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50 billion reasons why Kazakhstan has turned away from Russia. Seems like a good reward

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Kazakhstan Signs Deal to Make Hydrogen at a $50 Billion-Plant​

  • Output of Svevind’s plant seen equivalent to 20% of EU imports
  • Europe could start receiving Kazakh green hydrogen by 2030
Kazakhstan plans to start producing green hydrogen via a $50 billion project by the end of the decade to help Europe to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Svevind Energy Group, the company behind Europe’s largest wind farm in Sweden, signed an agreement with Kazakhstan’s government to build a 20 gigawatt green hydrogen plant that is expected to be one of the world’s largest, the company said on Thursday. The electrolysers will be able to produce up to 2 million tons of green hydrogen per year from 2032, the equivalent to about one-fifth of the EU target for imported green hydrogen in 2030.
The initial financing for the investment will be provided by Dresden, Germany-based Svevind as project developer and talks are underway to secure additional financial partners for the long term investment.

The project will start producing hydrogen as early as 2030 and reach full capacity around 2032.
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50 billion reasons why Kazakhstan has turned away from Russia. Seems like a good reward

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Hydrogen, is an overhyped commodity. It neither has the energy density and economy of scale to compete with natural gas, nor is hydrogen fuel-cell technology more efficient than batteries. Hydrogen has plenty of uses, but in the alternative energy field, it is among the weakest of candidates. It takes more energy to produce hydrogen with electricity than the energy that could be extracted from that produced hydrogen. Even if that electricity is produced from renewable sources, that electricity is much better off being used directly in the grid than to create hydrogen for burning. Burning green hydrogen is a net-loss endeavor. From an economic and scientific standpoint, it makes little sense.

This is yet another Western desperate pipe dream about weaning itself from Russian cheap energy.

This DW video explains the hydrogen hype quite well:


Registered Member
Hydrogen, is an overhyped commodity. It neither has the energy density and production to compete with natural gas, nor is hydrogen fuel-cell technology more efficient than batteries. Hydrogen has plenty of uses, but in the alternative energy field, it is among the weakest of candidates. It takes more energy to produce hydrogen with electricity than the energy that could be extracted from that produced hydrogen. Even if that electricity is produced from renewable sources, that electricity is much better off being used directly in the grid than to create hydrogen for burning. Burning green hydrogen is a net-loss endeavor. From an economic and scientific standpoint, it makes little sense.

This is yet another Western desperate pipe dream about weaning itself from Russian cheap energy.

This DW video explains the hydrogen hype quite well:
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These slimeballs want to use Kazakhstan to drive a wedge between Russia and China.

And maybe because they envy the beauty of Kazakhstan people

Kazakhstan is a gateway for Muslim terrorists to enter Xinjiang.

Funny that these Kazakhstan posts came as I'm watching a Kazakh wrestling match on OnHockey.TV before the KHL ice hockey match in Kazakhstan (Barys Astana). I really sense Satanism exists, everything is happening with great coincidence in my life.

I suppose Liz Truss, with her excellent grasp of geography, could be next Prime Minister of UK
My prediction for Truss Fund also came true.
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Looks like a full on inter oligarch war is coming soon to US...

Someone talked earlier about Elon's prolific bootlicking of the state department. Perhaps, it was so frantically done because Elon needed to prove himself equally capable as the elite families that traditionally control America.
Bro from our experience here in the Philippine, when one of the oligarch break ranks, it will cascade and let to a revolution. That is the reason why the deep state is so concern, the next step will be an armed insurrection occupying one of the cities that will led to people power revolution.


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These slimeballs want to use Kazakhstan to drive a wedge between Russia and China.

And maybe because they envy the beauty of Kazakhstan people

Kazakhstan is a gateway for Muslim terrorists to enter Xinjiang.

Funny that these Kazakhstan posts came as I'm watching a Kazakh wrestling match on OnHockey.TV before the KHL ice hockey match in Kazakhstan (Barys Astana). I really sense Satanism exists, everything is happening with great coincidence in my life.
The Western slimeballs have tried as recently as January this year to launch a Syria-style Salafist 'color revolution'. It failed spectacularly. They have tried to organize colour revolutions in the other Central Asian nations, but those also either failed, or succeeded, but didn't produce nearly the desired effect.

Russia will never allow Kazakhstan to become a puppet of the West. Ukraine was the last straw. Furthermore, China and Russia are Kazakhstan's biggest neighbours and trading partners. The cultural connection that Kazakhstan shares with both Russia and China is much deeper than the West could ever appreciate. The West is nowhere near enough to help Kazakhstan if it ever has trouble with its two biggest neighbours. Hence, Kazakhstan has no real incentive to pick a fight with both of them to gain the West's favour. If forced to choose, Kazakhstan will always pick Russia and China over the West.

Sure, Kazakhstan may want to sign some deals with Western nations. But that does not mean that Kazakhstan is pivoting away from Russia and China. If a Swedish firm wants to invest $50 bil into Kazakhstan to build a sacred cow project, it is not wrong to just take the money. Its jobs, technology, and FDI. Russia and China couldn't give a damn if the Western Europeans want to waste money in Kazakhstan over some pipe-dream. It'll still benefit Russia, China, and Kazakhstan in the end.

Nevertheless, if the West tries again to export color revolutions and Salafi Jihad into Kazakhstan. Then there is always the CSTO and the Russian VDV on-standby, as has been demonstrated in January this year.
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