Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Concur. If China wants to promote Chinese culture, it's better to do so via entertainment media. Frankly, a game like Genshin Impact has done more to promote Chinese culture in the last 2 years than these Confucius Institutes ever will lol:

Exporting quality movies, TV dramas and videogames is the best strategy imo.
Afaik these institutes are some Hu Jintao era relics that provide very little value for anyone. Entertainment export is far better and has been gaining ground the last 5 years.

But Xi should not let the opportunity go to waste, if Sunak intends to close these independent volunteer programs based on nothing but xenophobia, China can ban UK "non" government organizations that have a real harmful effect on the Chinese people.

A good trade.


Registered Member
Afaik these institutes are some Hu Jintao era relics that provide very little value for anyone. Entertainment export is far better and has been gaining ground the last 5 years.

But Xi should not let the opportunity go to waste, if Sunak intends to close these independent volunteer programs based on nothing but xenophobia, China can ban UK "non" government organizations that have a real harmful effect on the Chinese people.

A good trade.
The Confucius institutes are like British Council and provide Chinese language education just like British Council promotes English. They 100% work - but as a vehicle of teaching Chinese language and administering HSK tests. The programs replacing them have all been either Taiwanese or foreign military sponsored. It is foolish to allow enemies to teach your language, as then it will solely be taught in a negative way. See HK classes.


Registered Member
The Confucius institutes are like British Council and provide Chinese language education just like British Council promotes English. They 100% work - but as a vehicle of teaching Chinese language and administering HSK tests. The programs replacing them have all been either Taiwanese or foreign military sponsored. It is foolish to allow enemies to teach your language, as then it will solely be taught in a negative way. See HK classes.

Sinophobia and racism against Chinese origin is okay with kind-hearted humane right liberals


My prediction was correct: Indians now declaring they have achieved reverse colonialism.

By next Deepavali, we Indian patriots will have much to celebrate. We will have colonized our former colonizer, Great Britain. Jai Hind.
Maybe Indians have better communication and PR skills than Chinese. Ethnic Chinese have a much harder time to rise to such prominence (CEOs and government leaders) in the west.

Lol beating a dead horse must be anglos hobby, they keep saying for years that China gonna take over siberia lmao, the desperation are unreal, logically speaking why in the hell would China choose to invade eastern russia over taiwan? Taiwan is a magnitidue easier to conquer that invading russia, who has nuclear weapons
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I guess that someone's wet dream is to have a nuclear exchange between Russia and China. On the other hand, when was the last time ethnic Chinese really lived in Siberia in history? Never

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Who said that Saudis Arabia doesn't have nuclear weapons
One picture is worth one thousand words.

China is undergoing the revolutions of renewable energy and NEV. Yet the U.S. decides to keep mired in the quicksand of the Middle East. It's obvious who represents the future and who stays in the past.

An excellent article about Western propaganda against China:

How Western media manufactures consent for new cold war on China​

The Western media is waging a systematic propaganda campaign against China, to manufacture consent for the US-led new cold war. We debunked many of the lies and misleading claims spread by the press.
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Registered Member
What on earth is going on in the House of Cards Washington politics today? It's like the intelligence apparatus have couped the civilian leadership and threatening them with blackmail material if they don't heel.
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Lmao. Those progressive warmongers were simply testing the waters. They are getting obliterated in the mid terms no matter what they try.


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Influenza and RSV making a new family.

Lol. On an unrelated story, there was a story not that long ago about a San Diego school being 40% absent over RSV.

It's more of a wonder that anybody could think this was a surprise given that viral infections can occur concurrently and genetically mix especially if they infect the same types of cells.


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As I said, MBS is waiting for the moment the US strategic reserve runs out
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I don't see how that's a problem. Let the Yanks run their reserves dry. OPEC can just cut output by another 1m barrels per day to offset the dumping.

This is like watching a guy pouring on a dried-up patch of dirt with a jug of water while you're sitting next to your pool and be like: "How's the watering going?"


Registered Member
Concur. If China wants to promote Chinese culture, it's better to do so via entertainment media. Frankly, a game like Genshin Impact has done more to promote Chinese culture in the last 2 years than these Confucius Institutes ever will lol:

Exporting quality movies, TV dramas and videogames is the best strategy imo.
I think is unlikely to learn Chinese by just playing a videogame, in the same way I think unlikely to learn Japanese by just watching Anime as much weebs think they will do.

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