Miscellaneous News


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Georgia is acting as the middle man between Russia and the West. Russian exports such and oil and petroleum products increased by 179% alongside big jumps in coal coke, flour, refined products, etc. NYTimes reported that western goods are flowing into Russia via Georgia about 5 days ago.

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This is the same Georgia that Russia bombed into the stone age???


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This is the same Georgia that Russia bombed into the stone age???

Georgia started war with Russia: EU-backed report

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - An independent report blamed Georgia on Wednesday for starting last year’s war with Russia, but said Moscow’s military response went beyond reasonable limits and violated international law.

The report commissioned by the European Union said both sides had broken international humanitarian laws and found evidence of ethnic cleansing against ethnic Georgians during Russia’s intervention in the rebel province of South Ossetia.

Each side said the report backed up its interpretation of the war. But the findings were particularly critical of U.S. ally Georgia’s conduct under President Mikheil Saakashvili and are likely to further damage his political standing.

“In the Mission’s view, it was Georgia which triggered off the war when it attacked Tskhinvali (in South Ossetia) with heavy artillery on the night of 7 to 8 August 2008,” said Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini, who led the investigation.

The report said the war followed tensions and provocations by Russia, but Tagliavini said: “None of the explanations given by the Georgian authorities in order to provide some form of legal justification for the attack lend it a valid explanation.”

Saakashvili had said Georgia was responding to an invasion by Russian forces when it attacked breakaway South Ossetia, but the report found no evidence of this.

It said Russia’s counter-strike was initially legal, but its military response violated international law when Russian forces pushed into Georgia proper.

“Although it should be admitted that it is not easy to decide where the line must be drawn, it seems, however, that much of the Russian military action went far beyond the reasonable limits of defense,” the report said.

Russian forces pushed deep into Georgia, taking control of the main east-west highway, the Black Sea port of Poti and the strategic garrison town Gori. Russia has recognized South Ossetia and the other rebel province, Abkhazia, as independent states.

Russian jets bombed army bases and the military airport, and more than 100,000 civilians on both sides were displaced at the height of the conflict. Some have been unable to return.

“It confirms what we’ve known all along -- who started the war and who bears responsibility,” Vladimir Chizhov, Russia’s ambassador to the EU, said of the report.

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You said it so well brother, USD is ideal to replace this paper currency below. :cool:

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Even the Joss Paper industry is preparing us for the coming new era of the USD. They have printed a new generation of Joss Paper/Hell Bank Note: The "USD Paper Ancestor Money" :cool:

USD Joss Paper.jpg
And its available on Amazon!

We should train to get used to burning USD Paper Ancestor Money today. In the future, we might be burning actual USDs as joss paper.


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"China will soon launch a state-backed platform for transport which includes services of ride-hailing, cargo trucking, road transport, railway, ferry and flight services, Chinese state media Beijing Daily reported on Wednesday.
The online platform, which has completed internal tests, is expected to integrate more than 90% of total capacity of the transportation market, the newspaper said.

Other social media apps such as Wechat, Alipay and Douyin will be integrated into the platform, the report added"
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Registered Member
Does this belong in the funny thread instead?

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This is the more professional carrying method though. Only two officers needed and it is less laborious for the officers because the load is not offset.


Registered Member
This is the same Georgia that Russia bombed into the stone age???
that minor skirmish by today standards. Georgia is now attracting investments. it can manage this transit if there is any.

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i would think there are important people there if they keep evacuating them through air ambulance.

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South Africa FM told the Sputnik news agency of Russia on Jan 18 that the BRICS countries want an alternative to the USD.

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View attachment 105396
If they really are planning a basket of currencies thing I don't think it'll work. It was tried with the euro and that failed to displace the dollar, despite the EU having a larger GDP than the US for some time. There's too much instability a currency controlled by multiple countries. Greece was bad enough episode for the EU, imagine India or South Africa for this currency.

It needs to be either the dollar or the yuan. As more countries trade more with China and America becomes more unstable I think the yuan is inevitable.


Registered Member
China, Russia, Iran: Ah, so does that mean we can also set up new military bases overseas and station troo-


Despite this, with the current escalated drug war between the powerful cartels and the corrupt law enforcement agencies embroiling Mexico, perhaps stationing foreign troops in Mexico is not a good idea.
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Registered Member
If they really are planning a basket of currencies thing I don't think it'll work. It was tried with the euro and that failed to displace the dollar, despite the EU having a larger GDP than the US for some time. There's too much instability a currency controlled by multiple countries. Greece was bad enough episode for the EU, imagine India or South Africa for this currency.

It needs to be either the dollar or the yuan. As more countries trade more with China and America becomes more unstable I think the yuan is inevitable.

There is always still the gold standard.

No secret, which two countries in BRICS are stockpiling gold.

There was some people talking that something like this a basket of currencies could be linked to a basket of commodities.

In the end, it probably just be gold, gold, gold!