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So, another wannabe-Goebbels without even a fraction of the self-awareness, talent or ounce of actual clout? Why are her ravings worth our time?
She will get hers when the USA collapses into civil war, then she will be on the floor wailing at her computer screen like a little mongrel. Hope she enjoys the food shortage and blizzard and future hurricanes coming to a home near her. I wonder if she even knows what happen to Goebbels and his family at the end of WW2
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The comments below this opinion piece are pure copium lol

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Perhaps China should pinky promise not to totally obliterate the west if they decide white supremacy matters more to them than life…in the same manner western corporations pinky promise their citizens not to abuse their monopolies.

Also, belatedly, the US regime suddenly realised it needs its own Asians to compete against an Asian power


Registered Member
War is Peace.
Ignorance is Strength.
Yellow is White.

That is what I have been suspecting that is happening lately, like the past decade. Perhaps coming clearer in more recent years.

Asians, are considered to be white, by many people.

Some people, hate everyone, like San Fransisco Detective Dirty Harry Callahan.

Some ethnic group may not be accepted, but that same group is not rejected in similar ways as other groups.

I think people should be able to live with that.

Even the whites, do not accept the whites in the same way. That is why there are the Joo.


Registered Member
So, another wannabe-Goebbels without even a fraction of the self-awareness, talent or ounce of actual clout? Why are her ravings worth our time?
I'm not sure I'd call Goebbels ability to perfectly cosplay animals in the rodent family a "talent", but I guess its something that distinguished him from the general population, unlike all the American twitter bots which just kinda all merge into eachother because they think the same, speak the same and look the same.


Registered Member
That is what I have been suspecting that is happening lately, like the past decade. Perhaps coming clearer in more recent years.

Asians, are considered to be white, by many people.

Some people, hate everyone, like San Fransisco Detective Dirty Harry Callahan.

Some ethnic group may not be accepted, but that same group is not rejected in similar ways as other groups.

I think people should be able to live with that.

Even the whites, do not accept the whites in the same way. That is why there are the Joo.
Not quite, Asians are considered the easy scapegoat in western societies and western influenced societies; Asians are only considered 'white' to the extent that the white power structure can redirect racial anomisity away from white elites and towards Asians eg the US police union throwing their asian police officer to the wolves of BLM but coming out to protect their white colleagues. In that particular incident, the Chinese community came out in force to protest the injustice.

You saw this with the alacrity that even Indians jumped on the bandwagon during the COVID crisis of 2020 so that they could become one with the white ruling class; in that sense US anglo led politics resemble middle school bullying and all the more reason why the Anglo yoke must be dismantled.

Asians in white society are also considered 'white' when it comes to things like racial quotas and as a release valve for white societies to prevent their white Incels to spasm into mass violence. In that sense, America can consider the rise of China to be an existential issue because without easy Asian women for otherwise involuntary celibate white americans, the mass of military age Incels could invoke uprisings as was observed during the Arab Spring and histories prior.

If you turned Thailand or Bali into moderate income societies, this could alleviate the sex tourism coming from western societies but would simply re-direct their predations to latin america or africa.


Lieutenant General
War is Peace.
Ignorance is Strength.
Yellow is White.

Being able to openly discriminate by race in the name of racial equality and progress towards a colour-blind utopian promise land. That, ladies and gentlemen, is modern American innovation at its peak, and what their best and brightest spend all their time and energy on. Even Jai Hinds have to bow down in awe at this level of peak shitfuckery.