Miscellaneous News


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Within a few decades if US ever man up and tries to start a war in Asia, you will hear:

"Interesting fact. Anyone who hates Hideki Tojo has fallen under the influence of Chinese propaganda, no matter what country he lives in."
At this rate, when Chinas powers grow and the USA wanes enough, just hinting any support to these Japanese/US war criminals is grounds for them to be turned in for a quick buck and the collective assets of these backers to be permanently confiscated. Not that such a world is good or anything, but if these people thought they can get away with propaganda and lies on a regular basis now, imagine the but hurt when this gets turned around and just having white skin is akin to a death sentence


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A trove of intelligence files sent by Canadian peacekeepers expose CIA black ops, illegal weapon shipments, imported jihadist fighters, potential false flags, and stage-managed atrocities.

The documents offer an unparalleled, first-hand, real-time view of the war as it developed, with the prospect of peace rapidly degrading into grinding bloodshed that ultimately caused the painful death of the multi-faith, multi-ethnic Yugoslavia.


Lieutenant General
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Westerners are the biggest meat eaters in the world per person and in total tonnage more than the rest of the world combined. Animal rights activist know getting the West to stop eating meat by doing the Western thing called vilifying won't work and instead there would be resistance. So how do they get past this in their goal to get people to stop killing animals? They vilify other countries and cultures as being guilty because racism is what motivates Westerners to do things they don't want to do themselves. Animals rights activists expose themselves as liars that don't really care about animals when they resort to this tactic.

So how do you think this situation is going to be resolved? It is the West that has long damaged nature with their long history of industrialization but as usual they'll try to blame it on China as if they think with Hershel Walker logic everything is renewed yearly and only the worst offenders to which they'll point to China will they lay all the blame. Americans didn't care about world pollution until literally China spewed out one particle of carbon more than the US and now they all are for China to stop polluting the world by ending its economy all together in the name of the environment.

All these Western activists will say they don't do that... but they let politicians takeover to displace blame and they say nothing. Say good-bye to any solution because no country is going to stop having an economy so that the US and the West can go on unrestricted under the guise of saving the planet. Remember this ain't just Republicans. In order to cover-up how the US would be blamed for no international climate agreement because of bi-partisan domestic politics, Obama in his first year in office as President of the US, sabotaged any UN climate agreement by demanding only developing countries had to sacrifice to save the environment because he knew China would reject it therefore he could blame China for no international agreement and not how it would be eventually the US's fault because of domestic politics that killed any agreement. Today the only thing that unites both Democrats and Republicans is being anti-China. So you think the West is capable of leading the world on something important when all they'll do is blame it on someone else. And it will be the fault of all these activists that think this is important for the world when they'll let US politicians play their blame it someone else games.

And remember how evil the West is when they want to play games between India and China over who has a bigger population as if that was important. They want to make people think having more young people means more money and power when all that does is use up resources the world can't sustain. It's Western culture that has this need to have the latest electronics which means more scaring of the Earth to make these newer electronics and Western corporations love that so they can assure a continuous flow of money to their bank accounts. They're the ones who openly want everyone to embrace Western culture which is the most wasteful in the world. So what priority do Western activists for what ever cause have when they won't stop the worst in themselves and readily will blame it on others? They don't dare talk about that because Westerners will go silent and ignore anyone who tries to justly hold the West responsible and they know it.


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Zelensky says they win:

Andriy Yermak, head of the presidential office says they'll win the air battle, apparently hopeful that the tomato cans proved very effective against the Ork drones.

Oleksiy Danilov, Ukraine's security secretary, posted this morning this morning showing Moscow, air raid sirens, fleeing rats and the message: "Russia tomorrow... 2023". The Nazis used the juxtaposition of Jews and Jewish culture with rats in the notorious propaganda film 'Der Ewige Jude', (The Eternal Jew). Here we see the official Ukrainian Government doing the same. The technique is: Jews/rats - Russians/rats.


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Westerners are the biggest meat eaters in the world per person and in total tonnage more than the rest of the world combined. Animal rights activist know getting the West to stop eating meat by doing the Western thing called vilifying won't work and instead there would be resistance. So how do they get past this in their goal to get people to stop killing animals? They vilify other countries and cultures as being guilty because racism is what motivates Westerners to do things they don't want to do themselves. Animals rights activists expose themselves as liars that don't really care about animals when they resort to this tactic.

So how do you think this situation is going to be resolved? It is the West that has long damaged nature with their long history of industrialization but as usual they'll try to blame it on China as if they think with Hershel Walker logic everything is renewed yearly and only the worst offenders to which they'll point to China will they lay all the blame. Americans didn't care about world pollution until literally China spewed out one particle of carbon more than the US and now they all are for China to stop polluting the world by ending its economy all together in the name of the environment.

All these Western activists will say they don't do that... but they let politicians takeover to displace blame and they say nothing. Say good-bye to any solution because no country is going to stop having an economy so that the US and the West can go on unrestricted under the guise of saving the planet. Remember this ain't just Republicans. In order to cover-up how the US would be blamed for no international climate agreement because of bi-partisan domestic politics, Obama in his first year in office as President of the US, sabotaged any UN climate agreement by demanding only developing countries had to sacrifice to save the environment because he knew China would reject it therefore he could blame China for no international agreement and not how it would be eventually the US's fault because of domestic politics that killed any agreement. Today the only thing that unites both Democrats and Republicans is being anti-China. So you think the West is capable of leading the world on something important when all they'll do is blame it on someone else. And it will be the fault of all these activists that think this is important for the world when they'll let US politicians play their blame it someone else games.

And remember how evil the West is when they want to play games between India and China over who has a bigger population as if that was important. They want to make people think having more young people means more money and power when all that does is use up resources the world can't sustain. It's Western culture that has this need to have the latest electronics which means more scaring of the Earth to make these newer electronics and Western corporations love that so they can assure a continuous flow of money to their bank accounts. They're the ones who openly want everyone to embrace Western culture which is the most wasteful in the world. So what priority do Western activists for what ever cause have when they won't stop the worst in themselves and readily will blame it on others? They don't dare talk about that because Westerners will go silent and ignore anyone who tries to justly hold the West responsible and they know it.
How will the situation be solved? It is rather simple. When the cold war has been won, terms can be introduced to divide up the remaining industries of the West to the victors. No western country will be de facto allowed to have a higher rate of consumption/pollution per capita than China.

If you think this is not achievable, consider that Germany which is rather deindustrialized in recent days already achieve a similar level of consumption as China. Achieving this doesn't require a genocide of western living standards, just a round of socialist shock therapy to trim down the fat. The industry oligarchs will be severely wounded, but the common people will survive just fine. Like they do in Germany and the UK as of 2023.

With an unipolar moment secured for China, neither will those who think they're up and coming in the 3rd world be allowed to excessively cosume. The likes of India can be threatened with carrot and stick to stay in their lane.

That will provide the climate change relief which the globe needs, as scientists work out more efficient energy solutions and better ways to recycle.


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Felix Zulauf on China. "China is more important trading partner to the vast majority of the countries in the world than the US." "This is a big change & the Western partners hasn't realize it because we are still looking at the world with our Western glasses of the [past]."

"...and when the US used the Dollar as a political weapon, as did the EU it means that the value of these currencies will decline." G7 no longer the dominating economies. Out of the 7, Great Britain, France, Germany & Italy combined is smaller than China.