China as Wellington is no longer dragging their foot.

Westpac is going to get even more dangerous.
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Registered Member

With the Anglo-Saxon Five Eyes now united with Ardern gone, Washington DC would have an even greater free hand in confronting China as Wellington is no longer dragging their foot.

Westpac is going to get even more dangerous.
I don’t really think so, if the USA cannot get a definitive win in Ukraine, both Australia and NZ militaries would amount to nothing more then child support where they men and weaponry is extremely out of date. Especially with Canada reputation/economy in the drain and the UK basically on the verge of collapse and all those problems mounting in the USA, this ultimately changes nothing.


Senior Member

With the Anglo-Saxon Five Eyes now united with Ardern gone, Washington DC would have an even greater free hand in confronting China as Wellington is no longer dragging their foot.

Westpac is going to get even more dangerous.
nz will be committing economic suicide if they go full retard against China, unlike aus who has minerals thats not easily replaceable, nz only has agricultural exports that can easily found anywhere else


Junior Member
Registered Member
Jacinda Ardern will not seek another term

I think that's bad news. The next NZ PM will probably be a US-backed warmongerer
Indeed a bad news. Foreign-policy wise, she was one of the sanest Western leaders. Her party has been trailing in polls behind the rivalling National party for about a year now so she probably would have lost the upcoming election anyway.