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Registered Member
Erdogan is a clever man. He'll (or should) be asking for full technology transfer (or something close to it). Offering F-16's is really an insult to the Turks.

I wouldn't be surprised at all. I'm half expecting it to be honest should hostilities break out. Many other nations loyal to the US will implement similar policies if the US repeat history again.

What are the conspiracy theories? In any case, I see it as a target rich environment.

It's going to be explosive regardless of what China does. The US government need their "monster of the week" to keep disenfranchised citizens from heading out to the streets.

Yep. Take your pay, you take your chances. No sympathies for mercs.

Anyone smelling a regime change in the air? MbS better have his ducks all lined up.
Well those US freaks better be prepared for this monster of the week because depending on the situation, it only takes on monster of the week to end this story in a bad end and unfortunately if a bad end happens, they better be prepared to lose it all


Registered Member
This is quite sad. A Quora post. The authenticity is debatable but I don't see any reasons why anyone would lie like this. It also indicates that the massive casualty numbers we hear for Ukraine are true. A single person knowing 5 KIAs is a lot.

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"A tragic fact. I’ve lost all my frontline contacts in the UAF. They’re all KIA now. There were five of them. The last was killed two days ago. I met the five via my Facebook account. There were sixty or so Ukrainians in my friends list before the war started. Two of the five were musicians, two were engineers, and one owned a small business. None were over the age of forty and three were in their twenties. All were from Kyiv. When the war started their reserve units were called up. They went eager to defend their homeland. Not one expressed fear or doubt.

I got to know these men and their families well. I video conferenced with them on a weekly basis. The men were certain they’d return home after defeating the Russians. The wives were terrified they wouldn’t. Now there’s five more shattered families in Ukraine. Five more widows with children to raise.

One of the wives, Andrea, asked me repeatedly, “Why?” I didn’t dare answer. No answer would suffice. I just listened until she’d cried herself out. But she’ll eventually be willing to hear her husband died a hero fighting for his country. They all died heroes.

Goddamn that evil little bastard Putin. Between Ukrainian and Russian widows there’s enough tears to fill the seas. I pray he meets his end soon."
The comments tell me they want more though. The comments are saying they think this wasn't enough. They don't say that directly, but that's what they're really saying. And Russians are happy to oblige.


Junior Member
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So it is official. Note they did not mention rmb but we all know it is strongly implied.


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China has called for Saudi Arabia to price oil sales in yuan, a move that could dent the dollar's dominance

"During a visit to the Gulf in December, Chinese President Xi Jinping told Arab leaders that Beijing would push to buy oil and gas in yuan, as it looks to position its currency for use in international trade."

:cool: :eek:


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From the article:
At the time, four years after the handover from Britain to China, much of Hong Kong remained a world of neon and noise. But now a great many of the tourists haggling over Rolex watches, checking into the Peninsula, and packing Lan Kwai Fong and other nightlife districts had a decidedly Mandarin accent. "Five years ago, everyone looked down on you if you spoke Mandarin," said a Beijing executive living in Hong Kong. "Now, they know we're the big bosses with the money."

Despite predictions that the former colony would turn into a gray vista of hunched workers and nameless noodle shops, travelers from mainland China had become the principal source of visitors to Hong Kong. They were even spending more per capita than their American and Japanese counterparts.
Hell yeah :cool:


Registered Member
I wonder how the Russians feel about this...
The sold the product to India. so India has right to use it. but the point is countries should not feel insecure about every thing.
Russia should be more concerned if some thing goes wrong with Indian manufactured Sputnik vaccines exported. The second doze of it is very complicated.