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Besides, Marcos Jr. is a slick talking TRAPO
You hit it in the nail Bro, IF Sarah Duterte didn't give way, she will be president BUT it was planned that way so that the Pinklawan will never set foot in Malacanang ever again for the next 12 years. A sitting president is not allowed for reelection, so he is the least worst among the Presidential candidate, maybe we are spoiled or use to the style of Duterte management. He is like a father to us because our concern is his utmost priority, with Marcos he wanted to be like and born with a silver spoon, he isn't as brilliant like his father.


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Time for China to dump US treasuries and encourage the global south and BRICS+ to ban the US dollar...
Speaking of China dumping the US treasuries:
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According to the data released by the US Treasury, China holds 870 billions of US treasuries at the end of Nov 2022. This is the lowest since Jun, 2010. The number was 1080 billions at the end of Nov, 2021.

The US Treasury will release the data of Dec 2022 in Feb 15.





Registered Member
It's a good opportunity if true. If China can assist in stopping the fighting, not only will it help China's international image (as it seems CPC is now keen to switch away from Wolf Warriors), it will also enable Chinese companies to get lots of reconstruction work and other business, which they'd likely be locked out of if China is seen as being on Russia's side. Just talking costs nothing, and the potential upsides are significant.
When has China ever changed its foreign policy? If anything it is only America which started to embrace the militarist banner which forced China to respond accordingly.

If you're referring to the phase of using the stick against ASEAN, that is over not because China wants to pander to them but because ASEAN completely gave up on their claims in the SCS. There's nothing to fight over anymore, China got the ownership they wanted.

I do agree that China could consider a phone call with Ukraine. Theres nothing to lose, and honestly we are kidding ourselves if we think China wouldn't be one of the major profiteers once the issue of reconstruction happens. Given the market dominance of Chinese steel, concrete and construction.

There are also agendas which China must pressure Ukraine on, such as the nationalisation of publicly traded stock.


Registered Member
It could be a little more complicated now brother ansy1968.

The US-China trade war, and tech war, it could be over.

The US-China trade war, and tech war, is effectively over, just not officially completely over. Sort of like the Koreas or mainland China and Taiwan, where the fighting has stopped but no peace treaty.

The US-China trade war, with trade at record levels between the two, and Chinese trade expanding worldwide non-stop, makes it appear a non-issue. If trade war does this, then we need more trade wars.

The US-China tech war, only theaters, were two of them, the US government war with Huawei 5G, and the more recent US government bans on IC equipment being sold to China (which the latter needed the support of other countries to have any chance at working).

Recent news confirms that Huawei gear is still everywhere in Europe, very few countries bothered to listen to American demands about banning Huawei. Of course, Huawei gear even dominant in places outside of Europe, and they selling them server racks too.

The news yesterday, that the Dutch want no part of the American IC bans, that would be the final nail to this stage of the tech war. If the Dutch refuse American demands which have been ongoing for over a year apparently, then no one else, such as South Korea or Japan, will agree to that either. Unless the Americans believe that those two will volunteer to be the suckas.

Therefore, trade war results in more trade, which makes it pointless; tech war results in Huawei still everywhere, and no one else interested in IC bans, leaving America isolated on those matters.

Now we get to this military angle, and people know that American trade war and tech war against China have been spectacular flops, with no achievements.

America doubling down on this military angle, is a clear move against China. Just like the trade war and tech war were clear moves against China. But the trade war and tech war were complete flops.

That is why it is very complicated now.

The American trade war and tech war against China, looks like no way forward now, it is stuck with nothing, it is an American debacle. How do we know that more American military maneuvering against the same China, will create another debacle for everybody?

Of course, no US ally can come out and say that, that they got their ass handed to them in the US China trade war and tech war the Huawei part. The IC war is still ongoing, but America fights that alone. But the question remains. Why prop up the US military in the region. What good will it serve those countries?

Japan and Australia would want it. After that, it gets complicated.

Does not matter what they say. They do not know what to do.

Something happened here. People got to digest that first before moving forward.
Bro I will wager that there will be NO war in Taiwan until 2025, the Chinese will eat bitterness all those threat and insults hurl against her until she is ready, why 2025 and not 2035 well the aftermath of 2024 Taiwan and US election plus the operation of Arizona Fab, the Chinese are preparing with possible solution on its vulnerability in Semiconductor in 2024 /2025. That's for me are the final chink in her armor.

Now IF the current economic malaise worsen then It's game, set China. I'm no economist BUT with structural problem in the Collective West, it will take a decade or more to fix it. IF the neocon or the political elites believed that a war akin to WW2 will save their economy by destroying everything except themselves they're living in an alternative world full of delusional grandeur.


Junior Member
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When has China ever changed its foreign policy? If anything it is only America which started to embrace the militarist banner which forced China to respond accordingly.

If you're referring to the phase of using the stick against ASEAN, that is over not because China wants to pander to them but because ASEAN completely gave up on their claims in the SCS. There's nothing to fight over anymore, China got the ownership they wanted.

I do agree that China could consider a phone call with Ukraine. Theres nothing to lose, and honestly we are kidding ourselves if we think China wouldn't be one of the major profiteers once the issue of reconstruction happens. Given the market dominance of Chinese steel, concrete and construction.

There are also agendas which China must pressure Ukraine on, such as the nationalisation of publicly traded stock.
Why should China communicate with an untrustworthy person who has just openly interfered in China's internal affairs!


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It is more like low pay, no career advancement that resulted in these agents decided to leak information to China.
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Or, this particular agent was just bored and wanted some excitement is his life. If I recall correctly, there was a high ranking FBI agent that worked for the Soviet Union. And it was him that first contacted the Soviets.

So does anyone care about this silly person again or do I think that this is either staged for attention and her actual worth doesn’t seem to amount to very much. I mean she doesn’t seem to propose very much in terms of actually helping climate change or unless she has done something of value, please enlighten me or else I will simply go on to think that this person is an idiot coasting by on her parents

It's all theater. Her benefactors are using children (or young looking people) to motivate the target audience to rally around whatever agenda is being peddled.

People on here thought I was crazy for suggesting Chinese Americans getting camped and gassed soon...

Folks, go on the 55k luxury cruise vacation now while you still can!!!!!!

I wouldn't want to joke around about that. History have a tendency to rhyme if not repeat itself.

Even the Joss Paper industry is preparing us for the coming new era of the USD. They have printed a new generation of Joss Paper/Hell Bank Note: The "USD Paper Ancestor Money" :cool:

View attachment 105404
And its available on Amazon!

We should train to get used to burning USD Paper Ancestor Money today. In the future, we might be burning actual USDs as joss paper.

Just wait when Zimbabwe mode is activated. We could see
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USD notes soon!


Registered Member
Bro I will wager that there will be NO war in Taiwan until 2025, the Chinese will eat bitterness all those threat and insults hurl against her until she is ready, why 2025 and not 2035 well the aftermath of 2024 Taiwan and US election plus the operation of Arizona Fab, the Chinese are preparing with possible solution on its vulnerability in Semiconductor in 2024 /2025. That's for me are the final chink in her armor.

Now IF the current economic malaise worsen then It's game, set China. I'm no economist BUT with structural problem in the Collective West, it will take a decade or more to fix it. IF the neocon or the political elites believed that a war akin to WW2 will save their economy by destroying everything except themselves they're living in an alternative world full of delusional grandeur.
Left to itself, China is only going to pursue a negotiated settlement with the separatists. They're not going to go the way of Ukraine and start shelling them, because as even Arestovych eventually admitted, it doesn't work.

But China is also very clearly building up defensive capabilities against US threat. Years ago, we were discussing Guam as a safe operating base. Now we are talking Tindal or even Pearl if US wants to safely launch attacks. The message is pretty clear. If America uses the situation in China as an excuse to invade, not only will they lose, but China intends to drive them back all the way to Hawaii.


Registered Member
Or, this particular agent was just bored and wanted some excitement is his life. If I recall correctly, there was a high ranking FBI agent that worked for the Soviet Union. And it was him that first contacted the Soviets.

It's all theater. Her benefactors are using children (or young looking people) to motivate the target audience to rally around whatever agenda is being peddled.

I wouldn't want to joke around about that. History have a tendency to rhyme if not repeat itself.

Just wait when Zimbabwe mode is activated. We could see
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USD notes soon!

They will have a new gameshow, like Jeapordy with IBM Watson but this time with ChatGPT 4.0 and its gonna be called:

Who Wants To Be a Trillionaire!


NextShark failed to mention the same guy is arrested again in June for grabbing a 67-year-old woman by the neck and throwing her without provocation. It means that the guy was released for attacking two elderly women separately. Given attacking elderly is a felony, it is BS for letting this guy loose.
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The April 2 attacks aren’t the only ones Ivanenko allegedly committed.

In June 2022,
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for allegedly grabbing a 67-year-old woman by the neck and throwing her without provocation at the Alewife MBTA station.