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Why would China fight India though?

China unlike America has no strict need to map paint in order to keep themselves relevant. They already acquired economical and industrial advantage without having to invade anyone. They didn't even need to finish the civil war either.

Looting India would require more than just rolling in, India's "wealth" is all in population, unlike Iraq or Syria that has wealth in oil. So China would need to do nation building to see any long term dividends.

In the current status quo, China can easily shield itself from sudden crazy Indian aggression because of natural chokepoints.

The way I see it, China will just continue the 2020s and 2030s by keeping pace in the arms race. They will keep Taiwan out of reach for America like how America kept West Germany out of reach for the USSR.

Local "small" wars such as Ukraine that don't directly involve China but saps at NATO strength are a big benefit for China. More such scenarios will happen, and each time it causes a depletion of NATO, as well as swing states leaving America.

China is not in a hurry to end the civil war. Nobody is dying right now, and as stated above, China's greatest advantage is that it has everything it needs on the mainland. They may as well wait until America experienced its Gorbachev moment first before ending the KMT.

China will lose WWIII if it fails to addresse the India situation.. They aren't threat by themselves but they can be used as mercenaries.. It's a country of servitude and live for to serve others hence they will also provide the hand to eventually undo you all tho they themselves don't pose threat but anyone who has ambitions to march into China could make use of them..

This is why China will eventually get defeated by the Americans not because the Americans are strong just smarter geo-politically and empire building.

You can't grow if you don't understand what blocks your path or what can or could be a threat against you

In the words of Malcolm X..


Registered Member
China will lose WWIII if it fails to addresse the India situation.. They aren't threat by themselves but they can be used as mercenaries.. It's a country of servitude and live for to serve others hence they will also provide the hand to eventually undo you all tho they themselves don't pose threat but anyone who has ambitions to march into China could make use of them..

This is why China will eventually get defeated by the Americans not because the Americans are strong just smarter geo-politically and empire building.

You can't grow if you don't understand what blocks your path or what can or could be a threat against you
Indians can human wave and send as many T72 they want, but himalayas just doesn't mesh well with such tactics.

Unlike the nationalist empires of the 1900s, of which America is the last major remaining one, China does almost all its growth vertically rather than horizontally. It doesn't require constant war and expansion. Instead, they just rely on strengthening industry until they corner entire markets, something China finds it easy to do due to the combo of high population and highly educated population.

Instead of going on a conquest spree, China will just go force to force with America wherever America thinks they need to go in order to preserve their nation. Whether it is Ukraine, Iran or anywhere else in the world.

Beijing will juice up these American targets until they become unsustainable to go after. They don't even need to send heavy weapons or volunteers. For many cases, just being the backline, ensuring that US sanctions lose their effect, plying the target with plentiful dual use tech, will be enough to render the war unsustainable.

This is what is ongoing in Ukraine. When Russia seemed to be faltering in destroying Ukraine's infrastructure, they get a massive infusion of suicide drones, built using Chinese dual use engines and electronics. Now, NATO will have to pay out of their own pocket the cost of Ukraine's electric grid for as long as the conflict goes on. And there is no end in sight.

NATO's wallets and armouries are being emptied, at near zero cost to China. You don't even need many wars like that to completely derail America.

America always relied on being the most populated state with the biggest economy and industry. Without those advantages, it would need to reinvent itself to stand a chance.

The communist party may not be empire builders but they are partisans. They understand how to soften up an empire, turning corrupt regional governors, finding unlikely allies and setting ambushes. Once the forces of the empire have been ground down to the point of non-function, only then will the main revolutionary army attack in force.

You read the indians correctly but not the CPC. They're not gonna go on map painting contest with USA as they have better plans.


Registered Member
Iran is a highly provocative country that has provoked the wrong people. By the way Iran doesn't have the best Military in Western Asia but 5th or 6th. Iranians aren't known warlike people either compared to the some of the other nations in the West Asia.
i am not sure they will be 5 or 6. Most of Western Asia does not have much industry or will for prolong war like Iran fought in 1980s. and Industrial Europe is not going to supply parts of if some thing went out. just look at Siemens.
Erdogan show up for both opening and closing ceremony of FIFA world cup despite no Turkish team. think over it.


Registered Member
Looting India would require more than just rolling in, India's "wealth" is all in population, unlike Iraq or Syria that has wealth in oil. So China would need to do nation building to see any long term dividends.
That 'wealth' is not in the population, especially when the Indian government gatekeeps and actively steals company money and profits. The British Empire only profited from India at the point of the bayonet as previous empires did; the current situation reveals that very few global companies profit from India compared to say, China, especially considering the exit of many, many western firms.

Meanwhile in free and democratic Britain, the Government is going to imprison strikers:
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