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Biden Says US, Dutch in ‘Lockstep’ as He Pushes China Chip Curbs​

Jenny Leonard and Jennifer Jacobs, Bloomberg News
January 17, 2023

(Bloomberg) -- President Joe Biden said the US and Netherlands were working in “lockstep” over their approach to China and would discuss ways to secure global supply chains during a meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the White House.

“Together we’re working on how to keep a free and open Indo-Pacific. And quite frankly, meet the challenges of China,” Biden said Tuesday during the meeting.

“Simply put, our countries have been so far just lockstep in what we’ve done in our vision for the future,” he added, downplaying tensions over efforts to persuade The Hague to limit exports of the most advanced chipmaking equipment and semiconductor technology to China.

The Netherlands and Japan have agreed in principle to join the US in tightening such controls, though they likely won’t go as far as the sweeping rules the White House announced in October, Bloomberg News reported last month. The US has said the measures are aimed at preventing Beijing’s military from obtaining advanced semiconductors.

The trip will not result in an announcement of any agreement, people familiar with the matter said.

US officials have also stressed that all countries make sovereign decisions and that any potential changes to the Netherlands’s export regime would not occur due to pressure from the Biden administration.

Biden and Rutte also discussed their continued support for Ukraine, as the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion approaches next month. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has been pleading with countries to supply him with more heavy duty tanks and air defense capabilities.

“Russia is just continuing to act in ways that are almost unbelievable. The brutality,” said Biden.

The Netherlands is considering sending Ukraine a Patriot system to bolster its air defenses and will make a final decision soon, Bloomberg reported. Rutte said Tuesday said the Netherlands would provide more funding for Kyiv.

“We have decided to spend another two and a half billion in this helping Ukraine,” said Rutte.

The Dutch leader is set to meet lawmakers later on Tuesday.

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Well, there we have it folks, Bloomberg has spoken.

The United States and the Netherlands will continue to work together to implement technology agreements that secure the semiconductor supply chain, and further meetings will be done to met that goal.

So, the containment of China continues!

That is the problem. There is no Plan B. Just like President Trump, the Biden people do not have the Plan B either. Their Plan A, is already their Plan B.

What Chinese companies did was stock up on chips, and IC equipment, and the central government started pumping funds into the domestic IC industry, as a counter to the American Plan A. Since Plan B is really still Plan A, there is not much new for the Chinese to do. Kind of funny.

Remember what they say is the definition of insanity.



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But bro to show solidarity the Dutch have to support Biden Ukraine policy and for Brandon that's all matter...lol Rutte sure know how to play the game because for them they are following what the Japanese are doing which is vocal about China Threat BUT reality on the ground they cherish their economics ties. ;)

This is truly unbelievable brother. This is suppose to be a superpower, and they act like a third rate tinpot dictatorship.

These IC bans, really no different than those Huawei bans, and the result is the same too.

American allies did not exactly say, piss off, it was like they want to avoid the entire situation altogether. The Dutch, did not even say, thanks but no thanks, they made their feelings known (via ministers speaking out of turn publicly in the press), therefore, they did not even have to discuss it, they did not even have to say thanks but no thanks.

This is something the Americans must live with or deal with. So far, pertaining to trade war and tech war, there is no Plan B for the Americans. At this stage of the game the Plan B is needed. And of course, Plan A is currently Plan B now.

Notice how that minister, Gina Raimondo the commerce secretary, has not been around lately? It was her decision to ban those tools from the likes of AMAT to be sold to China, that was step 1 and that the allies would comply and do the same, which was step 2. If they cannot find Gina Raimondo, then the press cannot ask any questions. Not that we should expect them to ask any questions. Still sooner or later, that little boy will say the obvious, that the emperor has no clothes.

This is like no match.

I have heard that in court in Canada, you can plea, innocent, guilt, or no contest. I am not sure what this no contest plea is about, but that seems like what happened here. We were promised that further bans were imminent and forthcoming from the allies. Whether we believed that bullshit or not, is a personal choice, solely based on ideological beliefs. Emperor Ideology has no clothes on either.


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India, with its still booming population is the obvious candidate by the West to replace China's declining workforce. But when China manages to finally reenergize its production with automation and AI, it is going to bring manufacturing costs down so low, even low-waged workforce is gonna find it hard to compete. So things are gonna kinda balance out for China eventually.

And innovation is something that India is truly lacking. Modi is also making new generations of Indians turn to religion more than science, so good luck to India. Let's see how far India have come in the next 10-20 years time.

AI and automation will Kill india's low skilled population advantage. To make thing even worse for india, China is now actively developing Pakistan, Bangladeshi, Indonesia and East Africa which all have much lower labor cost than india !!

So the indians are dreaming about getting these low paying jobs, they will be in a world of hurt to compete against China's AI and the listed countries above !!

And last, you are very right about Modi. He is a hindu nationlist and he is turning more and more young indians extream hindu religion cults. This will absoulutely destory their already tiny innovation base and make religious conflict with muslim worse !! In the next few coming decades, hindu population will decrease while musilim population will increase !! Currently 600 million muslim vs 900 milliion hindus. South Asia is heading toward another major religious conflict !!

All while the West is still puffing india as their way to counter China . :rolleyes:
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AI and automation will Kill india's low skilled population advantage. To make thing even worse for india, China is now actively developing Pakistan, Bangladeshi, Indonesia and East Africa which all have much lower labor cost than india !!

So the indians are dreaming about getting these low paying jobs, they will be in a world of hurt to compete against China's AI and the listed countries above !!

To be completely blunt, the Indians gloss over their own backwardness.

The Chinese still know what backwardness is like. We are not that far away removed from it, in fact, much could be still around.

The Indians do not realize that it is only the Chinese who can help them out from their backwardness.

But then we all know, that is impossible. They would rather do it themselves (which never happens) or look at the West as being a potential avenue (which never happens).

The cycle of life and rebirth never stops, and is always the same for India.


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I'm more concerned about my own country When 4th industrial revolution inevitably kicks in what are we supposed to do with all those jobless young people, it might result in instability and crime, UBI only works if you have enough capital and huge industrial output to subsidize it, We don't have neither

That is why there are so much chaos in india. All the young jobless and hopeless people, incels, etc etc !!

Remember the rape crisis ??

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Right now, the West is keep their mouth silence on India because it needs it to counter China. Once the West is so much more weaken by China and realize that the rise of China is absolute, then all the nasties in India will be exposed and india is heading into major major crisis in the coming decades !!


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That's cheap from the Americans.

Make it 100 F-35 without needing a daily activation code (lol), and then we talk

Erdogan is a clever man. He'll (or should) be asking for full technology transfer (or something close to it). Offering F-16's is really an insult to the Turks.

Sounds like an indirect yet open declaration by the US government regarding their true intentions against the Chinese in the US in case physical war breaks out between China and the US.

I wouldn't be surprised at all. I'm half expecting it to be honest should hostilities break out. Many other nations loyal to the US will implement similar policies if the US repeat history again.

If one was inclined to believe in conspiracy theories, it would seem Davos might be a good place to steer well clear off during this years WEF.

What are the conspiracy theories? In any case, I see it as a target rich environment.

Blinken to test limits of China’s diplomatic engagement on Feb. 5-6 Beijing trip​

Liu He meeting Yellen today, Blinken meeting Qin Gang on Feb 5, it seems like a leadup for a China visit for Biden later this year.
My prediction is Biden will try to offer some ultimatum to China about bailing out the US and letting Taiwan reunite deal, something which isn't to be expected to be covered by Blinken's upcoming trip. Assuming Xi doesn't take the deal, we could be looking at a very explosive 2024.

It's going to be explosive regardless of what China does. The US government need their "monster of the week" to keep disenfranchised citizens from heading out to the streets.

No one cares about American mercenaries, they completely asked for it and it is a pity that more of them haven’t met their maker yet but in all honesty the situation is horrible for all those Ukrainians that have been sent to the front lines without the full understanding of what they are getting into, not to mention the leadership seems to love using human wave tactics when the soldiers simply weren’t equipped for that kind of fight. Also no one cares about Nazis either and really most of those in Ukrainian leadership don’t deserve any mercy either for being the cause of this situation getting so out of hand either but the ones truly responsible, damn they simply cannot die enough times for everything they have done, those war loving fu@ks

Yep. Take your pay, you take your chances. No sympathies for mercs.

Here it is..
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Anyone smelling a regime change in the air? MbS better have his ducks all lined up.


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The real losers of the 4th Industrial Revolution are the developing countries

Btw, you are right to worry about India. India thought that it could be the second China, but that's impossible. The West won't allow that, the 4th industrial revolution won't allow it, its' politics won't allow it

The West made the Greatest Mistake regarding China. And now it is costing their dear lives. China is now absolutely KILLING the WEST !! Destroying all their industries and taking all the high paying jobs !!

You think the West will make that same mistake again regarding india this time ?

Even india's long trusted ally Russia wont share anything with india this time around. After the collapse of USSR, China got all the weapon technology from Russia, dirty cheap !! And now Russia wont give indian anything, even with joint projects !!

Remember the PAK-FA project. India spend billions on it and got NOTHING in return !! Zero tech transfer, not even prototype !!

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But bro to show solidarity the Dutch have to support Biden Ukraine policy and for Brandon that's all matter...lol Rutte sure know how to play the game because for them they are following what the Japanese are doing which is vocal about China Threat BUT reality on the ground they cherish their economics ties. ;)

You know what brother ansy1968, did not think about it, but this was perfect for the Dutch.

And that is what you gotta to do when you're a small country. Got to be sly and cunning, and do the right move, at exactly the right time.

The Dutch wanted to continue selling to China. But this war in Europe, presented an opportunity to show solidarity by giving Ukraine more weapons.

The Dutch managed to have their cake and eat it too. Don't talk about China. Only talk about weapons to Ukraine. That would make it awkward for the Americans to steer the conversation to IC bans for China, and threats to the Dutch if they don't.

That is why the Dutch minister was talking out loud in the press, days before this meeting, about no intentions to ban sales of IC to China.

After that Dutch minister said that, there was nothing to talk about, expect weapons to Ukraine. If that is what really happen, pretty slick moves there.
