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Nothing strange with what he said. US' hegemony depends on Taiwan. China getting Taiwan would be catastrophic for the American Empire.

Any amateur geopolitical watcher will tell you that Rudd's talking points make sense when viewed from the American perspective
You miss the point. Rudd used to advocate engagement, and now he advocates full spectrum containment. The OP mentions the disappointment of this hawkish turn. While most inside the beltway has turned over the past few years, Rudd has tried to put up a semblance of neutrality and objectivity. Now he openly calls for the US and its allies to bully China, as the OP puts it.

I don't need an amateur geopolitical watcher such as yourself to tell me what the american perspective is since I'm from the US.


Registered Member
You miss the point. Rudd used to advocate engagement, and now he advocates full spectrum containment. The OP mentions the disappointment of this hawkish turn. While most inside the beltway has turned over the past few years, Rudd has tried to put up a semblance of neutrality and objectivity. Now he openly calls for the US and its allies to bully China, as the OP puts it.

I don't need an amateur geopolitical watcher such as yourself to tell me what the american perspective is since I'm from the US.
Rudd was always hawkish, he just hid it better when he was PM. The Chinese are not naive either, they know what Rudd is like.


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Australia Learns There’s No Replacement for the Chinese Consumer ..​

Jose Mourinho Reaction GIFs


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Rudd was always hawkish, he just hid it better when he was PM. The Chinese are not naive either, they know what Rudd is like.
It was alway obvious that Rudd is a stooge. But now I believe he is panicking given now Ukraine is on the verge of a game over and that really, if they think they can bully China into submission, when China has to capacity to send any nation lesser then the USA into the stone ages, well I invite them to be my guest, because this US supporter POS as in need of a reality check anyway. In the event that Russia and China does the duty of bring the US hegemony to its knees, I recommend knee caping all of the 5eye supporters painfully in order to ensure that they get the message that lies mean nothing in the face of reality. I had dreams that Australia will end up as a satellite state under Chinas control which is preferable to the USA becoming a destroyed state in the fullest of time, one must wonder if this white Australia belief is going to survive in the future when China and the rest of Asia and even Russia (should they really dominate the world) have every incentive to hunt down and physically rid the world of this white supremacy bullshit once and for all
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Kek, look at them working hard to create the right conditions
Nothing less than a formal government apology to Meng Wenzhou along with compensation as well as the Canadian government returning stolen Chinese company properties would suffice.
Lol. The Turks are reportedly blowing up the US oil fields in Northern Syria.

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Payback for the recent terrorist attack in turkey


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Rudd was always hawkish, he just hid it better when he was PM. The Chinese are not naive either, they know what Rudd is like.
Somewhat agree. To foreign audience, in the beginning when he got elected as PM, he was seen as some kind China relations expert with a non confrontational tone ( of course at that time, China aussie relations were good, pretty much close to peak before it went downhill and then crashing at late Obama, early trump era. With his diplomat background in China and speaking fairly decent mandarin by laowai standards, that interview of him in Mandarin got plenty views in China.
He was later exposed as two faced by domestic media when he called out China officials as rats for killing his climate change deal, behind closed door. But this story was not widely circulated internationally so it kinda passed by. At this point he was not hawkish though, I still reckon he was more interested in engaging China, he wanted Australia to be some kind of middle power, meditating China US influence. He slowly turned more anti China I believe after he left Aus politics to get the cushy job in US as Australia representative.

While he is not as anti China fanatic like Dutton or Morrison, he also certainly isn't in the pro China side like the retired PM, Paul keating.


Registered Member
You miss the point. Rudd used to advocate engagement, and now he advocates full spectrum containment. The OP mentions the disappointment of this hawkish turn. While most inside the beltway has turned over the past few years, Rudd has tried to put up a semblance of neutrality and objectivity. Now he openly calls for the US and its allies to bully China, as the OP puts it
And why do you care about a nobody?

Rudd wanted engagement. The US didn't care. Rudd now wants containment. The US doesnt care. His influence on US strategic matters is as much as yours or mine. He is irrelevant

I don't need an amateur geopolitical watcher such as yourself to tell me what the american perspective is since I'm from the US
Plenty of people who don't know their own country's geopolitical situation. A quick glance at social media would tell you that