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Lieutenant General
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Europe didn't like Trump but they went along with what he wanted so don't expect the message to get through their thick elitist skulls anytime soon. Every time the West accuses China of spreading propaganda in the West, I have to laugh because Beijing doesn't get the culture. Beijing doesn't engaged in the kind of hyperbole that seeds doubt like the West does against China. Chinese are snobs too where "they don't want to go down to that level" or it's beneath civilized people which is a joke because the West thinks China does do that all the time and they certainly don't believe the Chinese are civilized.

There was a debate in this forum arguing what is propaganda and the West doesn't engage in it because they only tell the truth which is a lie in itself. The truth is the most powerful propaganda. For example Blinken's meeting with the Chinese in Alaska. The Chinese countered Blinken's statements in front of the press noting American's problem with racism pointing to real well known incidents. Blinken was panicked afterwards that he invited a UN official on human rights to investigate the US to counter and show China. Everyone in the world knows the US has a racism problem so why the panic displayed by the US? China doesn't usually do that in public in such a manner. Blinken was the one that in front of the media wanted to embarrass the Chinese and was surprised when the Chinese side called back the media to make their own statements about the US. You can tell from Blinken's face that he believed that wasn't suppose to happen and tried to get the media out of the room. See China can do the same but they don't. Why? Because the only thing left is they're afraid Americans/Westerners might get angry. They could care less if Chinese get angry when they do it to them. In fact, they see it as a sign of success and if Westerners think something they do is successful, they keep doing it.

The Chinese can start serving back right now but the problem is the West has trained their citizens well to not read or watch foreign media. Their media certainly won't show it. So how do the Chinese overcome that? Here's another problem with the Chinese. I've noted before in this forum how some Chinese think they can get racists to like them in a one to one manner that if racists personally got to know them, they would change their minds. That's because they want to be personally liked by people. The problem is they aren't thinking about stopping hate in general. They're just looking to get a certain group of people to like them. Look at Hong Kong activists hiding behind police brutality against China. Fighting against police brutality is suppose to be a universal value, correct? And that's what these Hong Kong activists were trying to exploit to get sympathy. But when George Floyd happened, their true colors came out because Hong Kong activists showed it wasn't about police brutality. They were just exploiting it to get sympathy from "white" Americans who are anti-China and not from a universal kinship over a fight against police brutality. The activists were more upset that George Floyd stole their thunder. Nothing universally about it. And of course some Hong Kongers saw correctly that it's white Americans they had to appeal to get America the nation to do things against China for them but it wasn't about anything universal and helping to serve all. That's why Asians are susceptible to being sycophants. Sycophants only think about themselves and no one else. Look at Harry Wu. He had no association with any Asian human rights groups. It was only about him and the Westerners who loved him. He didn't care about not having any sort of kinship with any other Chinese activists. He even tried to charge money to any Chinese activists he may have indirectly helped in his anti-China propaganda campaign. Look at all that truthful propaganda that China could use...

In part that's how Beijing thinks. Look at Xi scolding Trudeau at the G20 for revealing publicly discussions over a private conversation. I think Trudeau was a special case because Western leaders reveal publicly what conversations they had with other leaders all the time when it serves them to. Beijing thinks the only way you can solve problem with someone is to talk to them and only them directly about it. So how does China by-pass the Western media's control over information given to their own people and also Western citizens tendency not to read foreign media sources? You talk to third parties about it. Hong Kongers were such in a weak position that they opened themselves to looking racist because they were so focused on getting "white" Americans' attention and white America didn't like George Floyd. Like I've noted before in this forum, Americans that are for English only is not because they think having a common language is necessary for country's prosperity. It's because they think if two people that are communicating in a foreign language in front of them, they think they're talking and making fun about them personally. Ever wonder why when refugees from Southeast Asia came to the US, they spread them throughout isolated parts of the country. It's because they didn't want these refugees together to speak as block in a democracy. China talking to others about the West... that's going to get their attention. And all China has to do is talk about the truth and the truth is the most powerful propaganda. Members in here posted recently news of how the West is hiding that China has positive approval from 80% of the countries in the world. That frightens the West. Ever wonder how are there are countries in the world that have no history with China that hate China with a fervor. It's because the West talks negatively about China to them to get them to fear and have nothing to do with China. And no one notices how civilized China is because it doesn't engage in that kind of propaganda...


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That's why they want conflict in East Asia especially regarding taiwan so use that conflict to divide the world economy into two parts, west will force or by covert message will try to brings others in their camp. That's why USA is so much interested in taiwan & Asean. USA alllies will follow but they want more members especially a divided Asean who can choose USA over china, they succeeded in philippines case, work is going on in other States.
It's understandable to some f..d up scenario that U.S. being the hegemon wants to maintain it's predominant position in the world, but what's India and Indians like yourself contention with China? You want to hold a piece of disputed land that could have and should have been resolved amicably but unfortunately, you people seems to be infested with delusions of grandeur, since Nehru thought he could have both the support of the Soviets and U.S. in fighting against China. Not to mention that China was and still is severely underestimated militarily by India, as if your country gained her independence by beating and kicking out your lord and master the British. The British was simply too exhausted materiale wealth among other things to maintain her empire, least of all controlling their "crown jewel" the British India.

I have no idea why Indians love to boast on just about anything under the sun. It's one thing to be proud and confident about one's culture but what you practice along with the rest of your cohorts are extreme hubris.


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The handling of the Ukraine special operation and invasion of Russia by the EU has convinced me that these political elites have totally sold out the European sovereignty in exchange for security and economic interdependence with the U.S.

The decision was made in large part because of the unfortunate racist belief and biased against Russian supposed malevolence, revanchist and desire to supposedly re-established the glory of the Soviet empire. Then you have an absolute behemoth of an economic competitor that's not only alien to most Europeans in terms of culture, language, religion, and most of all political system.

The fact that China is being run by the "Communist" (which often invokes the dreaded past of Communism in Europe) makes it easier for the useless political bums in EU to demonize China, weaken the political leaders that have pragmatic views of the country which then hold more sway to the vast swathe of EU citizens who are just as racist if not more so compared to their American counterparts. As a result, we have political leaders leading Europe that are utterly clueless when it comes to picking the right strategic approach with China. They simply copy and paste the American formula with a much crappies result because they still somehow stupidly hold the arrogant views that they are coming from the position of strength.

I wasn't aware that Ursula Von Der lying alot and Michel (he/she/me/we) have a massive standing Army, Airforce, Navy, Space Command under their command. Europeans must learn to live with their new reality that what they thought was their eden was a jungle all along, populated by Americans, Russians, and increasingly the Chinese.
What I should have added with the above post that EU leaders, people are a bunch of spoiled, pampered babies who have gotten far too comfortable enjoying their high standards of living from the security protection provided for by the Americans. EU countries talk about a big game about their stupendous military when none exists, and most of the leading EU countries like Germany has an anemic and to be blunt, a pretty pathetic military that could even be used to defend the country, let alone be used to attack Russia or more absurd, China.

In my opinion, the EU folks are the original woke sort of people. Loves to peddle their mumbo jumbo human rights, liberal utopia but become super tribal a.k.a. racist when the hordes of African migrants, middle eastern migrants come knocking into their garden. What a joke of a continent. Two world wars and now this new war allowed to occur by the blithering nincompoop of Europe. People there loves to pontificate but never seek to actually learn the vital lessons of the catastrophic world wars.

The retarded and utterly reckless pronouncements that Russia deemed as a terrorist state and Putin a terrorist simply ludicrous and childish act by rudderless folks who loves to call themselves as leaders. They want to punish, humiliate Russia into utter submission and then what? Is the next Russian leader simply going to bend over backwards to his or her new masters? Or like Germany back in post WW1 would find itself seeking the leader to bring them out of the ashes of guilt, shame, and rearmed itself to the teeth seeking revenge on the same idiots and historically ignoramus Europeans.

As some say, history simply repeats itself, since most of us either refused to learn from our past, or assume that we're much more smarter, and much more capable than our fore fathers. The result thus far appears to indicate otherwise. Worst of all, we don't want to see the mushroom cloud as evidence of the monumental stupidity and hubris of our enlightened European neighbors.