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"Trust and Safety team" my foot. Call it what they are the Twitter "Censorship team". These people are not necessary. Users can already block someone else's tweets, as for the rest just come up with filter software just like we do for spam. The user should decide what they can read not Twitter.

Lol. The Turks are reportedly blowing up the US oil fields in Northern Syria.
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Figures. Trump wanted to pull out originally until they convinced him otherwise (Eastern Syria had oil). His original idea was correct.
I mean just look at a map. The place is in the middle of nowhere. Not a place for a naval power to fight in.

Here we go again. The desperation is setting in, they know that Ukraine is collapsing och they desperately need a false flag for NATO to enter this war.
According to six unnamed people?!
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Geez. Russia god rid of its chemical weapons a long time ago unlike the US. Which still clings on to them. The US said the same thing in Syria and Iraq. What they wanted was for those countries to get rid of their chemical weapons so they can have an easier time invading them. That is all. To this day this still claim claim Assad was using clorine, when in fact, who used clorine were the US "moderate rebels". Using industrial grade clorine they got. And right now in Ukraine the only ones who did chemical attacks were Ukraine by releasing ammonia from the pipeline network. As a response Russia cut the supply of ammonia which is used to make fertilizer to Ukraine.


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The Troubles v2?
lol, the UK is quickly falling appart, now they are resorting to Tyrannical means to keeps themselves going. V for Vendetta, here we come. UK, the consequences of your colonial days are now coming back to hit you in the nuts and China is going to finally have justice on one of the main culprits for the opium wars and 100 years of humiliation. Now all that is left is the Eagle (about to have its wings clipped) and the land of the rising sun (soon to be setting sun) and Chinas rise back to they original position in the world will thus be inevitable and no one will dare to look down on China ever again. Thus naughty little bast@Ed’s are going to get it


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Something quite amazing has just happened. Following the
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, Turkish authorities first declared that they
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. Then the Turks
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“. Turkey then claimed to have
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What is not mentioned in those articles is that the target of the Turkish strike was the US-run center for the training and education of PKK militants in Rojava. There are rumors that the Turks gave the US enough warning time to evacuate most of its personnel.

So, what do we have here? A NATO member state all but accused the US of a major terrorist attack against its capital city, and then that NATO member state openly attacked a US-run facility (let’s not call it a base, that would be inaccurate).
Somewhat agree. To foreign audience, in the beginning when he got elected as PM, he was seen as some kind China relations expert with a non confrontational tone ( of course at that time, China aussie relations were good, pretty much close to peak before it went downhill and then crashing at late Obama, early trump era. With his diplomat background in China and speaking fairly decent mandarin by laowai standards, that interview of him in Mandarin got plenty views in China.
He was later exposed as two faced by domestic media when he called out China officials as rats for killing his climate change deal, behind closed door. But this story was not widely circulated internationally so it kinda passed by. At this point he was not hawkish though, I still reckon he was more interested in engaging China, he wanted Australia to be some kind of middle power, meditating China US influence. He slowly turned more anti China I believe after he left Aus politics to get the cushy job in US as Australia representative.

While he is not as anti China fanatic like Dutton or Morrison, he also certainly isn't in the pro China side like the retired PM, Paul keating.
rudd is a wolf in sheep clothing. Nothing less.

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Dat face. Dat no-choice-but-work-with-China face
Chinese must treat germany warily as it is acting in bad faith.


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Nothing less than a formal government apology to Meng Wenzhou along with compensation as well as the Canadian government returning stolen Chinese company properties would suffice.

Payback for the recent terrorist attack in turkey
Canadian need to learn to keep up with their US masters, US fabricate half a dozen allegations every week without skipping a beat, report it as it is some kind of done and shut cases and then shuffle it behind the closet before anyone notices its lack of actual bite on closer inspection.

Yet, these Canadians couldn't coordinate enough to fabricate a simple "OMG Election Interference!!!111" allegation without tripping over themselves, absolute embarrassments to their Anglo heritage and tradition.


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Dat face. Dat no-choice-but-work-with-China face
On the other hand, it seems that some Europeans are waking up from their stupor:
Volkswagen Group will invest €2.4 billion ($2.47 billion) in the cooperation with Horizon Robotics.
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The Netherlands resists US call to ban more chip-making equipment sales to China, pledges to defend interests​

  • The European country is home to ASML, which dominates the market for deep ultraviolet lithography machines
  • ASML has not sold China more advanced extreme ultraviolet lithography machines because it has not been granted a license as the Netherlands faces US pressure
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EU will not follow US’ China policy, top diplomat says in fiery debate with lawmakers​

  • Josep Borrell distanced bloc from Washington’s broad push to ban export of high-end chips seen as attempt to cripple Beijing’s hi-tech sector
  • But some lawmakers voiced disappointment in the EU’s perceived softening approach, with one noting ‘low ebb’ in bilateral relations
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When you want to be racist towards Asians but have to do it carefully.
If you play politics too much before the game, you will lose.

China will import soybeans from Tanzania:

Kenyan's first female train driver:
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More mosques in China than McDonald's worldwide:

Today's fine example of hypocrisy in Western MSM:


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There are Filipinos who aren't brainwashed and can think critically...

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US Philippine bases spark protests as Kamala Harris visits Manila​

  • Demonstrators say they are worried that they are worried Washington will use the country as a ‘springboard’ to attack China
  • Washington has pledged to defend its ally, which has a long-running territorial dispute in the South China Sea

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For those who believes the American will build more bases in the Philippine, Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), which the US and the Philippines signed in 2014, would expire in 2023.

According to Ambassador Goldberg, the goal of the EDCA is to "promote peace and security in the region." While outlining new defense-cooperation measures, the agreement also allows for the United States to respond more quickly to environmental and humanitarian disasters in the region.
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Designed to supplement the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty and the 1999 Visiting Forces Agreement, the EDCA reaffirms mutual cooperation between the United States and the Philippines to develop their individual and collective capacities to resist armed attack by: improving interoperability of the two country's armed forces, promoting long-term modernization, helping maintain and develop maritime security, and expanding humanitarian assistance in response to natural disasters.
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The agreement allows for U.S. forces and contractors to operate out of "agreed locations," which are defined as: "facilities and areas that are provided by the Government of the Philippines through the
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(AFP) and that United States forces, United States contractors, and others as mutually agreed".
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The Agreement hands over all operational controls of these "Agreed Locations" to the United States, and allows U.S. forces to pre-position and store defense materiel, equipment, and supplies. The Agreement makes clear that this materiel cannot include nuclear weapons.

The EDCA is effective for an initial period of ten years, and thereafter, it shall continue in force automatically unless terminated by either Party by giving one year's written notice through diplomatic channels of its intention to terminate the agreement (Article XII, Sec. 4 of EDCA). While the US forces may exercise operational control, put troops and equipment, construct facilities, and be accommodated in certain agreed locations, the Philippines shall still retain ownership of the agreed locations (Article V, Sec. 1 of EDCA). Importantly, the United States is not allowed to establish any permanent military bases, and must hand over any and all facilities in the "agreed locations" to the Philippine government upon the termination of the agreement.
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The agreement also stipulates that the U.S. is not allowed to store or position any nuclear weapons on Philippine territory.
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