Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Ian Bremmer is a barbarian. This guy talks about how it was a mistake for which goes against democratic principles for the Democrats to donate money to MAGA Republicans during the primary election because they believe it would make it easier to win against them during the general election. But this very same guy who after hindsight advocated having some meaningless agreement with China on Afghanistan, who was not involved in Afghanistan, just so the US could blame China for the US's failure in Afghanistan. That's what's wrong with so-called American experts where they will blow with the wind when unforeseen new events around the world arise and then later their views have changed and they talk like their views are intellectual and stabilizing for the world. He was taunting a technological Cold War with China clearly believing with those that China couldn't do anything without the West as if the US would win and now not so much.


Lieutenant General
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FTX announces bankruptcy and gets “hacked” on the exact same day with more then $1 billion has already been stolen. I guess customers will now know they will receive $0 now instead of a portion of what they put in. Alongside employees who reportedly put in their life savings. These schemes would be rampant in China if they didn't slam an fist on them before it exploded in popularity.
Remember when the West was laughing at China banning crypto currencies...? It seems to have been mostly downhill ever since.


Registered Member
Hopefully they do, and as all these Chinese are being deported back to China and Gordon Change is feeling very White, they say to him 'oh no chinky, you too'.

I would pay my net worth to see Chang's (very white name) face in that moment
Is it deportation for Chang.... Or repatriation to receive his Friendship Medal and Hero of Socialist Labor title as Agent Zhang Jiadun?


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Registered Member
Is it deportation for Chang.... Or repatriation to receive his Friendship Medal and Hero of Socialist Labor title as Agent Zhang Jiadun?
Probably excommunicated after his poor performance over the last five years. At which point all the conservative and Epoch Times mongrels will descend upon him.



Registered Member
CEO took his private jet to Argentina. I guess he built a time machine to contact some of the Germans in 1945.

FTX has $50 billion in liabilities for comparison Enron had $23 billion as per CNBC.

Reuters is saying the CEO had his own personal back door to alter the company financial records including external auditors
Totally a CEO I would trust to hold my hard-earned money


Registered Member
Ian Bremmer is a barbarian. This guy talks about how it was a mistake for which goes against democratic principles for the Democrats to donate money to MAGA Republicans during the primary election because they believe it would make it easier to win against them during the general election. But this very same guy who after hindsight advocated having some meaningless agreement with China on Afghanistan, who was not involved in Afghanistan, just so the US could blame China for the US's failure in Afghanistan. That's what's wrong with so-called American experts where they will blow with the wind when unforeseen new events around the world arise and then later their views have changed and they talk like their views are intellectual and stabilizing for the world. He was taunting a technological Cold War with China clearly believing with those that China couldn't do anything without the West as if the US would win and now not so much.
After Zeihan geopolitical lessons one graduates into Ian Bremmers classroom on youtube university.
It's after a couple of years of Ian bremmer that one starts thinking wtf are those DC think tankers clowns talking about in public.


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Also interesting is that China has higher median wealth per adult than Europe although much lower mean wealth per adult due to Europe's high wealth inequality.

It is indeed interesting that in 2021, China had higher median wealth than Europe ($26,752 vs $26,690), and the trend of the gap will be wider over time, especially in 2022 due to Ukraine war



Registered Member
Meanwhile, the CEO of FTX little pet project called Alameda Research. FTX transferred $10 billion of customers funds to keep Alameda from going bankrupt. Only $1-2 billion is left on the books lmao.

FYI. They are also all dating each other according to the Media. Nepotism cracking up to the highest degree lol.
Least desperate simp

I would appreciate him far more if he gave all that money to charity instead