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Maybe we are exporting a bit too much fentanyl?
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China’s Dangerous Decline​

Washington Must Adjust as Beijing’s Troubles Mount​

Far from good news, a weak, stagnant, or collapsing China would be even more dangerous than a thriving one—not just for the country itself, but for the world. Dealing with a failing China could therefore prove harder for the United States than coping with the alternative has been. If Washington hopes to do so successfully—or at least fend off the worst of the fallout—it needs to reorient its focus, and fast.
Washington’s record in dealing with rivals in decline is not auspicious, and coming up with a new policy to manage China’s descent will not be easy. To make matters worse, it is unclear whether the Biden administration has begun working on the problem. But that is no reason for despair. There are a number of changes, some relatively easy, the United States could make that would greatly improve its odds—especially if it starts making them soon.
As China stalls, it is increasingly unlikely to overtake the United States as the world’s largest economy. Instead, with innovation and entrepreneurship stifled and productivity declining, China will find itself mired in the middle-income trap. Domestic living standards may flatline or fall. And smaller budgets and bureaucratic incompetence will make it harder for Beijing to deal with its many dangerous preexisting conditions: a rapidly aging population, a massive debt load, a severe shortage of natural resources (including energy and clean water), and a wildly overheated real estate sector, the failure of which could pull down the entire economy. (Chinese households have more than two-thirds of their savings invested in property.)


Registered Member
China will lose WWIII if it fails to addresse the India situation.. They aren't threat by themselves but they can be used as mercenaries.. It's a country of servitude and live for to serve others hence they will also provide the hand to eventually undo you all tho they themselves don't pose threat but anyone who has ambitions to march into China could make use of them..

This is why China will eventually get defeated by the Americans not because the Americans are strong just smarter geo-politically and empire building.

You can't grow if you don't understand what blocks your path or what can or could be a threat against you

In the words of Malcolm X..
View attachment 103629
You seem to advocate China to follow the American's footstep in wasting resources on secondary target for endless time (Iraq and Afghanistan for US, and India for China).

You also seem to advocate what the US has been doing in provoking China and India to fight one another for ever. A play book of divide and conquer. The US is doing in the manner of "India is the next champion of Democrazy against evil China". You are serving the same end by doing in the other direction "China to break India before taking on US."

Taking together your disapproval of China-Iran relationship, I am sure you are not speaking from the Chinese side, nor are you speaking for the Indians, but for the US, knowingly or simply out of ignorance. The core is to make China isolated and distracted.

BTW, your quoting is pretty much missing the essence of what Malcom X intended to say. Whatever Nehru did was judged on his impact on India. Any Chinese leaders are judged on their impact on China's future. Mao did great by beating India in 1960s. Any Chinese leader today wasting time on fighting India while letting US to sleep comfortably is worse than Nehro did to India, and he would not have been respected by Malcom X.

Americans would be smart (China would be stupid) if China actually follows your suggestion.


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Maybe we are exporting a bit too much fentanyl?

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As Ronald Reagan famously quipped on his debates with Carter and Mondale

America has already declared Mission Accomplished and itself the winner of this geopolitical contest rather impetuously cqgand prematurely. The arrogance of these folks are stupefyingly terrifying.
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Maybe we are exporting a bit too much fentanyl?
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To be fair, Washington is extremely shortsighted.

The current USA victory plan seems to be to do ??? and then Crimea-action Taiwan when the mainland isn't looking and get fait accompli before the PLA can do anything. But such a plan address none of America's actual problems or China's strengths.

Even if US troops march in Taipei, China remains the world's largest economy. Perhaps losing a short limited war with America will put China in a lost decade similar to Japan. But they will still keep what economy they have, even if it is in stagflation.

Under communist rule, China devotes about 1.4% GDP to military spending. If the communist is toppled due to force, the conclusion of the people will be that they didn't try to fight hard enough.

1.4% of the world's no1 economy buys you the current PLA, that is a fair bit smaller than US military but is considered roughly equal in quality give or take some asymmetric advantages and disadvantages.

As a reference, (hard to find an exact number), but it would seem that Imperial Japan right before WW2 was spending 15-20% of its GDP on its armed forces.

Therefore as I see it, as long as US walks the path of confrontation with China, American defeat is guaranteed.

Even if lady luck gives America a natural 20 and it accomplishes all of it's current victory plan, all it does is delay the inevitable because there is a (large) difference in strength when it comes to national foundation, and both sides can't touch each other's foundations in a meaningful way due to MAD.


Lieutenant General
Maybe we are exporting a bit too much fentanyl?
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This is all for foreigners to stop doing business with China getting them scared losing their money. Like I've been saying in previous posts, no one talks about the importance of natural resources that the Western world doesn't have within their own borders that exists in the non-Western world they look down at. It's a grand weakness of the West they don't want anyone seeing. During the US/Africa summit that just took place, all you have to do is read comment sections to any articles talking about it. A lot of people mockingly talk about how the West shouldn't bother with insignificant Africa because they've been brainwashed into believing the US and West need no one while the rest of the world needs them.

The reason why they put that out there is to get their citizens believing their leaders are doing a great job for them to be able to brag it thus those leaders will keep elected positions. The Ukraine war shows how easily supply chains can be disrupted and can be cut-off to the West. The West's unprecedented "Hail Mary" actions is because of desperation at seeing a changing world moving away from them. The West claims they're the preferred choice of the world. Well then they shouldn't be worried about China. This is to claim China is doing something underhanded against the West hence why they shouldn't buy anything from China.

Even longer before they want to believe everyone in the world naturally wants to worship Westerners as gods. Because there are those in the world that don't, it's because they're being prevented from worshipping them as gods, thus their human rights are being violated and their own citizens should be okay with more extreme actions against those countries including sacrificing their own lives going to war with countries that deny their own people from worshipping the West. People around the world are moving away from the West... That's what's natural. You see even Europeans that liberals in the US paint as more evolved saying stupid things like Europe is a garden while the rest is a jungle.

This all is a game of chicken the West chooses to play and they are worst players in history. Their desperation comes from realizing what they arrogantly believed before is not true like thinking China was going to immediately surrender to all US demands by cutting-off computer chips or threatening to cancel China. The West can't admit they were wrong so they keep doubling down on bad bets. The West is cancelling itself.