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Moderator - World Affairs
You know what brother ansy1968, did not think about it, but this was perfect for the Dutch.

And that is what you gotta to do when you're a small country. Got to be sly and cunning, and do the right move, at exactly the right time.

The Dutch wanted to continue selling to China. But this war in Europe, presented an opportunity to show solidarity by giving Ukraine more weapons.

The Dutch managed to have their cake and eat it too. Don't talk about China. Only talk about weapons to Ukraine. That would make it awkward for the Americans to steer the conversation to IC bans for China, and threats to the Dutch if they don't.

That is why the Dutch minister was talking out loud in the press, days before this meeting, about no intentions to ban sales of IC to China.

After that Dutch minister said that, there was nothing to talk about, expect weapons to Ukraine. If that is what really happen, pretty slick moves there.

US has nothing to offer Netherlands and Japan to replace the Chinese market. This is why all China needs to do is continuing growing, and US "containment" will be futile since US cannot compensate allies from losing Chinese market share. So one-sided demands and fearmongering will fizzle.


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The Central Bank of Russia is setting official exchange rates of the Ruble with 9 other foreign currencies.

The only currency from the West in the list is the New Zealand Dollar. Though, I am surprised with Georgia being included as well.
Georgia trade is increasing with Russia and Georgia officially is not receptive to Ukraine.
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There are three Arab countries on the list and some time things come out what they think privately.
Gulf Arabs are the most complicated in this regard with atleast 3 level of relations. First level is state to state relations where state business is conducted and another level is maintaining relations with Royal families. it could be investments or hunting together. like European aristocracy or Musk and Trumps have with Gulf Arabs. the first two level depends on give and take so the relations is conditional as they expect things to be done for them. there is another level beneath that is hidden to outside where the relationship is unconditional.

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Saad Sherida al-Kaabi, Qatar’s energy minister and head of the state gas company, said he was sure Russian gas would eventually flow back to Europe, as the Continent would “forgive and forget” Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine.
“We’re all blessed to have to be able to forget and to forgive. And I think things get mended with time … they learn from that situation and probably have a much bigger diversity [of energy intake],” al-Kaabi said on Saturday, during an energy forum in Abu Dhabi.
The comment sparked anger and came just as a Russian missile strike killed at least 40 civilians in a residential neighborhood of Ukraine’s Dnipro.


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Never had there been an individual more deserving of death than the individual in the link above (ok there are several but not many quite as oil as this fu@k). I guess I should take solace that this idiot is ok and completely without future prospects due to it and that his nation is now lead by idiots that will eventually tear down his beloved nation and their is nothing he can to do about it.

Really though, if the USA tries to do the whole gas the Chinese routine, be rest assured that now their is a window of escape and if not, expect the collective weight of Russia and China and the rest of the global south, upon victory against the USA (considering how the USA is ill equipped to handle a two way war given all of its issues that is just beginning to bite and no, they cannot moblize any where near as well as Germany did given how broken their military production really is and how difficult it is to recruit the necessary soldiers to under take such a fight (with the USA being like Nazi Germany and hence destined to lose given how similar they are right now) will work to ensure that not only the same treatment is given in return as vengeance (and worse given how the USA has proven to lack humanity at this point) but will also make sure the process is done as throughly as possible. Oh and the Japanese can expect to become a colony of China as well in the event of such a victory as well because many nations have unfinished business with that simp of a country.

In fact lots of people have been getting dreams about the USA eventually getting invade by both China and Russia and will eventually be treated as less the scum which I initial found to be full of it but given the current degradation of the USA and how hard the USA is working to censor and hide the truth of how screwed the situation really is along with how many biblical natural disasters have been happening I mean the tropical storm that has happened at the start of this year along with all these hurricanes and drought a decade long and earthquake occurring in the past decade cannot be a coincidence and must be a since that some one above isn’t blessing this nation right now, I am really not so sure. If things continue to get any worse this year, I will be even more certain that this nation isn’t long for the world in the coming years due to how anyone can see how China and Russia right now has a vision and a purpose and the ability to carry it out while the USA doesn’t seem to have much of one other then maintaining a system that simply cannot be maintained for much longer and they know it.
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The Central Bank of Russia is setting official exchange rates of the Ruble with 9 other foreign currencies.

The only currency from the West in the list is the New Zealand Dollar. Though, I am surprised with Georgia being included as well.
Georgia trade is increasing with Russia and Georgia officially is not receptive to Ukraine.
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Georgia is acting as the middle man between Russia and the West. Russian exports such and oil and petroleum products increased by 179% alongside big jumps in coal coke, flour, refined products, etc. NYTimes reported that western goods are flowing into Russia via Georgia about 5 days ago.

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South Africa FM told the Sputnik news agency of Russia on Jan 18 that the BRICS countries want an alternative to the USD.

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当地时间1月18日,南非外交部长纳勒迪·潘多尔(Naledi Pandor)在比勒陀利亚接受俄罗斯卫星通讯社采访时表示,由新兴经济体组成的金砖国家希望找到一种绕开美元的方式,建立一个不向富裕国家倾斜的、更公平的支付体系。
