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Counter Insurgency Air Strike on India by Myanmar​

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January 12, 2023

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Counter-Insurgency Cross Border Air Strike on India by Myanmar

Note: This article gives a true picture of events regarding counter insurgency cross border air strike by Myanmar Air Force on India.
On the morning of 10th Jan 2022, reports on social media started surfacing regarding a cross-border airstrike inside Indian territory conducted by the Myanmar Air force. As more information and videos of the strike became public, the whole story became clear. Myanmar had conducted a coordinated counter-insurgency airstrike operation near and within Indian territory. Reports from locals suggest that Myanmar bombed the Chin National Army (CNA) rebel group in camp Victoria which sits on the border between India and Myanmar. The Myanmar Air Force further dropped 2 bombs inside Indian territory as well as targeting rebel forces taking shelter under Indian territorial cover. Overall, the strike consisted of 3 bomber fighters and 2 helicopters, whereas according to rebel sources, they lost 7 fighters and suffered 20 injured.

This is no isolated incident as over the last few years Myanmar has conducted several operations both near and within Indian territory against several different antigovernment rebel groups. Each time Indian authorities/military swept the incident under the rug to maintain diplomatic relations while continuing to turn a blind eye against the open presence and smuggling of rebels within Indian territory. Historically, the Indian-Myanmar border always has been open and easy for insurgents to cross seeking shelter within India. These crossings also facilitate the smuggling of illicit goods such as weapons and drugs. The Myanmar leadership being aware of this has grown increasingly frustrated and behind closed doors repeatedly demanded the suspension of aid to insurgents by India, otherwise more strikes might follow.

As of now, the Indian military has stated that an investigation is ongoing which suggests the usual plan of sweeping the incident under the rug. Already some Indian websites have started reporting the bombing incident inside Indian territory being false. It is clear that the Indian state will downplay the situation and continue to harbor/support insurgent elements. According to the Myanmar government media, India is attempting to expand its influence within Myanmar by supporting rebel factions just as it did with Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka.

This shows a growing trend of anti-Indian sentiment within all nations bordering India, against Pakistan India continues to support internationally recognized terrorist groups such as TTP/BLA, against China Indian soldiers repeatedly clash with Chinese border guards in places like LOC and Arunachal and now against Myanmar India hosts rebel groups. Such actions do not go unnoticed and influence the future of South Asian / East Asian power dynamics.

As for the aftermath of the bombing incident, a rebel commander reported that after the air raid dozens of rebel members fled deeper into India, while Indian doctors from Mizoram crossed over into Myanmar to help treat the injured who could not be moved. On the next day, protests were organized against the earlier aerial strikes causing a shutdown across Chin state in Myanmar.
Rumors are floating around on twitter that this strike was carried out with JF-17:

If course we know that can't possibly be true because:
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Bro they didn't factor in the after effect, these people never serve in the military nor have experience a hard life, a simple question? who supply them their basic needs, with war trade will stop, inflation will hit the roof, the American are accustomed to instant gratification, let's see IF they're able to stomach a full spectrum shortages. And what more IF the casualties keep pilling in especially IF a carrier or two had been sunk plus the Chinese can sustain a prolonged war with Russia supplying all her needs can the US afford it? The US is not equip to fight a peer nation what more a combined strength of Russian and Chinese.
One more thing they completely forgot, Russia knows who is behind the whole crap in Ukraine and it is pretty clear to anyone that Russia (without having to say it out loud) wants extreme payback for what happened there along with how the USA has spat on all of Russias attempt to play nice while going out of their way to try and cause harm to their people while laughing about it. So if the USA is stupid enough to assume that can concentrate on fighting China using Taiwan with its full force, Russia has a vast nuclear stockpile and there have been showings of how their nuclear subs are heading to the Atlantic along with that nuclear drone Poseidon so really, one moments of distraction could be fatal to the USA given how poor there aerial defenses have been shown to be (how those Patriot missiles aren’t performing up to standard in Saudi Arabia against Yemen drones) as of now going up against Russia hypersonic nukes which have been (everyone should already know) built for the sole purpose of delivering the kind of pay load that will end the USA should the USA foolishly continue to poke their red lines and prove to be impossible to negotiate with and has left themselves open one time too many.
Another thing to note is that China is fighting the USA right now, on the economic front doing what they can to isolate the USA from the global south and the Middle East and as it shows with Saudi Arabia, things are moving along


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The reason why the Anglosphere will never understand China is because they insist on approaching China from the lens of colonialism and by extension, racial chauvinism.
Because of that racial chauvinism, they purposefully promote any "China Studies" students who will parrot their views back to them as opposed to honest scholarship (just read up on Thorsten Pattberg and China Studies).
This system inevitably produces the hereditary stupidity of matt pottinger and gordon chang. There was better understaind of China pre 1840 before the Opium Wars because the West actually humbled itself to learn about China, now the average Westerner approaches China with barely concealed racial contempt bordering on fear that a rising China will finally deprive them of their unearned western privilege. I've noticed in my studies in Europe that the most Anglophone european countries tend to be the most Sinophobic because they parrot Anglophone propaganda, whereas Europeans who are less anglicised tend to be far more objective and level headed.

For fvcks's sake, how is PRC China not even included in the list?! Are you fvcking kidding me, WEF?! Has none of your staff ever stepped foot on Chinese soil?!

View attachment 104909
China is a 10 that is why the highest point out is 6.8.