Miscellaneous News


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Can't wait for these 700 to conquer Shenzhen and rename it to the Adderall Concession...
They might accidentally end up causing a scene at the military barracks in the USA well before they make it onto a plane to go over seas. First they want the fat bowling balls to become soldiers, now they want mental cases to pick up a gun. Is it me, or has the USA finally lost the plot, this woke bullsh!t really did end up doing a lot of the work that all these wars failed to do, they have helped to ensure that the future generation of soldiers will be not be able to handle the next generation of war. Shockley enough, I find that even the Ukrainian soldiers have more balls then these people and I do t even like them at all

On another note, get a load of this

This is seriously not normal isn’t it


Registered Member
Is it me, or has the USA finally lost the plot, this woke bullsh!t really did end up doing a lot of the work that all these wars failed to do,

The military isn’t recruiting them because they are woke. They are recruiting them because no one wants to join.

Few days ago, the US navy was reported to be keeping underperforming sailors who they usually force them out but they can’t because there isn’t enough recruits.


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US military is now recruiting people with ADHD. First batch of 700 raw recruits are here.

This first dedicated group of elite special forces will be the spearhead for the invasion of China.

Can't wait for these 700 to conquer Shenzhen and rename it to the Adderall Concession...
The US has a history of using drugs on its own soldiers, not just referring to MKULTRA or 'Gulf War Syndrome', but consistent with their spiritual inspiration in the 3rd Reich using Benzedrine (amphetamines basically), the Pentagon does condone the use of stim.
In fact, we have reports that the Ukrainian army uses a lot of stimulants to maintain the edge in warfighting.


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Putin bans all oil sales to ‘price cap’ states​

The move is in response to a Western coalition price-limit on Russia’s seaborne oil exports

President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree on retaliatory measures to the West’s price cap on Russian oil exports. Tuesday's ratification is in response to the punitive measure taken by the EU, G7 countries, and Australia, which came into effect earlier this month.

The presidential decree bans the supply of oil and petroleum products from Russia to countries which apply a price cap in their contracts. It also prohibits deliveries if the contracts directly or indirectly specify the cap.

According to the
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, which was published on the government’s website, the ban on oil supplies in response to the price cap comes into effect on February 1, 2023 and is valid until July 1, 2023. The effective date of the ban on supplying petroleum products will be determined later by the government.

The president can grant special permission for the supply of oil and oil products prohibited by the price ceiling, according to the decree. The Russian Ministry of Energy will monitor compliance with the presidential order on retaliatory measures.

The $60-per-barrel price cap on Russian seaborne oil exports was introduced by the EU, G7 countries, and Australia on December 5. It bans Western companies from providing insurance and other services for Russian oil shipments unless the cargo is purchased at or below the set price.

The Kremlin vowed to respond to the measure in a way that would best serve Moscow’s interests, warning it would not trade with nations that support the price ceiling. Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Novak said that Russian oil will still be in high demand despite the latest sanctions on the country’s exports. By imposing a price cap, Western countries will only trigger further energy inflation due to scarce supply, the minister said, adding that Russia views such types of non-market mechanisms as unacceptable.

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No more ‘business as usual’ with EU – Moscow​

The bloc has done the US’ bidding at the expense of its own interests, the Russian FM has said

Relations between Moscow and Brussels are now at their “lowest point,” Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, told TASS in an interview published on Tuesday. The EU has declared a “hybrid war” on Moscow by unquestioningly following the US, the minister added.

Brussels' policies have only hurt the interests and well-being of EU citizens themselves, Lavrov said. He also accused Washington of barring EU nations from conducting dialogue on energy with Moscow, even though Russia’s supplies of fuel provided Europe with “unprecedented prosperity” for decades.

Following the launch of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine, the EU began gradually reducing Russian energy imports through sanctions, which include a ban on EU imports of seaborne Russian oil, as well as a $60-per-barrel cap on Russian seaborne crude.
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In late July, EU member states agreed on a plan to reduce their gas consumption by 15% over the coming months to reduce their dependence on Russian energy. These policies, coupled with the sanctions and the conflict in Ukraine, have led to an energy crunch in the EU, with gas prices climbing to record highs.

Russia will “no longer do ‘business as usual’” with partners such as these, Lavrov warned, adding that Moscow has no intention of “banging its head against a wall,” as it can find countries to work with beyond Europe.

Nevertheless, Moscow is prepared to cooperate with more pragmatic European leaders in the future, the foreign minister said. “If some nationally-oriented politicians emerge [in Europe] who understand all the benefits of equal and mutually beneficial partnership with Russia, I can assure you, there will be no issues on our side,” he said.

“We are realists. We will continue to work with those few Europeans that cherish friendship with Russia. We will not cooperate with Russophobes,” Lavrov added.


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Putin bans all oil sales to ‘price cap’ states​

President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree on retaliatory measures to the West’s price cap on Russian oil exports. The ratification on Tuesday is in response to the punitive measure taken by the EU, G7 countries, and Australia, which came into effect earlier this month.

The presidential decree bans the supply of oil and petroleum products from Russia to countries which apply a price cap in their contracts. It also prohibits deliveries if the contracts directly or indirectly specify the cap.
So, can anyone with knowledge share how the price cap has affected russian exports? Is it effective? If so that's a dangerous new weapon in the west's control.


Registered Member
So, can anyone with knowledge share how the price cap has affected russian exports? Is it effective? If so that's a dangerous new weapon in the west's control.
No it isn’t, since Russia has other markets to sell like China and India who can easily swallow up Russia oil and gas with ease, not to mention nations like south east Asia and Africa and even the Middle East are also happy to take on the additional discounted oil and gas while the Middle East, given the fact that they now have the monopoly of these resources can basically charge whatever they want to the EU and they cannot do anything to influence the price because if they dont accept the price and try to push a ceiling on it, they can simply choose not to sell and find someone more reasonable to sell to. Then without oil and gas, the EU is basically fu@ked. So no, a price ceiling doesn’t nothing to help the EU and in fact would hasten there downfall because no supplier would want to sell their resources on the cheap to the EU, especially when the EU givens nothing in return and no, Euros have no value when it is not only not pegged to anything but I can ultimately be confiscated by the EU when they want to. So this whole price cap is a load of crap, especially when no supplier would ever want to obey that stupidity. In fact, if you think about it, a weaker EU means that countries like the Middle East and Africa can finally start doing what the west has done to them for centuries, treat them like second class cr@p and since the majority of the world has been compared to a jungle by the EU, well let’s see if those EU leaders can managed their garden without water or the right tools.


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No it isn’t, since Russia has other markets to sell like China and India who can easily swallow up Russia oil and gas with ease
Oil - yes, gas - no, because Russia's largest fields are in Western Siberia and most of the gas is delivered through pipes that go to Europe. Until "Power of Siberia 2" is finished, that gas either has to go to Europe or get wasted.


Registered Member
Oil - yes, gas - no, because Russia's largest fields are in Western Siberia and most of the gas is delivered through pipes that go to Europe. Until "Power of Siberia 2" is finished, that gas either has to go to Europe or get wasted.
I am not a subject matter expert in upstream petroleum. Is there the possibility of sealing the gas inside the reservoir and not producing it? Just turn the valves off?


Registered Member
So, can anyone with knowledge share how the price cap has affected russian exports? Is it effective? If so that's a dangerous new weapon in the west's control.
It will affect Russia 100%, although not the way people think it will.

With this price cap in place, China and India will use it as leverage to get more discounts from Russia. Countries aren't a charity, for something as important as oil no country is going to leave money on the table

That's how the price cap is going to damage Russia's finances, not directly but indirectly instead