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This should be expected.
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China should cooperate with Russia to remove and minimise Turkish influence in Central Asia.

As a counterbalance, not to appear hegemonic, and to have Muslim representation, they could allow the Gulf States/Saudi Arabia to enter Central Asia.

Turkey is not a good partner because its a NATO country and it doesn't have good diplomatic reputation and practises. Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states though are already linked with China so there would be far less problems if we replaced Turkish influence with Saudi Arabia.


Registered Member
The Turks seems determined to win stupid prizes as they cannot stop but play stupid games. Do they have any idea how easily and royally China can fuck with them by playing the Kurdish card for lolz?
No it can't. It would call upon itself the anger of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan and Armenia too. Meanwhile, the Uighur issue also involves several neighbors of China.


Lieutenant General
Starting off the new year with an observation about Western media BS, because why not?

Y'all ever heard of an Indian movie that came out this year called RRR? I haven't seen it yet, but its on Netflix and apparently its gained a huge cult following in the West due to its epic scale and over the top action scenes. Thing is though, the key words here are cult following. I would say its gotten about the same status as Ip Man or Kung Fu Hustle, movies that every film buff knows about, rather than being something like Parasite, Spirited Away, or Squid Game, which are basically household names. Like, you can show an average joe on the street a picture of Jung HoYeon and they'll recognize her, whereas I can't the say the same for any of RRR's actors. However, if you were to follow the Western press, you would think the movie is an even bigger phenomenon than Squid Game. Almost all Western journalists have been gushing about it and how this one movie alone is making the West is now undergo "Indomania," same as Koreanmania and Japanmania, before.

I compare this to the Western non-gaming press' reception to Genshin Impact. Now, love or hate that game, reserve your opinions on it for now, its success is undeniable at this point with its revenues, player count, and engagement on social media. However, very few in the Western press talk about it and when they do it drips with Sinophobia. BBC when it reported on the game, went out of its way to not even mention its developer, MiHoYo let alone its Chinese origins. The NYTimes went extra petty and published a hitpiece on the game, branding it as unoriginal and that it was potentially a vehicle for Communist propaganda. (What's worse is that they actually made that story front page news, while in the same week an Asian woman in NYC was beaten nearly to death and it only got a minor weekly mention.)

To reiterate, I haven't seen RRR, maybe I will one day if I got nothing to do. The director has clearly earned his success, so kudos to him. But its just the double standards here where countries whom the West deems friendly, get the luxury of this cultural promotion in the press even for something like a succesful cult film. Compared to China, where even a silly gacha game isn't spared by the geopolitical tensions.

Btw, Happy New Year!

This should be expected. The West only reports negative on countries especially big countries that don't worship the West. The only movies from China that got Oscar nominations are the one that were critical of China. Of course they're going to report positive on countries that worship the West. That should be expected and intentional because they want Chinese to conclude being liked by the West is one of the important priorities in life when it's actually worthless.

The US is racist country by intention. They want to benefit from racism but they don't want to be called a racist. The powers that be don't want foreign influences taking away their power. Don't be surprised if it's the Indian diaspora that makes it look like Indian movies look popular around the world. I heard of RRR but haven't heard regular people talk about it. It's the media that says so. Julia Roberts said this Indian actress, I forgot her name but she was the most popular in India at the time, was the most beautiful in the world. The media all of the sudden said that Indian actresses were going to get A-list roles in Hollywood movies now. Where are they at after twenty years?

I remember even saying then unless they were going to take roles where they strip down naked and and lust after white men, they're going nowhere. Back then if an Indian actresses reduced themselves to that especially for Hollywood, they would be punished by Indian authorities and society at home. That's for the male audience. What about the female audience? Women in the US are probably more racist in the sense why would they want to see a romance movie between an Indian woman and a white man just like how they don't wants to see Asian female/white male romances? The women's movement in the West is all about white women only. They promote only about white women. There's very little diversity in their role models because white women think they are the role model for the rest of the world. White women and children that go missing somewhere in the US get 24/7 news coverage. So where do Indian women fit? What does it all say? If it doesn't serve Westerners personally especially in a sexual manner, they're not interested. Promotion of Indian movies in the West is all about countering China. That's all it's worth to them.

All it says is the Western media knows their power and attempts at social engineering is the norm. Their alarm over TikTok is all about how they see China doing what they are always trying to do to the world for themselves.


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Two closeted gay men meet each other and thus an intense love story unfurls. This masterpiece also features the two men doing the following supapowar stuff.
Short duration flight
Ability to control WILD animals ( not including these two)
Supahooman strength
Supahooman Gay/best friend/rival relationship with each other
Rabid hatred of the British to the point they have a dance off with arms around each other's shoulders, and hands in each other's pockets (yes really) awww.
Totally Oscar worthy, Jai Hind!
Asian cultures have a more mature understanding of male friendships / brotherly bonds / bromances. We don't emphasize the same type of "rugged individualism" (which can evolve into toxic masculinity) as the US, which in recent years have turned their politicians into caricatures of themselves.

Mutual respect and building each other up is an important part of our collectivist culture and humanitarian goal. While it's likely RRR got a place on Netflix cause of geopolitics, it has some good themes and an anti-imperialistic story. We should also try to spread China's message and push our own domestic film industry to produce international blockbusters.


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