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You miss the point. Rudd used to advocate engagement, and now he advocates full spectrum containment. The OP mentions the disappointment of this hawkish turn. While most inside the beltway has turned over the past few years, Rudd has tried to put up a semblance of neutrality and objectivity. Now he openly calls for the US and its allies to bully China, as the OP puts it.

I don't need an amateur geopolitical watcher such as yourself to tell me what the american perspective is since I'm from the US.
The average American doesn't know anything about geopolitics though. The average American adult has reading comprehension worse than their own 6th grade level, believes in angels and thinks the country was founded as a Christian theocracy (well, maybe this one isn't so wild).

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He was later exposed as two faced by domestic media when he called out China officials as rats for killing his climate change deal, behind closed door. But this story was not widely circulated internationally so it kinda passed by.
When was this? I have an impression of something like this happening, but I don't know the story. Wasn't he also a visiting prof at Peking U or Tsinghua at one point (though I can't date it from google)? I also don't think he was as hawkish before as he is now, at least out in the open. I'm surprised he's not hiding it anymore.


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The average American doesn't know anything about geopolitics though. The average American adult has reading comprehension worse than their own 6th grade level, believes in angels and thinks the country was founded as a Christian theocracy (well, maybe this one isn't so wild).
Very true. Most of them don't know where Ukraine or Taiwan is on a map.


Registered Member
There is overall a severe lack of moderating voices around Washington, so I guess another one turning hostile doesn't move the needle. In the grand scheme of things, the US will only be subdued with hard power.
There is a severe lack of moderating voices because the US-China rivalry is structural. Its a you lose / I win scenario. US hegemony requires a weak China.

Even the moderating voices have realised this which is why they have shut up about this. They can complain all they want but they know that in the room where decisions are made, they are nothing


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Dat face. Dat no-choice-but-work-with-China face