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Japan defence: China threat prompts plan to double military spending​

Protesters against increase in defence budget near Mr Kishida's Tokyo residence's Tokyo residence

Despite shifting public opinion there is still considerable opposition to increasing military spending in Japan

Japan has announced it will double its military spending in the next five years, citing regional threats posed by China and North Korea.

It will also acquire the ability to strike enemy bases.

The changes mark the most dramatic overhaul to Japan's security strategy since it adopted a pacifist constitution after World War Two.
Under the plan, Tokyo will buy US long-range missiles capable of destroying enemy launch sites if it is attacked.

It will also increase its cyber warfare capabilities. Earlier this week, Beijing urged Tokyo to view their relationship as a cooperative partnership.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told journalists Japan's defence budget would be 2% of GDP by 2027.

"Unfortunately in the vicinity of our country, there are countries carrying out activities such as enhancement of nuclear capability, a rapid military build-up and unilateral attempt to change the status quo by force," he said.

"These are also now becoming more outstanding. In the next five years, in order to fundamentally reinforce our defence capabilities we will implement a defence build-up programme worth 43 trillion yen ($314bn; £257bn)."

A national security strategy document approved by the cabinet and quoted by AFP news agency described China as "the greatest strategic challenge ever to securing the peace and stability of Japan".

It also noted that China had not ruled out the use of force to assert control over Taiwan.

China's embassy in Japan responded by accusing Tokyo of making false claims about its military activities.

There are also concerns in Japan about North Korea's missile capability.

Pyongyang has fired more than 50 missiles over the past three months, including a ballistic missile over Japan in October - the first time for five years.

Meanwhile the Japanese document described the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a "serious violation of laws that forbid the use of force" which had "shaken the foundations of the international order".

A previous national security document in 2013 described China and Russia as strategic partners.

Japan's post-war constitution does not officially recognize the military and limits it to self-defence capabilities, though former prime minister Shinzo Abe expanded its role in 2015.

Polls suggest public opinion in Japan now broadly supports some form of further military expansion.

Mr Kishida's 2% of GDP figure coincides with a long-term target set by Japan's allies in the Western Nato military alliance in 2006.

While many Nato countries are still short of the target, Germany hopes to reach it in the next few years. The UK has surpassed it and is aiming to spend 3% of GDP on defence by 2030.
This probably will make North Korea and South Korea more nervous. As for China, Japan is just a dying country. It will bankrupt itself if it enters a serious military competition with China.

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#boycottamerica more disgusting ACCP sweatshops violating human rights and Hispanic forced labour genocide. Smh!
Not surprising, U.S. is the only country in the world that has not ratified the Convention on the Rights of Children.

Avoid Purdue University if you can.

The clowns are laying the groundwork for accusing China falsifying data later. They will be very disappointed.

No one should be surprised.

The 10 Stages of US Internet Censorship (and Torture)​

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Junior Member
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There’s a reason naive western women have India down as their “eat, pray, love” hoe phase in life- Instagram likes and they get to feel like a somebody as opposed to the wage slaves that they are back home in the west from thirsty sub 80 IQs even if it means risking rape.

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According to Bhadrakumar, Iran really fumbled the bag when it came to China- now the arabs have got the attention and patronage of Chinese capital.

This isn't a bad take and it illustrates a Western weakness. Since the Iran protests gathered such media attention, and Israel is such a critical partner, the West is finding it very difficult to engage with the Iranians in the obvious counter move, which would be to normalize relations with Iran and to build it up as opposition to the China-Saudi partnership. Reasonable geopolitics are, therefore, being compromised by the need to service liberal values. By contrast, China is free to pivot to either side as interests demand.

As for China's strategy, I think getting Saudi Arabia and Iran to play nice with each other is impossible, so China-Iran relations will take a hit from Xi's move to court the Kingdom. Nonetheless, Iran doesn't have many choices - its main patron, Russia, is too busy with the War in Ukraine to help much in a conflict. That leaves it vulnerable and provides an opening for a third party to step in. India would be the obvious candidate - if Modi was smart, he'd be courting Iran just about now. But assuming India doesn't step in, Iran's isolation will be profound and this will have consequences for the balance of power in the Middle East.

I still think China has a role to play in Iran and that Xi should be careful about getting too close to Saudi Arabia. The Arab world is more important than Iran, to be sure, but Saudi Arabia does still have relations with the US and will surely look to play the US against China, since the crown prince appears quite intelligent and understands his country's importance in the great game that is developing. Consequently, China should continue to try and keep Iran in its own court and away from the US and EU. The question is what China would be able to offer without compromising its over all strategy of engagement with the Arab world. Maybe civilian technology?


Senior Member
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And the Chinese neolib/neocons who ran there and are proud of it?

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The dream of every boba lib, all mate with white so that in 6 generations no trace of yellow peril slant eyeness remains.

Sometimes I really dont get how people get hooked so hard on stockholms syndrom...


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Senior Member
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The dream of every boba lib, all mate with white so that in 6 generations no trace of yellow peril slant eyeness remains.

Sometimes I really dont get how people get hooked so hard on stockholms syndrom...
Some people simply believe the only way to survive is to be slaves to another so they will no longer be hurt or threatened. Too bad they forget, slaves are not considered people by their master's standards and they will always receive the shit stick no matter how long time has passed. It will only get worst once said slaves become complacent from living with their masters for so long that they start to believe that they are in equal standing with their masters only to be reminded again of their standing. Just look at Japan/SK and the entire EU.


Senior Member
Registered Member
This isn't a bad take and it illustrates a Western weakness. Since the Iran protests gathered such media attention, and Israel is such a critical partner, the West is finding it very difficult to engage with the Iranians in the obvious counter move, which would be to normalize relations with Iran and to build it up as opposition to the China-Saudi partnership. Reasonable geopolitics are, therefore, being compromised by the need to service liberal values. By contrast, China is free to pivot to either side as interests demand.

As for China's strategy, I think getting Saudi Arabia and Iran to play nice with each other is impossible, so China-Iran relations will take a hit from Xi's move to court the Kingdom. Nonetheless, Iran doesn't have many choices - its main patron, Russia, is too busy with the War in Ukraine to help much in a conflict. That leaves it vulnerable and provides an opening for a third party to step in. India would be the obvious candidate - if Modi was smart, he'd be courting Iran just about now. But assuming India doesn't step in, Iran's isolation will be profound and this will have consequences for the balance of power in the Middle East.

I still think China has a role to play in Iran and that Xi should be careful about getting too close to Saudi Arabia. The Arab world is more important than Iran, to be sure, but Saudi Arabia does still have relations with the US and will surely look to play the US against China, since the crown prince appears quite intelligent and understands his country's importance in the great game that is developing. Consequently, China should continue to try and keep Iran in its own court and away from the US and EU. The question is what China would be able to offer without compromising its over all strategy of engagement with the Arab world. Maybe civilian technology?
Well, I feel like in this case Iran has only itself to blame - after signing that huge investment deal, everything kind of went silent and I think nothing major happened. Plus many Iranians were foaming about "increased Chinese influence" and bullshit like that, while Iranian government seemingly still hoped for rebalancing with the West and did not want to become too close to China. China basically said "OK" and went to another partner in the region.

Honestly, Iran just can't offer as much as Arabs in terms of influence, money and market potential - it has some tech but it is nothing groundbreaking or unique and dealing with Iran is harder due to sanctions. Them being Shiite is another downside from the geopolitical point of view because they are practically limited to Iran itself and Iraq, while the absolute majority of Muslims practice Sunni Islam including Indonesia and Malaysia. So when they start playing hard to get it is no surprise that countries start looking for other options in the region.

I doubt India will openly court Iran and worsen their relations with Arabs,
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which already damaged Indian image there.
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Registered Member
This map is a literal "tankie" dream. Europe should think about this map well. Going along with American anti-trade and ideological alignment nonsense may very well isolate Europe from most of humanity. The green part has a population above 6.5 billion and has been averaging higher GDP growth rates than the West for 40 years. Trying to keep the current skewed system is unsustainable, and weaponization of it will lead to the emergence of non-Western frameworks. In fact it already did with AIIB, BRICS, SCO, and similars.
View attachment 103482
Rule based world order vs based world order


Lieutenant General
There’s a reason naive western women have India down as their “eat, pray, love” hoe phase in life- Instagram likes and they get to feel like a somebody as opposed to the wage slaves that they are back home in the west from thirsty sub 80 IQs even if it means risking rape.

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According to Bhadrakumar, Iran really fumbled the bag when it came to China- now the arabs have got the attention and patronage of Chinese capital.
I don't read Indian Punchline so I don't know what's their position. Iran and India have good relations working against Pakistan and Afghanistan so I wouldn't be surprise if this is an attempt to sour relations between China and Iran. How about Russia and Saudi Arabia colluding against the US on oil prices? Shouldn't Iran stop selling arms to Russia for that...? I don't know what to think of Iranian people. I saw one of those YouTube videos asking what the people of this country thinks of people that country. This one was what Iranians think of Chinese. The majority were civil towards China but there was one guy who had very Western elitist superficial thinking who said that if they don't speak English then he didn't want to bother like speaking to Chinese people would be beneath him. Is the pro-West part of Iran I hear about?


Registered Member
Well, I feel like in this case Iran has only itself to blame - after signing that huge investment deal, everything kind of went silent and I think nothing major happened. Plus many Iranians were foaming about "increased Chinese influence" and bullshit like that, while Iranian government seemingly still hoped for rebalancing with the West and did not want to become too close to China. China basically said "OK" and went to another partner in the region.

Honestly, Iran just can't offer as much as Arabs in terms of influence, money and market potential - it has some tech but it is nothing groundbreaking or unique and dealing with Iran is harder due to sanctions. Them being Shiite is another downside from the geopolitical point of view because they are practically limited to Iran itself and Iraq, while the absolute majority of Muslims practice Sunni Islam including Indonesia and Malaysia. So when they start playing hard to get it is no surprise that countries start looking for other options in the region.

I doubt India will openly court Iran and worsen their relations with Arabs,
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which already damaged Indian image there.
To me it seemed like China has tried again and again to improve relations with Iran yet Iranian libs always try to keep their distance at the best of times and resort to outright racism at other times. Meanwhile they keep begging for acceptance the west even as west cancels oil contracts losing them billions, closes car companies throwing thousands out of work and even sends them HIV infected blood.

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Lieutenant General
San Francisco / Oakland is real life Grand Theft Auto. In general, it doesn't matter your color, you just get hunted like prey. They go for the old, the weak, the tourist, the oblivious.. Some are the crazy and some are the criminal enterprise. As an example, there are 400,000 SF resident. San francisco averages 2000-4000 car break-in a month lol

The real racism or screw up part is that Asians are 35-40% of san francisco but it has only 1 major that was asian , while there has been 2 black major but there is only a 5% black population! There is something sketchy going on in the political and government system, along with its inability to tackle these crimes.
Well partly that's because of how Chinese/Asians-Americans think. A lot of Chinese immigrants teach their children don't get involved in politics including voting. They're told to keep a low profile. Politicians in a democracy will give attention to those that vote for them. African-American and Latin-Americans are vocal and politically active communities. Asian-Americans aren't so who do you think politicians that want votes are going to gravitate to?

SF's Chinatown has a long history of being controlled by the pro-Taiwan Chinese. That's why Chinatown's notorious TRIAD history was aligned with the pro-Taiwan faction because not only did the TRIADS flee to Taiwan with the Nationalists, they were used by the pro-Taiwan faction to intimidate the Chinese community into not being political except for what they wanted. Taiwan sent assassins to kill Taiwanese-American journalists in the US that didn't write pro-Taiwan articles. That's why I don't believe Taiwanese care about democracy. Becoming democratic was only a tactic to have the West be obligated to protect Taiwan. It's probably no coincidence either that now the pro-Taiwan faction aren't as influential in the SF Chinese community anymore. It wouldn't look good if they were still intimidating people. But if you look at the Hong Kong pro-democracy activists, they will beat people who don't align with their views. All it says is that a lot Chinese who hide behind democracy don't care about the principles. They only know Americans and white people will like them if they do that..


Senior Member
Well, I feel like in this case Iran has only itself to blame - after signing that huge investment deal, everything kind of went silent and I think nothing major happened. Plus many Iranians were foaming about "increased Chinese influence" and bullshit like that, while Iranian government seemingly still hoped for rebalancing with the West and did not want to become too close to China. China basically said "OK" and went to another partner in the region.

Honestly, Iran just can't offer as much as Arabs in terms of influence, money and market potential - it has some tech but it is nothing groundbreaking or unique and dealing with Iran is harder due to sanctions. Them being Shiite is another downside from the geopolitical point of view because they are practically limited to Iran itself and Iraq, while the absolute majority of Muslims practice Sunni Islam including Indonesia and Malaysia. So when they start playing hard to get it is no surprise that countries start looking for other options in the region.

I doubt India will openly court Iran and worsen their relations with Arabs,
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which already damaged Indian image there.
I think its also because CPC is clearly aiming at the throat of petrodollar, and only saudi arabia as the largest oil producer accounting for 15% world total can help CPC accomplish that, iran won't be able to as they are under sanctions