Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Ironic as he leaks prior Twitter regime's dirty laundry with FBI/govt interventions, he is threatening to sue any internal leaks of by current regimes employees. So much for freedom of speech absolutist. Only when it makes you look good!
Of course, why are you surprised? Or maybe not. Western people, western leaning folks from all ethnic backgrounds and sizes are the most hypocritical group of people on this planet.


Registered Member
Ironic as he leaks prior Twitter regime's dirty laundry with FBI/govt interventions, he is threatening to sue any internal leaks of by current regimes employees. So much for freedom of speech absolutist. Only when it makes you look good!
There's no equivalence. A company can have the expectation to keep its internal dialogue private, just as it has the right to release it if it's in the public interest (or for any reason).

Ironically I think twitter was one of the least government controlled internet company. Youtube/google and facebook are much worse.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Ironically I think twitter was one of the least government controlled internet company. Youtube/google and facebook are much worse.
Like heck it was. Twitter put the "government sponsored media" tag on Russian and Chinese services. But try seeing if Voice of America or Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty or Radio Free Asia are tagged as "government sponsored media". Or the BBC or CBC. And they persistently black hole these "government sponsored media" when you search for anything. The censoring was already there but I think the banning hit the peak when Twitter banned Trump. Only been downhill since.


Registered Member
Like heck it was. Twitter put the "government sponsored media" tag on Russian and Chinese services. But try seeing if Voice of America or Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty or Radio Free Asia are tagged as "government sponsored media". Or the BBC or CBC. And they persistently black hole these "government sponsored media" when you search for anything. The censoring was already there but I think the banning hit the peak when Twitter banned Trump. Only been downhill since.
Around 2008 or 2009 when most people were still using flip phones and Myspace was still larger than facebook and most tweets were send via SMS etc one summer I suddenly noticed all the local tv stations started pushing twitter all at once, with the twitter logo and the stations twitter name on the bottom of the screen...

Back then twitter hadnt hit mass adoption yet... so it seemed odd that all the stations were pushing twitter almost like to create artificial demand to force twitter into something big one day...

If you search my old posts I have long suspected both Bitcoin and Elon Musk to be CIA... For a long time Telsa was making more money from its bitcoin trades than its car sales, yet had a market valuation larger than toyota and rest of car manufacturers combined...

Now Musk buys twitter (a CIA asset from day one) to pretend to do a "shakeup"

Kinda like how Chickfila and KFC are owned by the same parent company yet you have one group of folks supporting liberal sickness and the opposing half being anti-woke and in the KFC bucket...

The left hand doesnt know what the right hand is doing.