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Remember when the CIA-bots were mocking China for banning cryptocurrencies? Pepperidge Farm remembers..
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All of the West's demands of financial reforms in China is about being able to easily and freely move money in and out China like how the US and Great Britain knew something back during the 2008 Western Financial Crisis and pulled their money out putting European countries in a bind.


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I’m going to resist the temptation of succumbing to western journalistic autistim and schadenfreude by not making the point that these crashes symbolises the downfall of the anglos and the Anglo led west (and by implication, westerners must now kowtow to mighty China).

And I’m also going to resist the 4chan western glee that the American ww2 plan finally did a kamikaze on another ww2 plane as being some sort of karmic revival of the bushido samurai spirit of revenge, and i certainly would not post memes of American pilots going “BANZAIIIi!!!!”.
All of the West's demands of financial reforms in China is about being able to easily and freely move money in and out China like how the US and Great Britain knew something back during the 2008 Western Financial Crisis and pulled their money out putting European countries in a bind.
When Putin said the West have no principles, he left out that the ruling class of the Wesr have no principles and would happily betray and allow the financial collapse of their own homelands, hence the Kanye type conspiracy theories of a monied sect of people living as financial wandering parasites.
Ironically, this is how China uses the West against itself, using the greed of these monied elites to control and restrain the eschatological Red Team elements of the West, a true Chinese dynasticks ploy of using barbarian to control barbarian.
American lady: "is that meant to happen? IS THAT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN?"

Uh no.
Yes, just like in the movies, Tom Cruise is supposed to jump out and save those pilots.


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Washington Post: U.S. intel report says key gulf ally meddled in American politics

The United Arab Emirates steered U.S. foreign policy in its favor through a series of legal and illegal exploits, according to an unprecedented U.S. intelligence document.

U.S. intelligence officials have compiled a classified report detailing extensive efforts to manipulate the American political system by the United Arab Emirates, an influential, oil-rich nation in the Persian Gulf long considered a close and trusted partner.

Such a conclusion is contained in a report prepared by American intelligence agencies, the contents of which were disclosed to The Washington Post by sources who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with its contents.

According to these allegations, the UAE exploited the vulnerabilities of the American political system, including those related to the sponsorship of election campaigns and lobbying activities, in order to influence US foreign policy in its interests.

It is noted that the practice took place for a long time and covered several American administrations. The publication notes that the report of the special services is quite unusual,since it is about attempts to interfere in American politics by a country friendly to Washington.

At the same time, according to the newspaper's sources, some other activities of the UAE in the United States "more resembled espionage."

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