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I mean, why would Scholz endure all these political pressure back at home to make this trip, just so Macron can tag along and scoop up all the freebies without sticking his neck out.

Macron's presence would tremendously complicate the visit. Macron is actually head of state while Scholz is not, between the two China will have to give Macron preferential treatment. Having two people like that also sets the wrong tone as it feels like a gang trying to pressure China, instead of a one on one discussion between equal.

Of all the EU leaders Macron in many ways is the one best equipped for playing geopolitical games. He is the head of a P5 nation and alone wields the nuclear stick in EU. He actually has a non-negligible military backed by a fairly complete MIC unlike Scholz. Yet whenever he comes under a bit of pressure he does this:
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The Five Eyes steal his sub contract and he gets angry for like 3 days and back down. It's this aspect of him that I really dislike.
Macron did get the Aussies to cough up $800M in breakup fee.

Imagine Australia had picked the Soryus, let's see the Japanese throw the same hissy fit as the French did and tell the Aussies to pay up.


But Poems written during the Tang dynasty rhyme according to the dialect around Chang'an and Luoyang. Even after more than a thousand years, the dialects in Luoyang and Xi'an (Chang'an) are still far closer to the Tang dynasty pronunciation. Modern Cantonese is never that close.

So I couldn't imagine how the Tang poems sound better in a dialect that isn't even close enough to rhyme. I do realize that this kind of saying comes out only recently, say past 10 years. That makes me wonder if it is newly invented myth.

There are officially published rhyme books from Ming dynasty which was based on Song dynasties. The northern Song is in Kaifeng neighbouring Luoyang, the southern Song moved to Hangzhou (Zhejiang) south of Yangtze river. So all their phonology are from around Luoyang. To this day, people in Hangzhou city, Nanjing city can 90% understand people from Luoyang, Xi'an and Beijing in the north. While it is unintelligible between these regions and Canton. So you can imagine what dialect represent the Tang era more accurately today.

At the end of the day, those poems have endured throughout the ages because they both sound beautiful regardless of what dialect the reciter is using.


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What we know now as Mandarin is not the same as what was spoken before. As a matter of fact, the current iteration of Mandarin stems from Middle Mandarin which was developed during the Ming dynasty. The Hongwu emperor wanted to standardize the way the government officials spoke since there were too many dialects being used. So we really don’t know what dialects were taken in consideration when the Tang poems were written.

Finally for the smoothness and rhyme aspect, that’s relative. It sounds nice and rhyme-like to some but that doesn’t mean it sounds good to others. For example, in regards to Cantonese, I mean no offense but to me it sounds like a bunch of ducks quacking over bread. I guarantee you that Cantonese speakers will have an observation of modern Mandarin that is similar in nature. Nonetheless, my point still stands: it’s all relative and based on personal preference.
As I understand Hokkien is very similar to what was spoken during Tang and Song dynasties due to migration, wars and unrests. Eastern China in those periods were undeveloped and sparsely populated compared to Chang'an and surrounding regions i.e. today's Xi'an.

Expeditions were sent and wars were fought to pacify the east such that over time more people began settling there, bringing their languages and cultures to the region. When Tang fell, even more people fled to the eastern and southern regions. Decades of instability that followed meant most didn't return to Central China until Song was established.

Similar happenings with Song as it fell to the Mongols, forcing the imperial court south along with most of the populace.

So today's Hokkien shares more similarities with ancient Tang and Song 'official speech' mixed with local East and South Chinese dialects; whereas what's being spoken in the central provinces today is more their own distinct dialects that had developed over the centuries since, as the official Tang and Song speech became extinct in those parts in later dynasties.

At least that's what I had learned from my reading of Chinese history.


The whole 10 minute segment was for melissa chan to get her NED paycheck. 90% that blue check boba will marry a non-chinese speaker and demand their kids only speak/learn english to fully melt into western society. Also as a journalist that supposedly report news and "muh freedom of speech/thought" but only let selected people that she follow to post replies.

How many people in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand speak native languages? All four are English settler countries that had indigenous peoples as a majority initially.

To be the lackey of the U.S. and keeps antagonizing China won't help the U.K. the least bit.

Bank of England expects UK to fall into longest ever recession​

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I guess some European commentators are disappointed about Scholz's visit.

Accusing "the government control of TikTok and associated security risks" is the first step in America's attempt to either banning TikTock or forcing a sale of it, exactly like what they did to Toshiba and Alstom.
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How many people in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand speak native languages? All four are English settler countries with indigenous people as the majority initially.

To be the lackey of the U.S. and keeps antagonizing China won't help the U.K. the least bit.

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I guess some European commentators are disappointed about Scholz's visit.

Accusing "the government control of TikTok and associated security risks" is the first step in America's attempt to either banning TikTock or forcing a sale of it, exactly like what they did to Toshiba and Alstom.
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Don’t know about you Noah but staying employed is a pretty effing powerful shared value, at least among those of us who work honest jobs and worry about keeping our family fed and clothed.
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Anti-immigrant, anti-African migrants French MP who is supposed to be of right wing flavour threw a "Go back to Africa" line to his fellow French parliamentarian, who happens to be of African heritage. He, like twisted pretzel tried to distance his remark aimed against migrants overflowing from Africa not at his fellow French politician.

Question: What do people like this anti-immigrants and not just anti-African think of the supposed genocide being committed against Chinese Uyghurs? Would they support an exodus of those minorities to settle into their country and European countries at large? if not, why not? What sort of practical solutions are they offering on the table that could be tangibly applied for those supposed oppressed people in China if not for resettlement and accommodation of their Islamic customs and practices which have already unsettled most of the French republic and other EU countries like Sweden, Germany, just to name a few.

Western people on both sides of the political spectrum are beyond irritating with their false allegations, criticisms against anything, and everything China, and it has nothing to do with China being run by the CPC. The animus against China is that it refuses to do the bidding of the west, by the west, and for the west. They have destroyed countries in the middle east, but have accepted none of the consequences but rather expects the rest of the world to shoulder the majority of the burden and suffering they helped created in the first place by assisting their grand daddy, the U.S.A.



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I've been trying to learn chinese. I few years ago I attended a local Confucius Institute but life and the pandemic got in the way and didn't move beyond the basics about who is a teacher, student, who likes noodles and who doesn't drink tea.

Been trying to pick it up again with Duolingo and ChinEasy but is there any other resource out there to learn, particularly the tones and the whole Z, C, S, Q issue?
Try online hsk1-6, you can find pdfs of the course materials and opt for 1 on 1 zoom sessions when the material begins to get harder to retain