Like I said before, the US in downward spiral towards fascism. each administration is more hawkish, more pro war, more out of touch with reality than the one before. Think about it, Obama aka
"The Change" just out did Bush Jr in the Middle East in the number of interventions apart from starting the military Pivot to Asia that basically pushed China to accelerate the modernization of their military and changed China internal politics. Obama trade policies opened that door to Trump
Even under Trump aka
"Orange man", a man the democrats considered unhinge and mentally unstable, at least his chaotic administration tried to give reasons why Huawei and Jinhua was blacklisted, one for Iran and the other was for IP issues. AND EVEN THEN he try to negotiate with Xi in favor of his trade war. he did it with ZTE, something that wouldn't happen in today political climate.
With Biden aka
"Brandon" no only he did not negotiate on trade, war, technology and so, he has closed the door for negotiations, his sanctions no only hurts foreign companies but US companies as well, US tech-trade restrictions now make less sense than under Trump, that is a achievement on its own, the current administration is doing more harm to their on allies than with Trump, another achievement, US current industrial policies will hurt their own allies, the tech restrictions is going to hurt them as well, the US insistence on no negotiating with Russia over Ukraine is going the break Europe and he ended the Afghan war BUT this administration has cleared the path toward
big power conflict, a real shooting war with nuclear states.
I cannot image what is going to happen when a more hawkish Republican administration takes power.
Now those prepper videos are making more sense,
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