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Orientalism by Edward Said, an actual academic, is a good if not tough read that provides a critical assessment of ex-colonial attitudes toward Asians, specifically West Asians (aka Middle-Easterners as they colloquially labels them).

It describes how their image and understanding of other cultures, predating the internet age, are shaped entirely by superficial 3rd-hand accounts e.g. travellers with pieces of photographs/paintings (see book cover), while also projecting their own biases to fill in the gaps. This led to some very romanticised yet skewed views of Asian cultures, severely disconnecting them from actual realities of the region. The author traces subsequent imperialistic ambitions as justification for the mismatch of expectations.

In essence: "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." - ironically enjoyed by many perpetrators of such views

You can see how nearly 40 years after the book's publishing and nothing's changed during the GWOT. How many think-tankies actually learnt Urdu/Arabic? How many learnt Mandarin today while assessing China? It's a transcendental piece of literature that I fear a single comment from a brainlet can't possibly encapsulate all of its brilliance.

Or you can just watch Avatar 1 again and catch the sequel, now in theatres lol
What you wrote dovetails what this Chinese-Canadian expressed on her vlog about this topic, albeit she is coming from the yellow fever and overt sexualization of Asian women that's predominantly done by western men.



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Dmitry Medvedev competing with Trump as top ex-shitposter in-chief.
Man, it certainly didn’t take too long but this guys hatred for the west and allies reeks an extreme amount of black Air Force activity and given how the west is currently being screwed over quite badly as of late from the start of this year alone and how eager this man seems to be in regards to wanting to send the collective west, mostly the USA and the EU to hell in a radioactive hand basket and the scary part is that Russia as a nation seems to want to adopt this mindset one day given how bad the divide is between Russia and the west is right now (almost entirely western inflicted which probably explains why his hatred is almost HK rioter level of fanaticism but is worse due to his access to strong military and possibility nukes), I am thankful that China isn’t on his shit list although China should always be prepared regardless to ensure that his rage is firmly directed away from Chinas interest and squarely remained focused on the US and EU, at least so China can continue to exploit the situation in a good cop bad cop kinda way, and because I find the whole HK rioter black Air Force level max rage focused against the US to be kinda funny and karmic at the same time. With any luck, should luck be permitting, he might organise manhunts on the collective western leadership that stirred the world into this terrible crisis and none of us here can really argue that this is a bad thing, honest but damn one must find it quite scary as to how much rage he seems to have lately. Still that Japanese due kinda deserve this calling out for being that much a little bit!h any way, like a otaku hugging a body pillow while pretending that are sleeping with hot anime chick they will never be able to get with in real life


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Excellent thread demonstrating why Russia is losing the information war.
Well, the easy answer is censorship, lots and lots of censorship and then amounts of tipped off journalists and twitter "writers" not seen in such numbers since the Gang of four in China activated the cultural revolution. The paid commentators back then weren't on a computer, they were random youth on the street, but the principle is the same.

Since time immemorial it is known that you cannot gain information monopoly over another civilization without first defeating them enough to open up holes from where your info can breach. If all of USA can't win the information war on a rump state like NK inside NK itself, then what are the chances of a medium sized state like Russia breaking into USA's information sphere?


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Wow, aren't Europeans lucky to just happen to have a warm winter while everyone else gets hit by cold waves? Seems like what was supposed to happen to Europe all went to US instead. Maybe mother nature is giving them one last chance to reconsider their choices before they hit rock bottom?
Even in mild winter Germany excess death figure in december is considered record. highly unlikely anything will change as It is all result of evidence based decision making. and other poor Europeans are too attached to this Schengen system to protest for change.

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Merkel’s scientific background certainly had a positive impact on Germany’s science policy, agrees
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, executive director of the German Chemical Society. On many occasions, it was obvious that her ‘scientific rigour and accompanying soberness’ were an important ingredient in her evidence-based decision-making.