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Well partly that's because of how Chinese/Asians-Americans think. A lot of Chinese immigrants teach their children don't get involved in politics including voting. They're told to keep a low profile.
I'll clip an excerpt from my own book:

Tina Chen, a history professor at the University of Manitoba and a member of Skate Canada: Chen noted that the collective, uniform depictions of Asian characters imagine Asian American bodies as hard-working sources of labor, that are over-disciplined and no longer have their unique emotions. Asian Americans, according to the media, are “willing to always work hard, and people are always going to keep them working hard,” Chen said. “There’s a comfort in the idea that you can really discipline certain people (such as Asian people), and they will do what you want them to do,” she explained.

Iris Chang writes that as a middleman minority, the Chinese diaspora finds it easier to achieve economic and professional success than to acquire actual political power in their adopted countries. The mass media have projected contradictory images that either dehumanize or demonize the Chinese, with the implicit message that the Chinese represent either a servile class to be exploited (eg office cubicle slaves), or an enemy force to be destroyed.

From page 160 of my book.
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I love how MSM is now targeting Elon with the same kind of petty criticism they used to reserve for Trump. When is he gonna get busted for eating three scoops of ice cream?

The EU is threatening to sanction Elon “very soon” for his banning of “journalists” who broke the rules by doxxing lol.


To me it seemed like China has tried again and again to improve relations with Iran yet Iranian libs always try to keep their distance at the best of times and resort to outright racism at other times. Meanwhile they keep begging for acceptance the west even as west cancels oil contracts losing them billions, closes car companies throwing thousands out of work and even sends them HIV infected blood.

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It's pretty much the same story as Russia, and it will take a more visionary leader than Iran currently has to pull it into the right direction.

Regardless, China is leaving all the doors open.


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Regardless, China is leaving all the doors open.
Absolutely. Iran is trapped in a hole and China is offering it a ladder out, but Iran thinks it's more important to dig itself deeper into the hole. That's perfectly fine and they're free to dig the hole as deep as they please. Should the day ever come when they decide to climb out of the hole, China will be there with its ladder.

Meanwhile, there's people all over the world scrambling to participate in China's development initiatives, so China has plenty busy itself with. It isn't waiting on Iran, but it might look down into the hole from time to time and ask, "You alright down there?"
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To me it seemed like China has tried again and again to improve relations with Iran yet Iranian libs always try to keep their distance at the best of times and resort to outright racism at other times. Meanwhile they keep begging for acceptance the west even as west cancels oil contracts losing them billions, closes car companies throwing thousands out of work and even sends them HIV infected blood.
It is much easier for Iranians to integrate into West and consider there success at people level it is logical they will look West. where do you think educated Iranian women want to study and work? Asia or West.
on other hand for Arabs except for Royal families connected business. there success at people level in western system is much less.
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I don't know whether it's a result of western propaganda, but the impression I get from Iran is that the state has insufficient ability to align citizen ideology with that of the government but has very strong state institutions that keep the government in power.

This results in an unstable government where the government is perpetually unpopular, yet there is no viable alternative. China has to be very careful about which areas and extent they work with Iran.


Registered Member
I don't know whether it's a result of western propaganda, but the impression I get from Iran is that the state has insufficient ability to align citizen ideology with that of the government but has very strong state institutions that keep the government in power.

This results in an unstable government where the government is perpetually unpopular, yet there is no viable alternative. China has to be very careful about which areas and extent they work with Iran.
The only surprise it is not much highlighted in Asia. Korean and Japanese firms will have same limitation. in order to attract best of Iranian work for them. They better open there development centers in West and integrate with Western Universities. Iranians professors and students can than find there way there. Iran is so far behind that no matter who invest in them. its high human capital will look down on them. it is very recently Russia manage to attract Iranian students in some numbers and some them participate in Open door Olympiad.